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Streņču Šaha meistara Pētera Graves atceres turnīrs 10.09.2011.

Last update 11.09.2011 11:01:23, Creator/Last Upload: savieniba

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Final Ranking crosstable after 8 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts. TB1  TB2 
1GMShirov Alexei2713ESP 14w1 15b1 5w1 10b1 3w1 6b1 2w0 9b1732,534
2GMMiezis Normunds2564LAT 18w1 8b1 13w1 3b½ 6w½ 10b1 1b1 4w½6,53331
3IMNeikšāns Arturs2610LAT 49b1 21w1 16b1 2w½ 1b0 17w1 9b1 6w½630,529
4FMKantāns Toms2452LAT 28w1 20b½ 10w0 18b1 19w1 16w1 11b1 2b½62826
5MPutka Verners2451LAT 44b1 22w1 1b0 23w1 17b1 9w0 15b1 10w1627,527
6IMBērziņš Rolands2499LAT 32b1 11w1 12b1 9w½ 2b½ 1w0 22b1 3b½5,531,528
7MKVisockis Jānis2230LAT 41b1 17w½ 9b0 34w1 36b1 11w0 30b1 18w15,52423,5
8MKLaizāns Aivars2112LAT 42b1 2w0 32b1 36w0 30b½ 38w1 31b1 16w15,52122
9MMustaps Matīss2406LAT 38w1 19b½ 7w1 6b½ 12w1 5b1 3w0 1w0532,527
10MDaudzvārdis Jānis2270LAT 36b1 24w1 4b1 1w0 22b1 2w0 23b1 5b0530,527
11MKStrumpe Andis2150LAT 27w1 6b0 18w½ 20b1 13w1 7b1 4w0 12b½53023,5
12MKKoops Māris2269LAT 43w1 25b1 6w0 14b1 9b0 24w1 16b½ 11w½527,524,5
13MKārklins Imants2376LAT 30b1 23w1 2b0 22w0 11b0 43w1 36b1 24w1523,521
14IBirģelis Jānis1953LAT 1b0 50w1 31b1 12w0 26b1 23w0 37b1 22w1523,520
15MKAgafonovs Jurijs2200LAT 50b1 1w0 49b1 24w1 16b0 36w1 5w0 25b152323
16MMakovskis Georgijs2323LAT 39w1 35b1 3w0 25b1 15w1 4b0 12w½ 8b04,52925
17ISaksis Ivo2043LAT 40w1 7b½ 20w1 19b1 5w0 3b0 18w0 33b14,528,523,5
18IGercāns Visvaldis1950LAT 2b0 42w1 11b½ 4w0 41b1 21w1 17b1 7b04,52819
19MKMelderis Uldis2077LAT 29b1 9w½ 21b1 17w0 4b0 31w0 32b1 30w14,52520,5
20MKJēkabsons Ivars2100LAT 47b1 4w½ 17b0 11w0 44b1 30w0 34b1 23w14,52318,5
21WIMDolgova Olga2206RUS 37w1 3b0 19w0 27b½ 33w1 18b0 42w1 35b14,52317,5
22MKLīgats Jānis2102LAT 33w1 5b0 28w1 13b1 10w0 25b1 6w0 14b0428,522
23MKKoops Jānis2087LAT 26w1 13b0 39w1 5b0 43w1 14b1 10w0 20b0426,521
24MKSeļivanovs Anatolijs2046LAT 46w1 10b0 33w1 15b0 39w1 12b0 26w1 13b0425,520
25MKRutina Ineta2041LAT 31b1 12w0 48b1 16w0 37b1 22w0 27b1 15w042420
26IRattasep Ulev1850EST 23b0 30w1 34b0 28b1 14w0 49w1 24b0 37w142216
27IPlitnieks Jānis1886LAT 11b0 32w0 45b1 21w½ 34b½ 39b1 25w0 36w1421,514,5
28ISenkāns Antons1944LAT 4b0 47w1 22b0 26w0 29b1 37w0 45w1 31b142114
29IŠmits Gundars1850LAT 19w0 38b½ 37w½ 39b0 28w0 47w1 43b1 41b141812,5
30IFedorovičs Vladimirs1938LAT 13w0 26b0 42w1 40b1 8w½ 20b1 7w0 19b03,526,516
31IISavickis Māris1750LAT 25w0 43b1 14w0 38b½ 35w1 19b1 8w0 28w03,52416,5
32IMarkuss Viktors1950LAT 6w0 27b1 8w0 33b½ 38w0 40b1 19w0 42b13,523,513,5
33IAuniņš Ainārs1858LAT 22b0 44w1 24b0 32w½ 21b0 41w1 39b1 17w03,521,514,5
34MKSkuja Harijs2030LAT 48w0 37b½ 26w1 7b0 27w½ 42b½ 20w0 46b13,520,514
35MKBondars Guntars2043LAT 45b1 16w0 36b0 41w½ 31b0 50w1 38b1 21w03,51915,5
36IPetrovs Aleksandrs1919LAT 10w0 46b1 35w1 8b1 7w0 15b0 13w0 27b032818
37IZvans Māris1899LAT 21b0 34w½ 29b½ 49w1 25w0 28b1 14w0 26b032414,5
38IVidriķis Ansis1943LAT 9b0 29w½ 41b½ 31w½ 32b1 8b0 35w0 40b½322,513,5
39ILiecis Raimonds1932LAT 16b0 45w1 23b0 29w1 24b0 27w0 33w0 47b132213
40IKoemets Aivar1843EST 17b0 41w½ 44b½ 30w0 49b½ 32w0 50b1 38w½316,511
41ITamanis Anzelms1914LAT 7w0 40b½ 38w½ 35b½ 18w0 33b0 44b1 29w02,521,511
42IMesters Jānis1872LAT 8w0 18b0 30b0 50w1 48b1 34w½ 21b0 32w02,521,510,5
43IMuižarājs Uldis1918LAT 12b0 31w0 47b1 48w1 23b0 13b0 29w0 45w½2,52111,5
44IKļaviņa Ilga1943LAT 5w0 33b0 40w½ 46b1 20w0 45b0 41w0 49w12,518,59
45IBodnieks Niko1843LAT 35w0 39b0 27w0 47w1 50b0 44w1 28b0 43b½2,517,58,5
46IZaķis Jānis1850LAT 24b0 36w0 50b½ 44w0 47b0 48w1 49b1 34w02,514,58
47IBriede Jevgeņija1850LAT 20w0 28b0 43w0 45b0 46w1 29b0 48w1 39w0218,56
48IISuursoo Villem1750EST 34b1 49w0 25w0 43b0 42w0 46b0 47b0 50w1214,59
49IBlaubergs Dzidris1951LAT 3w0 48b1 15w0 37b0 40w½ 26b0 46w0 44b01,5209
50IMikijanska Vera1888LAT 15w0 14b0 46w½ 42b0 45w1 35b0 40w0 48b01,5197

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Fide Tie-Break