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Campionat de Catalunya 2021 Sub8

Darrera actualització29.03.2021 18:01:58, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Manuel Navarro Perez

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Taula creuada de classificació final després de 8 rondes

OrdreNomElo1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts. Des1  Des2  Des3 
1Bru Montoya Pau1474 15w1 6b1 2w1 3b1 4b1 7w1 5w1 11b1832,542,538,5
2Arjona Bereza Roman1383 30b1 14w1 1b0 15w1 3b0 6w1 8b1 7w1629,54037,5
3Iglesias Pau Nil1245 26b1 13w1 19b1 1w0 2w1 5b0 14w1 4b16294037
4Villa Peiro Joan1393 34w1 11b+ 8b1 5b1 1w0 13b1 15w1 3w0628,537,536,5
5Ruiz Servent Marti1432 22b1 17w1 7b1 4w0 6b½ 3w1 1b0 16w15,5304138
6Fonoll Plaza Roger1265 16b1 1w0 26b1 24w1 5w½ 2b0 10b1 13w15,5273835
7Puignero Garcia Anton1324 9b1 10w1 5w0 14b1 18w1 1b0 13w1 2b05294137
8Srimal Escolano Leonardo1316 33b1 23w1 4w0 10b0 20w1 18b1 2w0 15b15253331
9Garcia Corpas Nicolas1248 7w0 32b1 27w1 13b0 17w1 15b0 22w1 14b152229,527
10Hernandez Martinez Pol1215 27w1 7b0 17b1 8w1 13w0 11b½ 6w0 19b14,52735,532,5
11Llobet Planes Jordi1264 24b1 4w- 13w0 29w1 30b1 10w½ 12b1 1w04,52434,532
12Muntan Carmona Tomeu1320 19b½ 16w0 22b1 18b0 23w1 20b1 11w0 24w14,5223027
13Muñiz Lloris Hugo1320 31w1 3b0 11b1 9w1 10b1 4w0 7b0 6b0430,53936,5
14Serradell Muñoz Silvia1265 20w1 2b0 16b1 7w0 24b1 19w1 3b0 9w04283734
15Ribas Anguita Joan Miquel1291 1b0 33w1 23b1 2b0 25w1 9w1 4b0 8w0427,537,535,5
16Jordana Nagera Miquel1334 6w0 12b1 14w0 17b0 28w1 25b1 18w1 5b042533,530,5
17Ortega Campallo Davidq1300 18w1 5b0 10w0 16w1 9b0 27b1 19w0 25b1424,53330
18Linares Miralles Nuria1125 17b0 21w1 29b1 12w1 7b0 8w0 16b0 26w1424,532,529,5
19Fontanet Tomas Unai1242 12w½ 28b1 3w0 25b½ 27w1 14b0 17b1 10w04233229
20Garcia Gavalda Roger1324 14b0 22w½ 28b1 26w1 8b0 12w0 21b½ 23w1421,529,526,5
21Martin Montaño Laia1292 25w0 18b0 31w½ 23w½ 33b½ 28b1 20w½ 22b1418,524,522,5
22Perez Monakhov Andres1280 5w0 20b½ 12w0 31b½ 26b1 24w1 9b0 21w0323,531,529
23Puerto Fernandez Alan1116 32w1 8b0 15w0 21b½ 12b0 29w½ 27w1 20b0322,53027,5
24Konieczny Cardus Jan1324 11w0 34b1 25w1 6b0 14w0 22b0 31w1 12b032228,527,5
25Chavarria Llambrich Paula1100 21b1 29w½ 24b0 19w½ 15b0 16w0 33b1 17w03222826
26Sanchez Gomez Aram1324 3w0 31b1 6w0 20b0 22w0 34w1 30b1 18b0321,528,527,5
27Ivanov Simon1312 10b0 30w1 9b0 33w1 19b0 17w0 23b0 32b1320,527,525,5
28Gomez Codina Mariona1218 29b½ 19w0 20w0 32b1 16b0 21w0 34b1 30w½3202524
29Clerc Oceane1312 28w½ 25b½ 18w0 11b0 31w½ 23b½ 32w½ 33b½3182523
30Rius Lleixa Roc1276 2w0 27b0 32w½ 34b1 11w0 31b½ 26w0 28b½2,5192625
31Vargas Ordoñez Sofia Paloma1238 13b0 26w0 21b½ 22w½ 29b½ 30w½ 24b0 34w½2,518,523,522,5
32Izquierdo Ruiz Aran1292 23b0 9w0 30b½ 28w0 34b½ 33w1 29b½ 27w02,516,522,521,5
33Sola Fosch Jordi1220 8w0 15b0 34w1 27b0 21w½ 32b0 25w0 29w½219,525,524,5
34Mauri Colome Pau1276 4b0 24w0 33b0 30w0 32w½ 26b0 28w0 31b½116,52422

Desempat1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)