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Manche qualificative championnat Suisse 2021 U10

Die Seite wurde zuletzt aktualisiert am 28.03.2021 16:58:25, Ersteller/Letzter Upload: Club d'échecs de Payerne

Suche nach Spieler Suchen

Tabelle nach Startrang

Nr.NameEloLand1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdRg. Wtg1  Wtg2  Wtg3 
1Federer Colin1715SUI 34s1 20w1 18s1 6w0 22s1 2w½ 8s155,530,5190,5
2Pfaltz Maximilian1548SUI 35w1 23s1 25w1 7s½ 5w1 1s½ 6s11632,5203,5
3Begdullayev Tamerlan1492SUI 36s1 24w1 47s1 8w1 6s0 12w1 5s09528202,5
4Ghisla Ireneo1479SUI 37w1 25s0 29w1 27s1 7w0 49s0 40w121428,5188,5
5Ingielewicz Tomasz1465SUI 38s1 26w1 48s½ 12w1 2s0 54w1 3w145,532202,5
6Saminskij Jan1465SUI 39w1 27s1 49w1 1s1 3w1 7s½ 2w035,533195,5
7Aeschbacher Dimitri1439SUI 40s1 28w1 54s1 2w½ 4s1 6w½ 62s12631213
8Chockalingam Vishak1421SUI 41w1 31s1 62w1 3s0 25w1 13s½ 1w0164,528,5189,5
9Domschke Mischa1325SUI 42s1 47w0 66s1 31w1 24s1 62s- 49w½194,524,5195
10Speerli Maria1301SUI 43w1 49s0 31w0 11s0 42w1 44s1 55w130421174,5
11Berenguier Maxime1291SUI 44s1 48w0 28s½ 10w1 18s0 35w1 26s1174,526178
12Chavy Maxime1281SUI 45w1 55s1 65w1 5s0 49w1 3s0 25w110528196,5
13Sutter Julian1272SUI 46s1 54w0 32s1 48w1 40s1 8w½ 18s165,528196
14Cavigelli Jonas1266SUI 47w0 65s0 43w1 45s1 46w1 48w½ 54s0353,522,5184,5
15Michlmayr Teo1252SUI 48s0 42w1 33s1 35w1 54s½ 18w0 63s1184,525183,5
16Cavadini Alice1234SUI 49w0 43s1 35w0 46s0 44w0 51s0 56w159217,5153
17Parmelin Axel1232SUI 50s1 62w0 40s0 52w1 38s1 58w1 22s028422,5178,5
18Jordan Christina1231SUI 51w1 63s1 1w0 47s½ 11w1 15s1 13w0154,529182
19Gregor Elena1228SUI 52s1 66w0 50w1 49s0 55w1 27s1 29w112522,5179
20Pfaltz Niklas1217SUI 53w1 1s0 55w1 57s1 62w0 29s0 59w040326,5179,5
21Oppenhoff Ben1205SUI 54s0 44w1 58s1 40w0 57s1 24w1 48s023425,5188,5
22Cavadini Tommaso1200SUI 55w0 45s1 53w1 63s1 1w0 59s1 17w111524,5175,5
23Huber Eric1200SUI 56s1 2w0 60s1 54w0 58s0 46w½ 35s1363,522,5173,5
24Wilhelm Marco1199SUI 57w1 3s0 59w1 65s1 9w0 21s0 58w038329170,5
25Krokowski-Bednarz Leon1186SUI 58s1 4w1 2s0 66w1 8s0 40w1 12s020430,5196,5
26Prunescu Darisie1173SUI 59w1 5s0 57w0 53s½ 65w1 47s1 11w0323,526180,5
27Nikolaisen Nora1159SUI 60s1 6w0 64s1 4w0 66s1 19w0 57s124425,5170,5
28Posch Jonas1148SUI 61w1 7s0 11w½ 62s0 53w1 63s0 47w1313,526,5180,5
29Dueck Sebastian1110SUI 62s0 46w1 4s0 50w1 60s1 20w1 19s025424176
30Malkhasyan Gohar1085SUI 63w0 50s0 44w0 64w1 52s1 45s1 65w047317,5157
31Begdullayeva Karina1058SUI 64s1 8w0 10s1 9s0 59w0 50w1 66s041325,5162,5
32Speerli Carmen1025SUI 65w0 51s1 13w0 55s0 43w1 57w0 50s144321,5161,5
33Aragonda Sahasra0SUI 66s0 52w1 15w0 59s0 45w0 43s1 42w146318,5166
34Berset Joshua0SUI 1w0 53s0 63w0 43s0 51w0 56s1 41w161216,5148,5
35Boivin Rémi0SUI 2s0 56w1 16s1 15s0 63w½ 11s0 23w0522,524164,5
36Borer Bent0SUI 3w0 57s0 45w0 51s1 61w1 55s0 44w057222157,5
37Caccamo Francesco0SUI 4s0 58w0 46s0 42w0 56s1 52w1 60s150316,5160,5
38Casucci Luana0SUI 5w0 59s0 51w1 61s1 17w0 65s0 45w142325,5160,5
39Coletta Lauranne0SUI 6s0 60w0 52s0 56w1 64s1 66w0 61s060217,5152,5
40Davis Lev0SUI 7w0 61s1 17w1 21s1 13w0 25s0 4s037330,5182,5
41El Meligy Salma0SUI 8s0 64w0 56s1 58w0 50s0 61w0 34s065117,5139
42Engulatov Yann0SUI 9w0 15s0 61w0 37s1 10s0 64w1 33s055224,5138
43Friedmann Alexandra0SUI 10s0 16w0 14s0 34w1 32s0 33w0 64s064119,5133,5
44Glandy Arthur0SUI 11w0 21s0 30s1 60w0 16s1 10w0 36s145321,5151,5
45Heinrich Dean0SUI 12s0 22w0 36s1 14w0 33s1 30w0 38s054224,5158,5
46Holzinger Elena0SUI 13w0 29s0 37w1 16w1 14s0 23s½ 53w1343,524153,5
47Kasper Anna0SUI 14s1 9s1 3w0 18w½ 48s0 26w0 28s0512,530186,5
48Kumar Shreyank0SUI 15w1 11s1 5w½ 13s0 47w1 14s½ 21w17530189
49Madhavan Kailash0SUI 16s1 10w1 6s0 19w1 12s0 4w1 9s½144,530,5175
50Mahapatra Samyakk0SUI 17w0 30w1 19s0 29s0 41w1 31s0 32w056223151
51Meichsner Orell0SUI 18s0 32w0 38s0 36w0 34s1 16w1 52s148317,5155
52Muenzer Natalie0SUI 19w0 33s0 39w1 17s0 30w0 37s0 51w063123132,5
53Neacau Radu0SUI 20s0 34w1 22s0 26w½ 28s0 60w1 46s0532,522,5166
54Pahud Kylian0SUI 21w1 13s1 7w0 23s1 15w½ 5s0 14w1134,532,5186,5
55Pinelli Gian0SUI 22s1 12w0 20s0 32w1 19s0 36w1 10s039327166
56Pinelli Leandra0SUI 23w0 35s0 41w0 39s0 37w0 34w0 16s066016132
57Pycke Benjamin0SUI 24s0 36w1 26s1 20w0 21w0 32s1 27w043322,5176
58Rolland Colyn0SUI 25w0 37s1 21w0 41s1 23w1 17s0 24s129422,5164
59Sahakyan Stella0SUI 26s0 38w1 24s0 33w1 31s1 22w0 20s127423,5175,5
60Scheiffele Anton0SUI 27w0 39s1 23w0 44s1 29w0 53s0 37w058222150
61Schmid Haiko0SUI 28s0 40w0 42s1 38w0 36s0 41s1 39w149316,5164
62Tang Evan0SUI 29w1 17s1 8s0 28w1 20s1 9w+ 7w08529,5183,5
63Varghese Vivan0SUI 30s1 18w0 34s1 22w0 35s½ 28w1 15w0333,525163
64Wyss Anina0SUI 31w0 41s1 27w0 30s0 39w0 42s0 43w162216147,5
65Yakushev Nils0SUI 32s1 14w1 12s0 24w0 26s0 38w1 30s126424170
66Zvoristeanu Remo0SUI 33w1 19s1 9w0 25s0 27w0 39s1 31w122426164,5

Wtg1: Spielepunkte der einzelnen Spieler dieser Mannschaft
Wtg2: Buchholz (variabel)
Wtg3: Summe Buchholzwertungen variabel