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2021 O2C Doeberl Cup Major

Last update 05.04.2021 05:48:31, Creator/Last Upload: alanachibnall

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Siow-Lee Dylan1479AUS 18b1 31w1 38b½ 12w1 13b1 6w1 2w½62332,527,75
2Brady Aiden1773AUS 85b1 7w1 10b½ 53w1 5b1 21w1 1b½622,529,524,00
3Testolin Ryder1772AUS 16w1 4b1 13b0 50w1 49w1 17b1 9w1621,530,526,00
4Lee Lachlan1534AUS 77b1 3w0 18b1 46w1 38b1 22w1 6b1620,528,522,50
5He Zhi Yu (Paul)1559NZL 27w1 34b1 41w1 8b½ 2w0 51b1 7b15,521,530,522,00
6Dai Cheng1851AUS 72w1 17b1 14w1 9b1 21w1 1b0 4w052432,520,50
7Scott Ridley1643AUS 35w1 2b0 32w1 27b1 39w1 8b1 5w0522,532,521,00
8Odenthal Aidan1934AUS 75b1 20w1 22b1 5w½ 10b½ 7w0 23b1522,530,520,25
9Melamed Daniel1831AUS 69b1 26w1 40b1 6w0 14b1 10w1 3b052230,519,50
10Cheng Chao Xin1520AUS 61w1 33b1 2w½ 51b1 8w½ 9b0 22b15213019,50
11Pearce Tim1715AUS 54b½ 60w1 23b½ 16w0 58b1 25w1 21b151825,517,50
12Zafirakos Jesse1827AUS 52w1 49b½ 56w1 1b0 15w½ 57b1 28w1517,526,516,75
13Lane Ryan1958AUS 29w1 81b1 3w1 21b0 1w0 20b½ 40w14,5223017,75
14Gao Arthur1678AUS 37w1 39b1 6b0 24w1 9w0 42b½ 41w14,520,52917,25
15Lovejoy David1674AUS 59b1 24w1 21b0 19w½ 12b½ 38w1 18b½4,520,528,517,50
16He Zhi Cheng (Caleb)1542NZL 3b0 82w1 33w1 11b1 17w0 41b½ 44w14,520,52815,75
17Peramunetilleke Seth1682AUS 45b1 6w0 59b1 62w1 16b1 3w0 19b½4,5202915,75
18Ho Lachlan1725AUS 1w0 80b1 4w0 70b1 48w1 49b1 15w½4,5192712,75
19Anup Kumar S.1808IND 25w0 85b1 52w1 15b½ 40w1 28b½ 17w½4,51924,514,00
20Setiabudi Allen1707AUS 80w1 8b0 45w1 23b0 65w1 13w½ 42b14,5182513,75
21Vincent Alaina1832IND 68w1 57b1 15w1 13w1 6b0 2b0 11w042230,514,50
22Rupasinghe Sayum1717AUS 43w1 65b1 8w0 30b1 23w1 4b0 10w0421,530,514,50
23Atia Ben1478AUS 44w½ 78b1 11w½ 20w1 22b0 36b1 8w04212814,75
24Chugunov Vladimir1840AUS 30w1 15b0 57w1 14b0 68w1 29b½ 37w½419,526,513,50
25Lim Denise1606AUS 19b1 38w0 27w0 78b1 33w1 11b0 57w14192613,50
26Johnson Harry1682AUS 62w1 9b0 42w½ 35b1 51w½ 39b½ 32w½418,526,514,25
27Zoud Badar1780AUS 5b0 66w1 25b1 7w0 50b½ 55w½ 54b141826,513,00
28Morris Byron1708AUS 53w½ 50b½ 43w½ 37b1 56w1 19w½ 12b04182614,00
29Radisich Matt1677AUS 13b0 73w1 67w1 39b0 43b1 24w½ 31b½4182512,50
30Brown Jordan1647AUS 24b0 70w1 64b1 22w0 31b½ 34w½ 51w14182412,00
31Barakat Martin1804AUS 50w½ 1b0 44w½ 52b1 30w½ 56b1 29w½417,526,513,25
32Karattiyattil Bazli1816AUS 48b1 40w0 7b0 47w½ 69b1 54w1 26b½417,52512,75
33Courtney Michael J1746AUS 73b1 10w0 16b0 71w1 25b0 58w1 55b141724,511,00
34Johnston Thomas1769AUS 66b1 5w0 50b0 63w1 30b½ 53w141624,512,50
35WFMSetiabudi Megan1838AUS 7b0 55w½ 72b1 26w0 45b½ 76w1 52b1415,522,510,50
36CMDavis Tony J1797AUS 71b½ 56w0 60b1 43w½ 76b1 23w0 49b14152111,00
37Xing Zerui1377AUS 14b0 84w1 77b½ 28w0 74b1 67w1 24b½41520,59,00
38Meldrum George W1789AUS 86w1 25b1 1w½ 49b½ 4w0 15b0 48w½3,5212811,25
39Xu Ruofan1823AUS 76b1 14w0 47b1 29w1 7b0 26w½ -03,520,527,511,50
40Li Oliver1667AUS 42w1 32b1 9w0 41b½ 19b0 45w1 13b03,5202812,25
41Kumar Viney1805AUS 55b1 47w1 5b0 40w½ 54b½ 16w½ 14b03,51927,512,00
42Fox Dominic1887AUS 40b0 76w1 26b½ 58w½ 53b1 14w½ 20w03,51824,510,75
43Young Micah1463AUS 22b0 74w1 28b½ 36b½ 29w0 77w1 46b½3,5182410,25
44Huey Toby1725AUS 23b½ 54w0 31b½ 69w½ 47b1 50w1 16b03,517,524,511,75
45Hu Yifei1415AUS 17w0 -1 20b0 81b1 35w½ 40b0 68w13,51723,59,00
46Beare Nick1714AUS 65w1 4b0 55w½ 53b½ 43w½3,516,525,511,25
47Ingham Glenn1649AUS 67w1 41b0 39w0 32b½ 44w0 83w1 66b13,516,5229,00
48Dahal Rajan1623NEP 32w0 67b0 83b1 77w1 18b0 64w1 38b½3,515218,25
49White Henry1626AUS 64b1 12w½ 54b1 38w½ 3b0 18w0 36w03202910,25
50WCMAnton Sarah1575AUS 31b½ 28w½ 34w1 3b0 27w½ 44b0 60w½319,528,511,50
51Guo Jamie-Lee1867AUS 84b1 63w½ 58b1 10w0 26b½ 5w0 30b031925,57,50
52Rathinalingam Nethaji1633AUS 12b0 83w1 19b0 31w0 59b1 62w1 35w0318,5257,50
53Wang Eason1447AUS 28b½ 71w1 63b1 2b0 42w0 46w½ 34b031826,59,25
54Dawson Hamish1461AUS 11w½ 44b1 49w0 63b1 41w½ 32b0 27w03182610,75
55Zhao Chen Winston1593AUS 41w0 35b½ 61w1 46b½ 27b½ 33w03182510,25
56Van Sebille Sulia1510AUS 78w½ 36b1 12b0 59w1 28b0 31w0 61b½318259,50
57Xu Rudy1667AUS 83b1 21w0 24b0 79w1 62b1 12w0 25b031723,56,50
58Retnaraja Ethan1550AUS 82b1 51w0 42b½ 11w0 33b0 78w1316,5237,25
59Brack Johannes1903GER 15w0 68b1 17w0 56b0 52w0 84b1 71b1315,5216,00
60Zhu Harvey1431AUS 11b0 36w0 83w½ 77b½ 74w1 50b½31521,57,50
61Archer Saffron1760AUS 10b0 69w½ 55b0 70w1 65b½ 56w½314,521,57,75
62Gao Daniel Danning1420AUS 26b0 75w1 81w1 17b0 57w0 52b0 83b1314,520,56,00
63Rumley William1683AUS 70b1 51b½ 53w0 54w0 34b0 73w½ 79b1313,519,56,75
64CMRussell Paul1820AUS 49w0 86b1 30w0 68b0 80w1 48b0 76w1313185,00
65Jayaratne Asanka Dilan1510SRI 74b1 22w0 46b0 82w1 20b0 61w½ -02,516,522,55,50
66Staak Eric1537AUS 34w0 27b0 84b1 74w½ 72b1 -0 47w02,516,521,54,75
67Rewais Sarwat1841AUS 47b0 48w1 29b0 76w0 75b1 37b0 69w½2,516227,25
68Canfell Mike J1635AUS 21b0 59w0 73b1 64w1 24b0 71w½ 45b02,515,5226,75
69CMBuciu Aurel-John1501AUS 9w0 77w½ 61b½ 44b½ 32w0 78b½ 67b½2,515226,50
70Li Yuze (Ethan)1423AUS 63w0 30b0 -1 18w0 61b0 81b1 72w½2,514,5215,25
71Guo David1567AUS 36w½ 53b0 78w½ 33b0 81w1 68b½ 59w02,514,520,56,25
72Tokarz Michal1655AUS 6b0 35w0 86b1 66w0 79w½ 70b½2,514204,50
73Dingley Justin1501AUS 33w0 29b0 68w0 84w½ 82b1 63b½ 75w½2,513,518,54,75
74Glissan Paul1752AUS 65w0 43b0 85w1 66b½ 37w0 60b0 84w12,513,518,53,50
75Duncan Matthew1675AUS 8w0 62b0 67w0 80b1 73b½2,513205,75
76Trewin Samuel1626AUS 39w0 42b0 80w1 67b1 36w0 35b0 64b0217234,50
77Papadakis Jim1767AUS 4w0 69b½ 37w½ 48b0 60w½ 43b0 82w½216,5245,50
78Wan Dennis1751AUS 56b½ 23w0 71b½ 25w0 79b½ 69w½ 58b0215215,00
79Hsu Darien1437AUS 81w0 -1 -0 57b0 78w½ 72b½ 63w0213194,75
80Juszczynski Mathew1436AUS 20b0 18w0 76b0 85w1 64b0 75w0 86w121318,52,00
81Vander Wal Fritz W1708AUS 79b1 13w0 62b0 45w0 71b0 70w0 85b1212,5183,00
82O`Donoghue Malachi1779AUS 58w0 16b0 86w½ 65b0 73w0 -1 77b½211,5172,50
83Dick David W.1883AUS 57w0 52b0 48w0 60b½ 86w1 47b0 62w01,515,5202,50
84Badrinarayan Siddhant1666AUS 51w0 37b0 66w0 73b½ 85b½ 59w0 74b0114191,75
85Gillard Jason1542AUS 2w0 19w0 74b0 80b0 84w½ 86b½ 81w0112191,00
86Andrew Christopher-Jack1562AUS 38b0 64w0 82b½ 72w0 83b0 85w½ 80b0110,5151,25
87Priest Tim1750AUS -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0012,517,50,00
Kiripitige Chathula1634AUS -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0012,517,50,00

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable