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Latvijas 2021. gada 1/2 fināls -U-12

Last update 19.03.2021 14:15:06, Creator/Last Upload: Riga Chess federation

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1IValdats Reinis1442LAT 37b1 21w1 14b1 5w0 4b1 12b1 9w1 16b0 7w17247,5501321
2IRezniks Roberts1391LAT 29b1 3w1 28b1 17w0 10b1 5w0 14b0 18w1 4b16844,548,51238
3IJakubsevicus Raimonds1381LAT 43w1 2b0 34w1 22b1 9w0 48b1 10w1 7b½ 5w16,5442,5461281
4IHarlamovs Daniils1267LAT 7w0 19b1 33w1 24b1 1w0 46b1 8w1 12b0 2w051744461178
5IKrakops Martijs1253LAT 20w1 9b1 8w1 1b1 12w0 2b1 16w0 17w1 3b06551,556,51294
6IILapins Rainers1194LAT 17b½ 26w0 21b1 13b+ 8w0 41w1 15b1 22w0 33b½52038,542,51015
7IVarpins Kristians1184LAT 4b1 12w0 29b1 10w0 35b1 42w1 28b1 3w½ 1b05,51144,5481220
8INazarovs Daniils1120LAT 42b1 41w1 5b0 18w½ 6b1 17w0 4b0 35w1 27b15,5133942,51159
9IPrudnikovs Stefans1112LAT 32b1 5w0 25b1 28w1 3b1 18w1 1b0 14w1 16w06648,5521247
10IYovanovich Victor1096LAT 40w1 16b0 15w1 7b1 2w0 13b1 3b0 29w1 28b051644,548,51154
11IParhomenko Igors1078LAT 13w0 29b0 31b½ 42w0 45b1 38b0 -1 19w1 44b14,5262525,5962
12IFreibergs Filips1075LAT 35w1 7b1 13w1 16b1 5b1 1w0 17b0 4w1 22b1734750,51352
13IIDabolins Davis1041LAT 11b1 48w½ 12b0 6w- 25b1 10w0 41b0 43w- 38b13,53438,541,51036
14IAleksejevs Daniils1022LAT 47w1 22b1 1w0 26b1 46w1 16b0 2w1 9b0 17b1674547,51230
15IIBogdanovs Aleksandrs0LAT 18b1 28w0 10b0 47w1 22w½ 24b½ 6w0 31b1 48w04283941,5989
16IIDorofejevs Demids0LAT 25b1 10w1 46b1 12w0 17b1 14w1 5b1 1w1 9b18146491462
17IIGreiskans Anrijs0LAT 6w½ 23b1 27w1 2b1 16w0 8b1 12w1 5b0 14w05,5104852,51197
18IIHops Roberts0LAT 15w0 38b+ 39w1 8b½ 26w1 9b0 48w½ 2b0 21w151839,5431078
19IILiepins Henrijs0LAT 41b0 4w0 37b1 25w½ 27w0 20b0 31w0 11b0 -12,5423334,5792
20IIMaksimovs Arturs0LAT 5b0 42w0 -1 38b½ 43w1 19w1 25b1 27b0 34w15,51531331075
21IINovikovs Aleksandrs0LAT 31w1 1b0 6w0 39b0 44b1 29w0 47w1 25b1 18b043234,5361028
22IIOzolins Kristaps0LAT 33b1 14w0 32b1 3w0 15b½ 26b1 27w1 6b1 12w05,51242461155
23IIPodgornijs Bogdans0LAT 34b1 17w0 42b1 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -024435,538,51125
24IIPogrebnojs Damirs0LAT 44b1 46w0 41b½ 4w0 36b1 15w½ 42b1 33w0 32b152333,5351073
25IIPurins Edvards0LAT 16w0 31b1 9w0 19b½ 13w0 36b1 20w0 21w0 45b13,5353636,5937
26IISavickis Nikita0LAT 27w½ 6b1 48b1 14w0 18b0 22w0 39b½ 42w1 41b04274044981
27IIVidrusks Arturs0LAT 26b½ 36w1 17b0 41w0 19b1 34w1 22b0 20w1 8w04,52437391013
28IIVidrusks Jekabs0LAT 38w1 15b1 2w0 9b0 39w1 33b1 7w0 48b1 10w16941,544,51212
29IIICirulis Marcis0LAT 2w0 11w1 7w0 40w1 42b0 21b1 46w1 10b0 39w043037,540,51040
30IIICugainovs Renats0LAT 36b½ -0 -0 -1 -0 -0 -0 -0 -01,54730,5330
31IIIDemidovs Mihails0LAT 21b0 25w0 11w½ 43b½ 40b1 39w0 19b1 15w0 35b½3,53831,533,5929
32IIIFreibergs Darts0LAT 9w0 45b1 22w0 33b0 47w- 40w1 38b1 46b1 24w043135,5361014
33IIIGrzibovskis Kirils0LAT 22w0 -1 4b0 32w1 34b1 28w0 35b1 24b1 6w½5,51437,5411101
34IIIKotovs Ilja0LAT 23w0 43b1 3b0 44w1 33w0 27b0 37w½ 38w1 20b03,5363536,5962
35IIIPuzulis Martins0LAT 12b0 37w1 44b1 46w0 7w0 47b1 33w0 8b0 31w½3,53734,536962
36IIITisens Tamirs0LAT 30w½ 27b0 38w1 48b0 24w0 25w0 43b- -0 -01,5463234,5807
37IIITolmacevs Ruslans0LAT 1w0 35b0 19w0 45b1 38w0 44w1 34b½ 40w0 42b02,54328,529883
38IIIVinogradovs Artemijs0LAT 28b0 18w- 36b0 20w½ 37b1 11w1 32w0 34b0 13w02,5413537,5874
39IVEglitis Kristaps0LAT 48w0 47b1 18b0 21w1 28b0 31b1 26w½ 41w½ 29b15223638,51043
40IVLejnieks Karlis Alberts0LAT 10b0 44w0 43w1 29b0 31w0 32b0 45w1 37b1 47w14332727,5968
41IVShalashov Mikhail0LAT 19w1 8b0 24w½ 27b1 48w0 6b0 13w1 39b½ 26w152138401082
42IVVenckus Marks Gustavs0LAT 8w0 20b1 23w0 11b1 29w1 7b0 24w0 26b0 37w14293840,5999
43Gavrass Maksims0LAT 3b0 34w0 40b0 31w½ 20b0 45w1 36w+ 13b+ 46w14,5253131,5952
44Jakovlevs Arturs0LAT 24w0 40b1 35w0 34b0 21w0 37b0 -1 47b0 11w02452931688
45Nikitins Vladimirs0LAT 46b0 32w0 47b0 37w0 11w0 43b0 40b0 -1 25w014827,528210
46Olshevskis Aleksejs Jans0LAT 45w1 24b1 16w0 35b1 14b0 4w0 29b0 32w0 43b033939,540907
47Pokatovs Kirills0LAT 14b0 39w0 45w1 15b0 32b+ 35w0 21b0 44w1 40b03403131,5810
48Sokolovs Maksimilians0LAT 39b1 13b½ 26w0 36w1 41b1 3w0 18b½ 28w0 15b151939,542,51090

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Performance (variable with parameter)