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Latvijas 2021. gada 1/2 fināls -U-08

Last update 19.03.2021 14:15:20, Creator/Last Upload: Riga Chess federation

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1IIBeniosev Daniel0LAT 5b½ 11w1 30b1 3w0 17w1 21b1 9b1 2w0 4w16,5347,551,51166
2IIFilipovs Sergejs0LAT 20b1 32w1 9b0 10w1 21b1 5w1 3b1 1b1 7w18147,550,51351
3IIIvulans Patriks0LAT 17w1 8b1 4w0 1b1 6w1 32b1 2w0 5w0 30b16545,549,51125
4IIIBodaks Maksimilians0LAT 26b1 15w1 3b1 5w0 30b1 9w0 7b0 6w1 1b0594649,51043
5IIIDmitrijevs Naums0LAT 1w½ 13b1 23w1 4b1 9w1 2b0 32w1 3b1 31w06,5447,550,51166
6IIIGuminskiy Gregory0LAT 14b1 30w0 20b1 15w1 3b0 7w0 26b1 4b0 21w04183942957
7IIILahs Olivers0LAT 31b1 9w0 14b0 19w1 8w1 6b1 4w1 29b1 2b06742,545,51125
8IIISemjonovs Bogdans0LAT 33b1 3w0 15b0 12w1 7b0 20w1 14b1 17w0 26b042036,539,5957
9IIISuharevs Ivans0LAT 24b1 7b1 2w1 21w1 5b0 4b1 1w0 30w1 17b17247491220
10IVAbols Ernests0LAT 18b1 21w0 19w1 2b0 13w1 25b1 30w0 32b0 28w151338411043
11IVAlans Ignats0LAT -0 1b0 -1 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -013332340
12IVBuncuks Marks0LAT 21w0 17b½ 16w1 8b0 28w0 18b1 25w1 33b1 32w04,51634361000
13IVFrolovs Bruno0LAT 19b1 5w0 31b0 20w1 10b0 26w0 23b0 27w0 24w13273537875
14IVKalinins Kristofers Aleksandrs0LAT 6w0 33b1 7w1 32w0 23b1 29b0 8w0 19b½ 25w03,5233538920
15IVLarmanis Tomass0LAT 22w1 4b0 8w1 6b0 25w0 28b+ 21w0 24b1 29w04213537913
16IVLitajevs Igors0LAT 32b0 31w0 12b0 18w1 26b0 22b0 24w0 -1 -022933,535691
17IVSmolakovs Deniss0LAT 3b0 12w½ 26b1 27w1 1b0 33w1 29w½ 8b1 9w051241441043
18IVTavars Frenks0LAT 10w0 22b0 33w0 16b0 -1 12w0 27b1 20w½ 23b13,52628,530,5859
19IVVoitovs Adrians0LAT 13w0 -1 10b0 7b0 24w+ 23w+ 31b0 14w½ 33w14,51733,536,5807
20IVVoitovs Arturs0LAT 2w0 24b1 6w0 13b0 22w+ 8b0 28w0 18b½ 27w13,52532,534,5859
21Aliev Iskander0LAT 12b1 10b1 29w1 9b0 2w0 1w0 15b1 31w0 6b15104649,51043
22Buls Emanuels0LAT 15b0 18w1 32b- 23w0 20b- 16w1 33b- -0 -023129,531,51000
23Grigorjevs Aleksandrs0LAT 25w0 27w1 5b0 22b1 14w0 19b- 13w1 28b0 18w032833,536,5913
24Grinmans Eitans0LAT 9w0 20w0 27b0 26w0 19b- -1 16b1 15w0 13b023229,531691
25Nazarovs Marks0LAT 23b1 29b0 28w1 31w0 15b1 10w0 12b0 26w0 14b14193740,5957
26Noreikis Konstantīns0LAT 4w0 28b0 17w0 24b1 16w1 13b1 6w0 25b1 8w151531,533,51043
27Pavlovs Jegors0LAT 29w0 23b0 24w1 17b0 -0 -0 18w0 13b1 20b02303032842
28Ribalko Mihails0LAT 30b0 26w1 25b0 33w0 12b1 15w- 20b1 23w1 10b042234,537,51000
29Savins Semjons0LAT 27b1 25w1 21b0 30w0 33b½ 14w1 17b½ 7w0 15b151435381043
30Spiridovskis Leonels0LAT 28w1 6b1 1w0 29b1 4w0 31w1 10b1 9b0 3w051145491043
31Strekalovs Ernests0LAT 7w0 16b1 13w1 25b1 32w0 30b0 19w1 21b1 5b16838401125
32Vilskersts Ernests0LAT 16w1 2b0 22w+ 14b1 31b1 3w0 5b0 10w1 12b16643,545,51095
33Zemerovs Arons0LAT 8w0 14w0 18b1 28b1 29w½ 17b0 22w+ 12w0 19b03,5243336859

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Performance (variable with parameter)