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2021 BC Open - Premier

Last update 22.02.2021 02:31:07, Creator/Last Upload: brendanw

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Final Ranking crosstable after 6 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1WU Jonathan1819CAN 25w1 23b1 15w1 4b1 3w1 6b160231624
2KING Harvey2133CAN 43b1 4w0 21b1 20w1 24b1 9w150201484
3GELINAS Justin1419CAN 16b1 5w½ 44b1 30w1 1b0 13w14,5023,51725
4JASPAL Harleen Singh1512CAN 27w1 2b1 34w1 1w0 13b½ 22b14,50231727
5HANRAHAN Nigel (float)1606CAN 10w1 3b½ 30w1 14w14,50221518
6HUANG Patrick2160CAN 33w1 37b1 22w½ 13w1 12b1 1w04,50211679
7SOLIVEN Joe1849CAN 35b½ 17w1 30b0 19w1 31b1 8w14,50191468
8WAITE Taylor1357CAN 28w1 18b½ 19w1 22b½ 15w1 7b040211676
9QIN Kaiqi1388CAN 38w1 19b½ 18w½ 39b1 22w1 2b040191714
10ZHENG Yawen1386CAN 5b0 16w1 43b1 14w0 23b1 24w140191616
11ZHANG Raymond Tangning1420CAN 22w0 38b1 23w1 15b0 36w1 28b140171647
12PITRE H. G.1778CAN 40w0 47b1 25w1 32b1 6w0 26b140161582
13HAINES Duncan1724CAN 41w1 31b1 32w1 6b0 4w½ 3b03,5020,51585
14KAGAOAN Jose1823CAN 21w1 32b0 31w½ 10b1 18w1 5b03,5020,51509
15HE Matthew1672CAN 47w1 40b1 1b0 11w1 8b0 21w½3,5020,51489
16Vakilpour Aryan1702CAN 3w0 10b0 27w1 25b1 33w½ 32b13,5019,51423
17WANG Steven1333CAN 39w1 7b0 26w1 18b½ 28w0 33b13,5018,51580
18JOSE Marionito1582CAN 48b1 8w½ 9b½ 17w½ 14b0 31w13,5018,51460
19GUO Yu Han (Veronica)1701CAN 46b1 9w½ 8b0 7b0 45w1 35w13,5017,51477
20ROSALES Diego1456CAN 42w1 22b0 37w1 2b0 32w½ 34b13,50171737
21GAO Justin1486CAN 14b0 49w1 2w0 38b1 39w1 15b½3,50171670
22IMOO Joshua1712CAN 11b1 20w1 6b½ 8w½ 9b0 4w03024,51549
23LEONG Aiden1503CAN 50w1 1w0 11b0 41b1 10w0 42b130191505
24YANG Jingyun (Ryan)1564CAN 45w½ 26b½ 40w1 33b1 2w0 10b030181554
25GRAY Scott1476CAN 1b0 50w1 12b0 16w0 48b1 37w13017,51566
26MARTIN Andrew1495CAN 44b½ 24w½ 17b0 46w1 37b1 12w03016,51614
27SLY Doug1246CAN 4b0 43w0 16b0 47w1 41w1 39b13014,51509
28GULIYEV Nadir1538CAN 8b0 46w0 50b1 48w1 17b1 11w03014,51347
29CEROVINA Milan1344CAN 37b0 33b0 38w0 50w1 40b1 43w130111468
30YANG Henry1444CAN 34w½ 36b1 7w1 3b0 5b0 -02,50221685
31MONKHOUSE Neale1483CAN 36w1 13w0 14b½ 34b1 7w0 18b02,50201755
32PANGILINAN Emmanuel1509CAN 49b1 14w1 13b0 12w0 20b½ 16w02,50191621
33MOK Gillian1503CAN 6b0 29w1 46b1 24w0 16b½ 17w02,5018,51587
34PARPATT Mark1730CAN 30b½ 35w1 4b0 31w0 43b1 20w02,5017,51480
35INGRAM Richard1489CAN 7w½ 34b0 45w½ 36b½ 38w1 19b02,5016,51683
36KOSINSKI George1820CAN 31b0 30w0 47b1 35w½ 11b0 45w12,5014,51434
37ZHANG Joyce1538CAN 29w1 6w0 20b0 40b1 26w0 25b020191563
38TURNER John1639CAN 9b0 11w0 29b1 21w0 35b0 46w120181424
39CRONIN Kent1514CAN 17b0 48w1 41b1 9w0 21b0 27w020171375
40ESCANDOR Manuel Omana1446CAN 12b1 15w0 24b0 37w0 29w0 47b12016,51551
41DEIMERT Elroy1424CAN 13b0 42b1 39w0 23w0 27b0 48w12014,51527
42Cox Charles1800CAN 20b0 41w0 48b0 49w1 46b1 23w02011,51403
43LEBLANC Paul1496CAN 2w0 27b1 10w0 45b½ 34w0 29b01,50191533
44WFMCALOTA Alina Iuliana2054CAN 26w½ 45b1 3w0 -0 -0 -01,50181425
45SULLIVAN Brian1361CAN 24b½ 44w0 35b½ 43w½ 19b0 36b01,50161687
46ZHOU Zhengyuan (Frank)1418CAN 19w0 28b1 33w0 26b0 42w0 38b010161613
47MACDONELL Paul1408CAN 15b0 12w0 36w0 27b0 49b1 40w010161534
48HACK Don1373CAN 18w0 39b0 42w1 28b0 25w0 41b01015,51556
49SLABY Randolph M1241CAN 32w0 21b0 42b0 47w0 -00,5012,51551
50MOK Erwin Jun-Han1183CAN 23b0 25b0 28w0 29b0 -0 -00014,51465

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: rating average of the opponents (variabel with parameters)