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2021 Summer Rapid

Senast uppdaterad16.02.2021 02:09:17, Creator/Last Upload: SK b4, Mauritius, Ronald Raimbert

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1Anderson Gavin14309416RSA2182B4 Chess Club
2Raimbert Ronald9700250MRI1955B4 Chess Club
3Goorsahye Antoine9700110MRI1913B4 Chess Club
4Salhi Zouhaier9700404MRI1913B4 Chess Club
5Lee Luen Mang Stefan9700242MRI1822B4 Chess Club
6Baloonuck RamaMRI1719B4 Chess Club
7Mungroo ArvindMRI1641B4 Chess Club
8Beekhy Aamirah9700358MRI1611B4 Chess Club
9Louise ClementMRI1588B4 Chess Club
10Desha SuyashMRI1479B4 Chess Club
11Felix ArnaudMRI0B4 Chess Club
12Fine Adrien9700323MRI1762B4 Chess Club