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Riga Technical University Open 2011 Tournament B

Last update 18.08.2011 21:45:12, Creator/Last Upload: savieniba

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Suhanovskis Sergejs2137LAT 27w1 22b1 26w1 14b1 4w1 15b1 3w½6,5302127,25
2Moltsanov Ivan2105EST 7b½ 5w½ 41b1 20w1 3b½ 16w1 10w15,53122,523,25
3Fjodorovs Sergejs2129LAT 30w1 29b1 15w½ 35b1 2w½ 14b1 1b½5,530,520,522,50
4Rumjantsev Jevgeni2001EST 40w1 34b1 24w1 10b1 1b0 6w1 9w½5,53020,521,00
5Dragun Valentin1854EST 17w½ 2b½ 34w1 26b½ 35w1 8b½ 14w1528,52019,50
6Gutmans Mihail2143LAT 33b0 23w1 27b1 16w1 29w1 4b0 15w15281919,00
7Blinovs Artjoms1932LAT 2w½ 19b½ 18w1 28w½ 17b½ 34w1 25b1527,51919,00
8Kozjukova Olga2045LAT 41b1 11w½ 16b0 37w1 24b1 5w½ 20w1526,518,517,75
9Krastins Juris2074LAT 10b0 56w1 46b1 25w½ 28b1 13w1 4b½5241815,00
10Korsunski Erik1400EST 9w1 28w1 44b1 4w0 13b½ 25w1 2b04,5302216,75
11Tokranovs Dmitrijs1797LAT 47w1 8b½ 39w1 15b½ 14w0 27w1 12b½4,526,51915,75
12Lelis Jānis2069LAT 46w1 18b1 14w0 13w0 36b1 29b1 11w½4,525,51914,75
13Jourde Michel1850FRA 48w1 24b0 40w1 12b1 10w½ 9b0 26w14,525,518,515,25
14Lelis Edgars1963LAT 36b1 20w1 12b1 1w0 11b1 3w0 5b043323,516,00
15Sirokov Jevgenijs1657LAT 50b1 25w1 3b½ 11w½ 21b1 1w0 6b0431,522,515,00
16Matisone Dana1536LAT 53w1 35b½ 8w1 6b0 26w1 2b0 18w½4282113,75
17Smoliar Roman1854EST 5b½ 37w0 45b1 19w½ 7w½ 33b½ 38w142618,514,25
18Vasiljeva Sofija1848LAT 23b1 12w0 7b0 39b½ 49w1 37w1 16b½42618,513,00
19Matvieks Nikolajs2133LAT 45b½ 7w½ 33w½ 17b½ 30w1 20b0 24w1425,51814,00
20Menkov Nikita1649EST 56w1 14b0 48w1 2b0 39w1 19w1 8b0424189,50
21Nemkovs Vjaceslavs2096LAT 42w1 26b0 30w1 24b½ 15w0 38b½ 33w1423,516,513,00
22Hanzatjan Anaid1821EST 55b1 1w0 36b0 54w1 27b0 42w1 34b142214,59,00
23Gercans Visvaldis1850LAT 18w0 6b0 38w½ 56b1 45b1 28w½ 44b142115,58,75
24Kurbanova Dagmara1593LAT 32b1 13w1 4b0 21w½ 8w0 35b+ 19b03,529,52113,00
25Pcolkins Nikolajs1890LAT 31w1 15b0 42w1 9b½ 33w1 10b0 7w03,528,520,512,50
26Zuj-Zaikovskis Nikita1798LAT 52b1 21w1 1b0 5w½ 16b0 44w1 13b03,528,52011,00
27Silis Matiss2027LAT 1b0 55w1 6w0 43b1 22w1 11b0 29w½3,527,5209,75
28Rogulis Uldis1823LAT 51w1 10b0 31w1 7b½ 9w0 23b½ 30w½3,52720,511,25
29Hanzatjan Elvira1813EST 43w1 3w0 54b1 36w1 6b0 12w0 27b½3,526,5199,75
30Stabulnieks Klavs1949LAT 3b0 43w1 21b0 52w1 19b0 46w1 28b½3,52416,58,75
31Pomahs Ziedonis1859LAT 25b0 50w1 28b0 38b0 51w1 36w½ 45b13,519,514,58,00
32Vebers Karlis1750LAT 24w0 48b0 47w0 55b1 43w½ 50b1 51b13,515,511,56,50
33Ivanovs Viktors2054LAT 6w1 -0 19b½ 44w1 25b0 17w½ 21b0327,52011,50
34Silmalis Janis1749LAT 49w1 4w0 5b0 48b1 40w1 7b0 22w032719,57,50
35Selivanovs Anatolijs1924LAT 54b1 16w½ 37b1 3w0 5b0 24w- 36w½326,5198,50
36Bautris Aivars1884LAT 14w0 51b1 22w1 29b0 12w0 31b½ 35b½324,518,59,00
37Limanovska Elizabete1818LAT 38w½ 17b1 35w0 8b0 54w1 18b0 40w½324,517,59,00
38Petrovs Aleksandrs1771LAT 37b½ 44w0 23b½ 31w1 42b½ 21w½ 17b032417,510,50
39Krauze Anda1872LAT 44b½ 45w1 11b0 18w½ 20b0 40b½ 41w½323,516,58,75
40Stepovojs Viktors1899LAT 4b0 49w1 13b0 46w1 34b0 39w½ 37b½323,5167,50
41Omuls Peteris1899LAT 8w0 47b1 2w0 49b½ 44b0 52w1 39b½32315,57,25
42Ovchinnikovs Alekejs1921LAT 21b0 52w1 25b0 47w1 38w½ 22b0 43w½322167,50
43Podzins Rihards1850LAT 29b0 30b0 51w1 27w0 32b½ 47w1 42b½321167,25
44Feigelmans Vladimirs1940LAT 39w½ 38b1 10w0 33b0 41w1 26b0 23w02,524,5177,50
45Semjonovs Stanislavs1961LAT 19w½ 39b0 17w0 50b1 23w0 49b1 31w02,523,5177,00
46Roneid Heidi1176NOR 12b0 -1 9w0 40b0 55w1 30b0 47b½2,522164,25
47Pronins Olegs1821LAT 11b0 41w0 32b1 42b0 48w1 43b0 46w½2,52114,56,50
48Avotins Arturs1850LAT 13b0 32w1 20b0 34w0 47b0 53w½ 52b+2,520,514,56,25
49Grapmanis Edgars1812LAT 34b0 40b0 55w1 41w½ 18b0 45w0 53b12,518134,00
50Litvjakova Darija1779LAT 15w0 31b0 56b1 45w0 52b½ 32w0 55b12,51712,52,50
51Mierins Imants1750LAT 28b0 36w0 43b0 53w1 31b0 54b+ 32w0219,514,53,00
52Vambute Dana1850LAT 26w0 42b0 53w1 30b0 50w½ 41b0 48w-1,519,514,52,75
53Zarovs Aleksandrs1750LAT 16b0 54w0 52b0 51b0 56w1 48b½ 49w01,514,5101,50
54Pronins Aleksandrs1867LAT 35w0 53b1 29w0 22b0 37b0 51w- -012014,51,50
55Petrovs Jaroslavs1850LAT 22w0 27b0 49b0 32w0 46b0 56w1 50w0118,5140,50
56Mierins Guntars1850LAT 20b0 9b0 50w0 23w0 53b0 55b0 -1118130,50

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable