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2020 APCO Fiji National Chess Championship - Elite

Senast uppdaterad13.01.2021 04:20:06, Creator/Last Upload: Nauru Chess Federation

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1CMKumar Manoj11400064FIJ1947
2CMSikivou Taione11400153FIJ1830
3CMTerubea Ronald11400331FIJ1756
4CMAdricula Noel A11400234FIJ1647
5Prasad Rudr11401095FIJ1568
6Nadan Avinesh11401737FIJ1541
7Prakash Prashil11400692FIJ1482
8Terubea Cydel11400455FIJ1434
9Prasad Ravikesh11401087FIJ1421
10Prasad Tanvi11401117FIJ1148
11Paranthaman Mukesh29905206SRI1019
12Bale Ryan11401966FIJ0
13Karakaua Benjames11401451FIJ0
14Prasad Navisheel11402326FIJ0