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Weekend sahist Online nr.1 1001

Ultima actualizare03.01.2021 11:43:45, Creator/Last Upload: jugaru lucian

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Diagrama finala dupa 6 runde

LocNumeleRtg.FED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPct. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1FCVoinescu Carol-Andrei1001ROU 9b1 13w1 6b1 2w1 4b1 5w1623023,00
2FCRusu Lucas1001ROU 14w1 4b1 3w1 1b0 12w1 9b1523,5018,00
3FCOprea Paul Angel Andrei1001ROU 19b1 20w1 2b0 10w1 17b1 7w1518013,50
4Constandache Irina1001ROU 5w1 2w0 18b1 14b1 1w0 12b1422,5012,00
5Ghenea Elena-Loredana1001ROU 4b0 19w1 13b1 11w1 6b1 1b0422012,00
6FCLupu Mircea-Ovidiu1001ROU 23w1 10b1 1w0 12b1 5w0 11w1418,509,50
7FCUngureanu David-Gabriel1001ROU 11w0 23b1 8w1 21b1 9w1 3b0416,509,50
8FCIfrim Andrei-Dragos1001ROU 18b0 24w1 7b0 13w1 22b1 10w141408,00
9Ciobotaru Costache-Costel1001ROU 1w0 16b1 20b1 19w1 7b0 2w032207,00
10Sabou Stefania-Theodora1001ROU 25b+ 6w0 15b1 3b0 14w1 8b032206,00
11Barsan Andrei-David1001ROU 7b1 18w1 12w0 5b0 15w1 6b032009,00
12FCVorniceanu Andrei1001ROU 27b+ 21w1 11b1 6w0 2b0 4w0319,505,00
13FCIfrim Alexandru-Mihai1001ROU 16w1 1b0 5w0 8b0 24b1 22w1319,505,00
14FCAvram-Corbu Ioana1001ROU 2b0 17w1 21b1 4w0 10b0 18w131706,50
15FCBalan Alexandra-Elena1001ROU -0 22b1 10w0 18w1 11b0 17w131506,00
16FCDragan Denis-Stefan1001ROU 13b0 9w0 17b0 23b1 20w1 19w131304,50
17Constandache Stefan1001ROU 22w½ 14b0 16w1 20b1 3w0 15b02,51805,75
18Stefan Dragos-Florentin1001ROU 8w1 11b0 4w0 15b0 21w1 14b0218,506,00
19FCUngureanu Emilian1001ROU 3w0 5b0 22w1 9b0 23w1 16b021702,00
20FCGoleanu Denis-Andrei1001ROU 24w1 3b0 9w0 17w0 16b0 23b121501,00
21Petcu Bianca-Maria1001ROU 26b+ 12b0 14w0 7w0 18b0 24b+21500,50
22Stefan Luca-Adrian1001ROU 17b½ 15w0 19b0 24w1 8w0 13b01,51601,75
23Dumitrache Eric-Cristian1001ROU 6b0 7w0 24b½ 16w0 19b0 20w00,51600,25
24FCConstantin Razvan-Gabriel1001ROU 20b0 8b0 23w½ 22b0 13w0 21w-0,512,500,25
25Alexandru George1001ROU 10w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0013,500,00
Ionescu Aureliu1001ROU 21w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0013,500,00
Vintila Alexandru1001ROU 12w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0013,500,00

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable