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2020 Michael Forde Memorial Championship

Last update 21.12.2020 00:55:52, Creator/Last Upload: BCF1981

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Starting rank

1IMHusbands Orlando11101644BAR2337
2Ifill Cleveston11101326BAR1899
3Edwards Emar11103345BAR1724
4Wilson Louis11104368BAR1486
5Haynes Aaron11103590BAR1450
6La Touche Cyprian11104651BAR1423
7Roachford Adam11104627BAR1359
8Wilson Hannah11104600BAR1296
9Eversley Kiarra11103426BAR1281
10Grant Travis11105399BAR1260
11Jaikaran Aaron11105275BAR1081
12Clark Tarquin11104457BAR1013
13Sargeant Alex11105127BAR0