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Last update 22.11.2020 22:16:26, Creator/Last Upload: A. O. JOSE ALFREDO CASTILLO GARCIA

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2 
1IMBlanco Sing Israel2109MEX 28b1 18w1 12b1 9w1 7b1 16w1 27b½6,5126,0029
2Velazquez Simon Angelica Guadalupe1792MEX 29w1 19b0 25w0 33b0 46w+ 38w1 22b03307,0022
3Mejia De Leon Fernando Antonio1742GUA 30b1 20w1 13b1 27w0 11b1 8w1 6b16227,0033
4Rincon Aguilar Carlos Javier1598MEX 31w½ 37b1 15b½ 20w1 12b1 27w0 30b041415,5030,5
5Munoz Trujillo Ruben Neftali1905MEX 32b1 22w0 24b1 8w½ 6b0 26w1 18b03,52111,2527
6Blanco Guillen Jose Humberto1904MEX 33w½ 31b1 27w0 14b1 5w1 15b1 3w04,51114,5028,5
7Alfaro Roldan Edgar German1900MEX 34b1 24w1 16b- 19b1 1w0 20b1 12w041712,5029
8Fuentes Guzman Victor Hugo1900MEX 35w+ 26w1 22b½ 5b½ 13w1 3b0 15w15618,7528,5
9Garcia Rivas Andres1701MEX 36b+ 21b1 19w1 1b0 15w0 10b0 29w+41613,0029
10Perez Hernandez Omar1700MEX 26b1 30w½ 18b1 9w1 16b15,5421,7528
11Santos Villalobos Olivio1700MEX 37w0 41b1 29w1 21b1 3w0 24b1 13w½4,51314,2526
12Velazquez Simon Olger1641MEX 38b1 40w1 1w0 23b1 4w0 25w1 7b15715,5026
13Reyes Cruz Omar Alejandro1626MEX 39w1 23b1 3w0 25b1 8b0 34w1 11b½4,51214,2527
14Barrera Aguilar Antonio Guadalupe1600MEX 40b0 44w1 30b0 6w0 -1 26b02,5345,7523,5
15Guillen Garcia Jose David1587MEX 33b1 4w½ 37b1 9b1 6w0 8b041514,2527
16Guillen Moreno Karina Guadalupe1559MEX 41w1 25b1 7w+ 22w1 27b½ 1b0 10w04,5917,0032
17Morales Villalobos Fidias1554MEX 42b+ 27b0 37w0 39b1 29w0 40b- -02355,5025
18Juan Jimenez Martin Ladislao1539MEX 43w1 1b0 39w1 40b1 10w0 29b1 5w15815,0027
19De Leon Velazquez Cesar Mauricio1537MEX 44b1 2w1 9b0 7w0 30b0 39w1 25b+41910,5023,5
20Mendoza Sierra Ivan Dario1526MEX 45w+ 3b0 43w1 4b0 37w1 7w0 34b141812,0026,5
21Hernandez Lopez Erandi1507MEX 46b1 9w0 34b1 11w0 26b½ 22w0 28w13,5257,7521
22Salinas Robles Jorge1500MEX 47w+ 5b1 8w½ 16b0 33w0 21b1 2w14,51014,7525
23Garcia Rivas Sergio1488MEX 48b1 13w0 38b1 12w0 34b0 43w+ 37w½3,5248,2522,5
24Villalba Hernandez Omar Antonio1470MEX 49w+ 7b0 5w0 43b1 38w1 11w0 40b03297,0022,5
25Rojas Lopez Fernando Ulise1443MEX 50b1 16w0 2b1 13w0 40w1 12b0 19w-3278,0025,5
26Santiz Perez Mauricio1438MEX 51w1 8b0 10w0 46b1 21w½ 5b0 14w13,5266,7522
27Rufino Torres David1431MEX 52b1 17w1 6b1 3b1 16w½ 4b1 1w½6324,7530
28Rodriguez Sumuano Carlos1418MEX 1w0 43b0 33w0 -1 52b0 51w1 21b02393,0022
29Ibarra Reyes Gustavo1394MEX 2b0 46w1 11b0 51w1 17b1 18w0 9b-3325,5021,5
30Escandon Rodriguez Jonathan1391MEX 3w0 48b1 14w1 10b½ 19w1 33b1 4w15,5518,7527,5
31Juan Jimenez Guadalupe Kay1386MEX 4b½ 6w0 40b- -0 -0 -0 -00,5412,0021
32Munoz Ortiz Axel Ruben1373MEX 5w0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00500,0017
33Escalante De Leon Jesus1358MEX 6b½ 15w0 28b1 2w1 22b1 30w0 -03,52310,2526,5
34Coronel Villatoro Ignacio1355MEX 7w0 50b1 21w0 52b1 23w1 13b0 20w03288,0024
35Escalante Perez Axel Jesus1313MEX 8b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00440,0017,5
36Mendoza Sierra Guadalupe1295MEX 9w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00450,0017,5
37Gonzalez Salas Armando1276MEX 11b1 4w0 17b1 15w0 20b0 52w1 23b½3,52211,0024
38Lopez Jimenez David Eduardo1257MEX 12w0 51b1 23w0 50w+ 24b0 2b0 52w02364,0019,5
39Garcia Ordonez Jorge Anton1256MEX 13b0 52w1 18b0 17w0 51b1 19b0 -13316,0021,5
40Reyes Hernandez Jorge Feli1219MEX 14w1 12b0 31w+ 18w0 25b0 17w+ 24w142010,0023,5
41Marin Urbieta Hector Eduar1211MEX 16b0 11w0 52b- -0 -0 -0 -00420,0018,5
42Mendoza Escobar Guadalupe1186MEX 17w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00460,0017,5
43Del Pino Cano Sergio Omar1012MEX 18b0 28w1 20b0 24w0 -1 23b- -02373,5021
44Hernandez Laparra Manuel E1000MEX 19w0 14b0 48w- -0 -0 -0 -00520,0015,5
45Sosa Rodriguez Cristina Al1000MEX 20b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00470,0017,5
46Arreguin garmendia Luis Bernardo0MEX 21w0 29b0 50w+ 26w0 2b- 51b01,5403,0019
47Diaz Chiu Jose Salomon0MEX 22b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00480,0017,5
48dominguez cisneros Dimas0MEX 23w0 30w0 44b- -0 -0 -0 -00430,0018,5
49Hernandez Lopez Imanol de Jesus0MEX 24b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00490,0017,5
50Hernandez Lopez Luis David0MEX 25w0 34w0 46b- 38b- -0 -0 -00510,0016,5
51Naranjo Beltran Agustin0MEX 26b0 38w0 -1 29b0 39w0 28b0 46w12383,5016
52Velazquez Alvarado Santiago David0MEX 27w0 39b0 41w+ 34w0 28w1 37b0 38b13335,0020

Tie Break1: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)