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Circuito ASCADE-TERRAVIVA de Xadrez Relâmpago (1ª ETAPA) Brasília - DF

Last update 17.10.2020 23:46:20, Creator/Last Upload: FederacaoBrasiliensedeXadrez

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Final Ranking crosstable after 18 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.Rd10.Rd11.Rd12.Rd13.Rd14.Rd15.Rd16.Rd17.Rd18.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Rocha Arthur Ferreira2310BRA 3b1 3w1 8w1 8b1 15b1 15w1 12w1 12b1 11b1 11w1 2w1 2b1 6b½ 6w1 5w1 5b0 9w1 9b116,50164,5172
2Japiassu Ricardo De Villa Nova2220BRA -0 -0 10w1 10b1 13b1 13w1 8w1 8b1 1b0 1w0 12b1 12w1 6w1 6b1 5b0 5w1120164169,5
3Macedo Pedro Henrique Fernandes1994BRA 1w0 1b0 16b1 16w1 5b0 5w0 4w1 4b1 7b1 7w1 6w0 6b0 10b1 10w0 11w1 11b1 14w1 14b1112160162
4De Oliveira Italo Candido1955BRA 15b0 15w1 5w0 5b1 8b0 8w0 3b0 3w0 14w1 14b1 13w1 13b1 12b1 12w1 16b1 16w1110130132
5Felix Raimundo Nascimento2035BRA 9w1 9b0 4b1 4w0 3w1 3b1 6b0 6w½ 12b0 12w1 11w1 11b0 8w1 8b½ 1b0 1w1 2w1 2b0100181,5189
6De Siqueira Luigy Lira2129BRA 14w1 14b1 11b0 11w1 12w0 12b0 5w1 5b½ 9b1 9w1 3b1 3w1 1w½ 1b0 2b0 2w0 8w1 8b0100172177
7Marcolino Alex Vitor Maman1725BRA 10w1 10b0 12b0 12w0 14b1 14w1 9w0 9b1 3w0 3b0 16b1 16w1 11b0 11w0 -1 -1 13w1 13b1100126,5128,5
8Do Nascimento Pedro Henrique Alves2169BRA 16b1 16w1 1b0 1w0 4w1 4b1 11w1 11b0 2b0 2w0 12w0 12b1 5b0 5w½ 10w1 10b½ 6b0 6w190173175
9Do Nascimento Thiago Marques1770BRA 5b0 5w1 15w0 15b0 16w1 16b1 7b1 7w0 6w0 6b0 10w1 10b0 -1 -1 14b1 14w1 1b0 1w090154,5156,5
10Dos Santos Junior Joao Batista Araujo2011BRA 7b0 7w1 13w0 13b½ 2b0 2w0 14w1 14b0 16w1 16b1 9b0 9w1 3w0 3b1 8b0 8w½ 11b1 11w190140142
11Xavier Matheus Henrique Lopes1800BRA 12w½ 12b1 6w1 6b0 13b1 13w1 8b0 8w1 1w0 1b0 5b0 5w1 7w1 7b1 3b0 3w0 10w0 10b08,51,5169,5175
12Soares Estevao Luiz2063BRA 11b½ 11w0 7w1 7b1 6b1 6w1 1b0 1w0 5w1 5b0 8b1 8w0 2w0 2b0 4w0 4b0 -1 -18,50,5181,5188,5
13Sato Claudio Takeshi1937BRA 10b1 10w½ 11w0 11b0 2w0 2b0 14b0 14w0 4b0 4w0 16w1 16b1 7b0 7w05,50144146
14Funke Caio Adriano dos Santos1800BRA 6b0 6w0 7w0 7b0 10b0 10w1 13w1 13b1 4b0 4w0 16w0 16b1 9w0 9b0 3b0 3w050145147
15Nascimento Davi Da Silva2244BRA 4w1 4b0 9b1 9w1 1w0 1b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -030148152
16Duarte Artur Meira1820BRA 8w0 8b0 3w0 3b0 9b0 9w0 10b0 10w0 7w0 7b0 14b1 14w0 13b0 13w0 4w0 4b020142147

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)