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Cerrado IM octubre Barcelona 2020

Last update 14.10.2020 20:44:32, Creator/Last Upload: Manuel Navarro Perez

Starting rank list of players

8GMAsis Gargatagli Hipolito2260735ESP24752528
9IMGines Esteo Pedro Antonio32080190ESP24340
10IMValenzuela Gomez Fernando3409392CHI23672468
5FMGarcia Ramos Daniel32010311ESP23622415
7GMPogorelov Ruslan14100363UKR23622427
6IMCruz Filemon3800296PER23042391
1MKJimenez Ruano Adrian22276050ESP22922343
3Martin Barcelo Carles24561444ESP22012317
4Perez Perez Gabriel32089147ESP21830
2Lever Erwan20640099FRA21812292