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Campionat de Catalunya Individual edats Sub16 2020 Event code 250235

Darrera actualització10.09.2020 14:22:22, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Manuel Navarro Perez

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Taula creuada de classificació final després de 8 rondes

OrdreNom1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts. Des1  Des2  Des3 
1Alcala Gonzalez Cesar 33w1 11b1 5w½ 8b1 4w1 3b1 9w1 2b06,530,53739,5
2Martin Barcelo Carles 17w1 18b½ 9w1 3w½ 24b1 5b½ 8w1 1w16,528,53538,5
3Travesset Sagre Jan 22w1 16b1 21w1 2b½ 5w½ 1w0 12b1 6w1629,53639,5
4Ramon Herraez Alex 31b1 9w½ 24b½ 29w1 1b0 17w1 11w1 8b1623,53033
5Moya Nunez Pau Salvador 28b1 19w1 1b½ 10w1 3b½ 2w½ 6b0 9b15,530,53740,5
6Castillo Dalmau Arnau 24b½ 10w0 26b1 15w1 19b1 12w½ 5w1 3b0526,532,536
7Marabajan Navas Saul 25w1 8b0 33w1 11b0 16w0 29b1 22w1 10b1522,52729,5
8Roca Planas Edgar 14b1 7w1 10b½ 1w0 13b1 16w1 2b0 4w04,53137,541
9Jurado Coderch Heribert 35w1 4b½ 2b0 27w1 20b1 10w1 1b0 5w04,53036,538
10Pujol Biosca Joan 12w1 6b1 8w½ 5b0 18w1 9b0 16b1 7w04,527,53336,5
11Pueyo Amoros Pau 38w+ 1w0 28b1 7w1 12b0 24w1 4b0 14w½4,52733,537
12MKPrats Safont Sergi 10b0 26w1 17b1 19w½ 11w1 6b½ 3w0 21b½4,525,531,535
13Cubero Ortiz De Latierro Oscar 29w½ 23b1 18w½ 16b½ 8w0 22b½ 19w½ 27b14,52327,530,5
14Higueras Ruiz Blai 8w0 32b1 16w0 25b1 21w½ 18b1 20w½ 11b½4,52327,530,5
15Serrano Batova Vicent 26b½ 24w0 23b1 6b0 28w1 20w½ 17b½ 25b14,522,527,531
16Juncosa Padros Ernest 37b+ 3w0 14b1 13w½ 7b1 8b0 10w0 20b½4273336,5
17Mangues Rubia Alex 2b0 31w1 12w0 30b1 29w1 4b0 15w½ 18b½42531,534,5
18Casares Bonals Ainhoa 36b1 2w½ 13b½ 20w½ 10b0 14w0 24b1 17w½42531,532,5
19Gomez Navais Marcal 32w1 5b0 30w1 12b½ 6w0 21b½ 13b½ 23w½42530,533,5
20Garcia Gallardo Victor 23w½ 29b½ 22w1 18b½ 9w0 15b½ 14b½ 16w½424,52932
21Gonzalez Cobos Arnau 30w1 27b1 3b0 24w0 14b½ 19w½ 23b½ 12w½4243033
22Insa Pujolar Marti 3b0 25w1 20b0 28w½ 31b1 13w½ 7b0 29w1423,529,532,5
23Verdaguer Planella Pol 20b½ 13w0 15w0 36b1 33w1 30b½ 21w½ 19b½42226,527,5
24Olcina Monells Jordi 6w½ 15b1 4w½ 21b1 2w0 11b0 18w0 26b½3,527,53437,5
25Casorran Kappert Erik 7b0 22b0 34w1 14w0 26b1 27w½ 31b1 15w03,5232830
26Alert Teruelo Adria 15w½ 12b0 6w0 35b½ 25w0 33b1 32w1 24w½3,521,526,528
27Palau Barrufet Vinyet 34b1 21w0 29b0 9b0 35w1 25b½ 30w1 13w03,52024,526
28Garre Montes Marc 5w0 35b1 11w0 22b½ 15b0 31w½ 36b½ 34w13,51924,525,5
29De Lomas Busquets Alex 13b½ 20w½ 27w1 4b0 17b0 7w0 35w1 22b03253132,5
30Jakovlev Martin 21b0 34w1 19b0 17w0 32b1 23w½ 27b0 33w½3212527
31Chiva Perez Jordi 4w0 17b0 32w1 33b½ 22w0 28b½ 25w0 36b1320,526,527,5
32Sanllehi Vico David 19b0 14w0 31b0 34b1 30w0 36w1 26b0 35b131721,522,5
33Ibarz Guasch Maria 1b0 36w1 7b0 31w½ 23b0 26w0 34b½ 30b½2,520,52728
34Aguesca Moyano Bruno 27w0 30b0 25b0 32w0 36w1 35b½ 33w½ 28b021720,521,5
35Casadevall Mainau Iraida 9b0 28w0 36b½ 26w½ 27b0 34w½ 29b0 32w01,518,52324
36Puertas Buscalla Joan 18w0 33b0 35w½ 23w0 34b0 32b0 28w½ 31w01182223,5
37Tarrus Fortuny Ernest 16w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0016,52122
Fernandez Aguilar Julio 11b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0016,52122

Desempat1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)