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Sri Lanka National Blitz Chess Championship - 2020 Women's

Last update 21.08.2020 20:11:17, Creator/Last Upload: srilankachess

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4  TB5 
1Sandeepani M Tharushi1473SRI 54b1 20w1 8b1 17w1 6b1 13w1 3b1702829,574
2WCMTharushi T H D Niklesha1587SRI 32w1 18b0 34w1 14b1 22w1 6b1 7w160262963
3WCMPallie Ehsha Mishela1295SRI 26b1 56w1 33b1 13w½ 9b1 17w1 1w05,502728,553
4Fernando H Methushi Amaya1107SRI 51w1 14b½ 31b1 19w1 13b0 24w1 11b15,5025,527,554
5Thanujana D M Sinaly1207SRI 49w1 7b0 30w½ 47b1 15w1 14b1 13b15,5024,52754
6WCMSanudula K M Dahamdi1317SRI 23b1 11w1 10b1 7b1 1w0 2w0 25b15031,535,554
7WIMRanasinghe S D1882SRI 34b1 5w1 21b1 6w0 8b1 10w1 2b050303354
8Wilvalaarachchi Oneli Omaya1230SRI 44w1 30b1 1w0 29b1 7w0 27b1 28w15027,530,553
9WCMWijesuriya G P Y1457SRI 61w+ 22b1 19w0 36b1 3w0 29b1 18w15024,527,553
10Gamage Desandhi Dhihansa1174SRI 62b+ 39b1 6w0 33w1 21b1 7b0 19w150242753
11Alwis Jenuki1147SRI 50w1 6b0 49w1 41b1 24w1 19b1 4w050242653
12Viranya A R M V1059SRI 33b0 55w1 38b1 20w1 19b0 21w1 17b150222454
13Indrajith J A K N T1328SRI 15w1 36b1 18w1 3b½ 4w1 1b0 5w04,50323543
14Munasinghe M A D D D1282SRI 52b1 4w½ 35b1 2w0 16b1 5w0 23b14,5028,530,544
15Weerathunga W Gimashi Dewlini1024SRI 13b0 48w1 16b½ 31w1 5b0 40w1 30b14,502426,544
16Ranganath Tharuli Vihasna1262SRI 42w1 37b0 15w½ 30b1 14w0 32b1 39w14,50222543
17Jayasinghe Thenugi Dilanya1316SRI 28w1 40b1 37w1 1b0 18w1 3b0 12w04028,53143
18Attanayake Chanindi Mewna1225SRI 25b1 2w1 13b0 35w1 17b0 26w1 9b040273044
19Chamthka W A Chethani1232SRI 55b1 57w1 9b1 4b0 12w1 11w0 10b04026,52844
20Fernando Suwani Amandha1176SRI 60w1 1b0 27w1 12b0 42w1 28b0 41w140262743
21Weerawardana Y W Oneli Vihanga1236SRI 27w1 29b1 7w0 37b1 10w0 12b0 42w14025,528,543
22Sandanayake Dehansa Nisanduni1177SRI 48b1 9w0 26b1 25w1 2b0 23w0 35b14025,52844
23Bandara Prathibha Nethsarani1011SRI 6w0 50b1 39w1 24b0 46w1 22b1 14w04023,525,543
24Pathirana W P Voji Nimla1242SRI 45b1 35w0 59b1 23w1 11b0 4b0 34w14023,524,544
25Gunawardhana Devindya Oshini0SRI 18w0 32b1 40w1 22b0 36w1 37b1 6w04022,52543
26Abeyrathne M P Dulansa Dewmini0SRI 3w0 46b1 22w0 51b1 39w1 18b0 36w14022,524,543
27De Silva B P Chanthuli Thanishka0SRI 21b0 58w1 20b0 40w1 35b1 8w0 37w14021,52243
28Athauda Isiri Tinithi D1007SRI 17b0 38w0 50b1 53w1 33b1 20w1 8b040212344
29Jayasinghe Ranudhi1086SRI 58b1 21w0 57b1 8w0 38b1 9w0 43b1402121,544
30Amarathunga Piyumi Uthpala0SRI 43b1 8w0 5b½ 16w0 56b1 31w1 15w03,502627,533
31Jayasinghe Miyuni Thisanya1125SRI 47w½ 43b1 4w0 15b0 41w1 30b0 48w13,502224,533
32Thilakawardena A K P Namya Dine1048SRI 2b0 25w0 48b½ 54w1 49b1 16w0 47b13,502223,534
33Wijeweera Yenuli Ehasna0SRI 12w1 47b1 3w0 10b0 28w0 34b0 56w13024,52633
34Deshani D A Imalshi Abhisheka1055SRI 7w0 44b1 2b0 38w0 57b1 33w1 24b0302425,534
35Jayaweera Dinuli Thinodha1086SRI 41w1 24b1 14w0 18b0 27w0 46b1 22w03023,526,533
36Gamage B K Sayumi Hasithma1128SRI 38b1 13w0 52b1 9w0 25b0 44w1 26b030232534
37Edirisinghe E M Shanulya Deenu T1107SRI 53b1 16w1 17b0 21w0 52b1 25w0 27b03022,524,534
38Ranasingha N K Nethmini Lavanya0SRI 36w0 28b1 12w0 34b1 29w0 42b0 54w1302223,533
39Jayamanne B Dinithi Nadeeshani1390SRI 59b1 10w0 23b0 57w1 26b0 45w1 16b03021,522,534
40Rathnayake Tenuli Dhahamna1114SRI 63b+ 17w0 25b0 27b0 60w1 15b0 50w13021,522,533
41Weerasekara Induwarie Danuththara0SRI 35b0 45w1 56b1 11w0 31b0 52w1 20b03020,52234
42Beminiwatta A W R A0SRI 16b0 53w0 58b1 43w1 20b0 38w1 21b03020,52134
43Bulugahapitiya D1293SRI 30w0 31w0 44b1 42b0 47w1 50b1 29w03019,521,533
44Fernando H Dilsadi Thathsara0SRI 8b0 34w0 43w0 58b1 51w1 36b0 53b1301818,534
45Bimansa D G Jayandi0SRI 24w0 41b0 46w0 48w1 53b1 39b0 51w13017,519,533
46Siriwardane Kishora Gimsaree0SRI 56b0 26w0 45b1 59w1 23b0 35w0 52b13017,518,534
47Sendanayake Anujana Hasandi0SRI 31b½ 33w0 53b1 5w0 43b0 49w1 32w02,50212323
48Madugalla Nisandi Hesara0SRI 22w0 15b0 32w½ 45b0 55w1 56w1 31b02,5020,52223
49Jayasundara Deelani Dulhara0SRI 5b0 54w1 11b0 56w½ 32w0 47b0 59b12,5019,520,524
50Oshadi R Dilanka0SRI 11b0 23w0 28w0 55b1 59b1 43w0 40b02020,521,524
51Vidanage Poormi Pahasarani0SRI 4b0 52w0 55b1 26w0 44b0 59w1 45b02019,520,524
52Athauda Dinali Deshani Dilmini0SRI 14w0 51b1 36w0 60b1 37w0 41b0 46w02018,519,523
Siriwardena J M Amashani Aravindi0SRI 37w0 42b1 47w0 28b0 45w0 60b1 44w02018,519,523
54Fernando Nethmi Vimansa1045SRI 1w0 49b0 60w0 32b0 58w1 57b+ 38b02018,51923
55Dinethma A H Viduni0SRI 19w0 12b0 51w0 50w0 48b0 58b1 60w12016,51723
56Wimalasiri Y G C Kavindi1112SRI 46w1 3b0 41w0 49b½ 30w0 48b0 33b01,5020,52314
57Isthiquar Hirah0SRI -1 19b0 29w0 39b0 34w0 54w- -01019,521,502
58Vithanage Mithuli Imalsha0SRI 29w0 27b0 42w0 44w0 54b0 55w0 -11017,517,502
59Fernando Thimansa Amashi1024SRI 39w0 60b1 24w0 46b0 50w0 51b0 49w01016,517,513
60Meegamage Dona Lisara Methsarani0SRI 20b0 59w0 54b1 52w0 40b0 53w0 55b010141514
61Gunasekara H D Himara1039SRI 9b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,500
Methma A A Nimuthu0SRI 10w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,500
Sethumya Januthi0SRI 40w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,500

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break4: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break5: Most black