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Milda Lauberte Memorial Blitz Open 04.10.2020.

Last update 04.10.2020 16:27:16, Creator/Last Upload: Riga Chess federation

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1GMKantans Toms2381LAT 30w1 18b1 11w1 12b1 4w1 2b1 5w1 3b½ 7w18,515054,52565
2FMMustaps Matiss2355LAT 31b1 17w1 13b1 5w½ 7b1 1w0 8b1 9b1 4w½7350,554,52317
3GMSveshnikov Evgeny2322RUS 32w1 20b1 12w0 16b1 14w1 18b1 13w1 1w½ 5b½7449,554,52219
4IMAntoms Guntars2303LAT 33b1 21w1 15b1 9w1 1b0 5w0 18b1 11b1 2b½6,5549,5532210
5FMTokranovs Dmitrijs2288LAT 34w1 22b1 14w1 2b½ 9w1 4b1 1b0 16w1 3w½7252562298
6IMSveshnikov Vladimir2280LAT 35b0 43w1 25b1 23b1 18w0 19w½ 36b1 15w½ 8b16113942,51885
7NMKretainis Kristaps2212LAT 36w1 24b1 16w½ 8b½ 2w0 23b1 25w1 13b1 1b06748512084
8MKLaizans Aivars2080LAT 37b1 23w0 31b1 7w½ 21b1 36w1 2w0 14b1 6w05,51643471980
9MKIvanov Igor2036LAT 38w1 26b1 23w1 4b0 5b0 27w1 19b1 2w0 25b16845492033
10MKAuzins Artis2035LAT 39b1 25w0 32b1 26w1 13b0 28w1 16w0 29b1 14w161041,545,51873
11FMKrustkalns Kristaps2030LAT 40w1 28b1 1b0 25w0 32b1 26w1 29b1 4w0 15b½5,51444,548,51907
12MKKrilovs Nikolajs2028LAT 41b1 27w1 3b1 1w0 25b0 29w0 28b1 19w1 18b½5,51344,548,51924
13MKAgafonov Yuri Dr2019LAT 42w1 48b1 2w0 28b1 10w1 25b1 3b0 7w0 41b16944,547,51952
14IRucs Andris1968LAT 43b1 29w1 5b0 27w1 3b0 31w1 41b1 8w0 10b052042,5461874
15MKMelderis Uldis1952LAT 44w1 59b1 4w0 30b½ 34w1 16b0 37w1 6b½ 11w½5,51543,5471839
16WFMVidruska Renate1932LAT 45b1 35w1 7b½ 3w0 37b1 15w1 10b1 5b0 20w16,5646,5502064
17MKKrastins Juris1927LAT 46w1 2b0 34w0 36b0 52w1 40w1 27b1 20b0 29w15253840,51653
18MKGudovskis Konstantins1918LAT 47b1 1w0 33b1 29w1 6b1 3w0 4w0 26b1 12w½5,51246492029
19MKIsakovs Janis1846LAT 48w0 44b1 36w½ 24b1 30w1 6b½ 9w0 12b0 37w½4,53238,541,51714
20MKAlainis Artis1837LAT 49b1 3w0 35b1 37w½ 36b0 43w1 21b1 17w1 16b05,5174043,51779
21ISparnins Edgars1821LAT 50w1 4b0 38w1 34b½ 8w0 30b1 20w0 37b0 46w14,5294143,51657
22IMierins Emils Janis1805LAT 51b1 5w0 37b0 45w1 33b1 41w0 31b1 25w0 32b043539421549
23ISaksis Ivo1788LAT 52w1 8b1 9b0 6w0 35b1 7w0 32b1 41w0 31b15224143,51819
24MKHarlinska Sandra1785LAT 53b1 7w0 39b½ 19w0 41b0 49w0 -1 43w1 45b03,5443537,51359
25ISavicevs Arsenijs1761LAT 54w1 10b1 6w0 11b1 12w1 13w0 7b0 22b1 9w05194547,51982
26IJansons Valdis1691LAT 55b1 9w0 40b1 10b0 38w1 11b0 39w1 18w0 44b15234041,51704
27IBogdanovics Kirills1668LAT 56w1 12b0 42w1 14b0 39w1 9b0 17w0 44b0 48w14383637,51585
28IKazmerika Anna1639LAT 57b1 11w0 41b1 13w0 40b1 10b0 12w0 47w1 49b15243940,51682
29IAminovs Maksims1638LAT 58w1 14b0 59w1 18b0 42w1 12b1 11w0 10w0 17b043439,5411704
30IMitenieks Matiss1635LAT 1b0 45w1 58b1 15w½ 19b0 21w0 43b1 36w1 34b04,5304142,51673
31MKBreikss Peteris1629LAT 2w0 46b1 8w0 44b1 48w1 14b0 22w0 59b1 23w043637,540,51635
32IMilovs Daniels1623LAT 3b0 47w1 10w0 49b1 11w0 50b1 23w0 48b1 22w152637,5401708
33WMKBurkevica Ilze1611LAT 4w0 50b1 18w0 57b1 22w0 42b½ 48w½ 46b½ 38w03,54733,5351460
34ISmits Gundars1599LAT 5b0 49w1 17b1 21w½ 15b0 37w0 45b1 42w1 30w15,5184043,51765
35ISenkans Antons1577LAT 6w1 16b0 20w0 50b1 23w0 48b½ 42w0 53b0 51b13,5433638,51464
36IVernuks Vjaceslavs1528LAT 7b0 51w1 19b½ 17w1 20w1 8b0 6w0 30b0 53w14,53140,543,51779
37ISavchenko Vjacheslavs1519LAT 8w0 52b1 22w1 20b½ 16w0 34b1 15b0 21w1 19b½52141,5441820
38IValdats Maris1472LAT 9b0 53w1 21b0 47w1 26b0 45w½ 49b½ 40w1 33b152835381550
39IVitins Janis1462LAT 10w0 54b1 24w½ 48b½ 27b0 47w1 26b0 49w0 42b144131,5341450
40IValdats Reinis1456LAT 11b0 55w1 26w0 58b1 28w0 17b0 53w1 38b0 50w14393334,51445
41MKVainovska Valentina1423LAT 12w0 56b1 28w0 59b1 24w1 22b1 14w0 23b1 13w05273738,51758
42IHermanis Atis1416LAT 13b0 57w1 27b0 53w1 29b0 33w½ 35b1 34b0 39w03,5463435,51456
43IVidrikis Ansis1394LAT 14w0 6b0 48w½ 46b1 44w1 20b0 30w0 24b0 56b13,54534,5361543
44MKZalcmane Vija1337LAT 15b0 19w0 51b1 31w0 43b0 56w1 50b1 27w1 26w04403233,51479
45IVarpins Kristians1336LAT 16w0 30b0 52w1 22b0 57w1 38b½ 34w0 54b1 24w14,53333,5351506
46IAminovs Marats1291LAT 17b0 31w0 53b0 43w0 55b1 57w1 51b1 33w½ 21b03,54928,5301362
47ITamanis Anzelms1286LAT 18w0 32b0 54w1 38b0 58w1 39b0 52w1 28b0 59w03513334,51280
48IGrigulis Janis1276DEN 19b1 13w0 43b½ 39w½ 31b0 35w½ 33b½ 32w0 27b035034,5381523
49IAprups Rinalds1270LAT 20w0 34b0 56w1 32w0 53b½ 24b1 38w½ 39b1 28w043736,5381476
50IMagone Andris1176LAT 21b0 33w0 55b1 35w0 56b1 32w0 44w0 -1 40b035328,5301285
51IKipluka Anna Krista1140LAT 22w0 36b0 44w0 54b1 59w1 53b0 46w0 55b1 35w03522930,51208
52IISkarbauskas Valerijs1122LAT 23b0 37w0 45b0 55w1 17b0 58w1 47b0 57w0 -135427,5291239
53IIVidrusks Arturs1054LAT 24w0 38b0 46w1 42b0 49w½ 51w1 40b0 35w1 36b03,54831341357
54IIIKantans Ansis1008LAT 25b0 39w0 47b0 51w0 -1 59b0 57b1 45w0 55w135526,5281130
55IILocmele Valerija0LAT 26w0 40b0 50w0 52b0 46w0 -1 58b1 51w0 54b025924,526939
56IIIIvulans Patriks0LAT 27b0 41w0 49b0 -1 50w0 44b0 59w0 58b1 43w02562930,51012
57IVErcmanis Arturs0LAT 28w0 42b0 -1 33w0 45b0 46b0 54w0 52b1 58w02572829,51006
58IVStrods Patriks Ricards0LAT 29b0 -1 30w0 40w0 47b0 52b0 55w0 56w0 57b125824,5261020
59Hiznikovs Miks Tomass0LAT -1 15w0 29b0 41w0 51b0 54w1 56b1 31w0 47b14423132,51323

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Performance (variable With parameter)