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6th Wolf Gyorgy Memorial Open Berekfürdő

Last update 27.09.2020 13:40:19, Creator/Last Upload: Hungarian Chess-Federation (Master)

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Pribelszky Bence2207HUN 16w1 14b½ 25w1 6b0 18w1 9b1 4b15,524,527,52336
2IMMeszaros Andras2203HUN 21w1 7b0 34w1 31b1 4w½ 12b1 10w15,523252293
3FMBecskei Zoltan2167HUN 26w½ 31b½ 21w1 8b1 12w½ 15b1 6w15,522,524,52296
4Pap Peter2119HUN 20b1 11w½ 22b1 5w1 2b½ 6b1 1w0528312349
5Farkas Istvan2085HUN 29w1 15b1 7w½ 4b0 14w½ 23b1 11w152426,52280
6Balint Vilmos2205HUN 24b1 27w1 8b1 1w1 11b½ 4w0 3b04,528312304
7Bernath Bence2060HUN 13b1 2w1 5b½ 11w0 10b0 24w1 16b14,526292207
8WFMEgyed Judit2060HUN 30w1 9b1 6w0 3w0 17b1 14b1 12w½4,52527,52202
9Nemeth Gergely2138HUN 32b1 8w0 24b1 10w½ 28b1 1w0 22b14,523,525,52134
10Benedeczky Lehel2179HUN 35w1 25b½ 31w½ 9b½ 7w1 11w1 2b04,523,524,52116
11Farkas Otto Jr.2054HUN 34w1 4b½ 14w1 7b1 6w½ 10b0 5b0427292212
12Piroska Istvan2131HUN 31w0 26b1 23w1 15b1 3b½ 2w0 8b½425,527,52156
13Pasti Zsombor1731HUN 7w0 21b0 17w0 33w1 35b1 31b1 27w+417181822
14FMRestas Peter2101HUN 28b1 1w½ 11b0 22w1 5b½ 8w0 17b½3,525282124
15IMBoguszlavszkij Jevgenyij2168HUN 36b1 5w0 27b1 12w0 24b1 3w0 20b½3,524,527,52054
16Kovacs Istvan2040HUN 1b0 28w½ 19b1 23w0 32b1 18b1 7w03,523,525,52005
17Gyurika Tamas1875HUN 27b0 24w0 13b1 36w+ 8w0 21b1 14w½3,52123,51954
18Vajda Albert2076ROU 19b½ 22w0 32b1 26w1 1b0 16w0 30b13,521231942
19Herczeg Marcell1859HUN 18w½ 23b½ 16w0 21b½ 25w½ 26b½ 28w13,519,522,51934
20Onodi Tamas1881HUN 4w0 34b0 29w½ 35b1 21w½ 25b1 15w½3,519201885
21FMSzurovszky Elek1982HUN 2b0 13w1 3b0 19w½ 20b½ 17w0 33w1324,5261905
22Burinda Gabor Jr.1973HUN 23w½ 18b1 4w0 14b0 29w1 27b½ 9w0323,5262016
23Egyed Gabor2183HUN 22b½ 19w½ 12b0 16b1 31w1 5w0 -0323252058
24Sulyok Eszter1995HUN 6w0 17b1 9w0 30b1 15w0 7b0 31w1322,524,51997
25Szabo Kristof2050HUN 33b1 10w½ 1b0 28w0 19b½ 20w0 29w1322,5241874
26WFMToth Nikoletta1910HUN 3b½ 12w0 33b1 18b0 27w0 19w½ 32b132223,51883
27FMFrink Ferenc2111HUN 17w1 6b0 15w0 29b½ 26b1 22w½ 13b-32123,52009
28Frank Jozsef1871HUN 14w0 16b½ 35w1 25b1 9w0 -0 19b02,522231859
29Muller Wilhelm1860ROU 5b0 36w½ 20b½ 27w½ 22b0 34w1 25b02,521231836
30Strasser Zsolt1742HUN 8b0 32w½ 36b½ 24w0 34b½ 35w1 18w02,518191720
31Turcsanyi Vince Gergo1903HUN 12b1 3w½ 10b½ 2w0 23b0 13w0 24b0226,529,51949
32Merenyi Gabor1906HUN 9w0 30b½ 18w0 34b1 16w0 33b½ 26w021920,51690
33Toth Lili1622HUN 25w0 35b½ 26w0 13b0 -1 32w½ 21b0216171494
34Lazsadi Kerka Lilla1663HUN 11b0 20w1 2b0 32w0 30w½ 29b0 -01,520,522,51748
35Csalami Gabor1956HUN 10b0 33w½ 28b0 20w0 13w0 30b0 -11,518,5191416
36Molnar Gabor1948HUN 15w0 29b½ 30w½ 17b- -0 -0 -0117,519,51746

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Recursive Ratingperformance