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Kuldīgas pilsētas svētku turnīrs 2011

Last update 16.07.2011 15:25:26, Creator/Last Upload: savieniba

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1MMustaps Matīss2406LAT 22w1 26b1 3w½ 10w1 11b1 5b1 2w½621,520525
2FMStarostīts Andris2394LAT 27b1 4w1 10b0 20w1 8b1 13w1 1b½5,521,5196,522,5
3MKMelderis Uldis2077LAT 15w1 32b1 1b½ 7w½ 10b1 4w½ 9w½52319422
4MKPucena Māra2009LAT 13w1 2b0 25w1 15b1 12w1 3b½ 5w½52220020,5
5MKIsakovs Jānis2132LAT 17b1 28w1 14b1 11w½ 7b1 1w0 4b½522188,523,5
6MKLiepiņš Mārtiņš2088LAT 29b1 14w0 9b1 8w0 27b1 11w1 13b152018018
7FMOzoliņš Āris2315LAT 24w½ 25b1 19w1 3b½ 5w0 21b1 10w1519201,519,5
8Petrovičs Harijs1942LAT 33w1 12b0 39w1 6b1 2w0 20b1 19w1518,518919
9MKRudovska Elīna1998LAT 37b1 19b½ 6w0 24b1 32w1 16w1 3b½51818719,5
10Lācis Edgars2038LAT 39w1 34b1 2w1 1b0 3w0 12b1 7b0422187,520
11MKTenis Ģirts2207LAT 21w1 20b1 12w1 5b½ 1w0 6b0 16w½421,5195,520,5
12Maklakova Nellija2039LAT 18b1 8w1 11b0 14w1 4b0 10w0 22b1421186,518
13Mitenieks Matīss1850LAT 4b0 27w1 34w1 26b1 19w1 2b0 6w0419,519018
14Lodziņš Dāvis1962LAT 36w1 6b1 5w0 12b0 15w0 32b1 25w1418,518416
15Ivanovs Andris1859LAT 3b0 38w1 28b1 4w0 14b1 22w0 27b1418177,515
16MKNeimanis Juris2097LAT 25w0 24b1 21w1 32b½ 26w1 9b0 11b½416,5189,516,5
17Kāne Marta1895LAT 5w0 35b1 20w0 33b½ 24w½ 26b1 28w141418112,5
18Vecbrālis Jānis1853LAT 12w0 33b0 36w1 21b0 37w1 34b1 24w1412,5167,511
19MKVisockis Jānis2230LAT 31b1 9w½ 7b0 22w1 13b0 23w1 8b03,521166,516
20Verņuks Vjačeslavs1963LAT 30b1 11w0 17b1 2b0 25w1 8w0 21b½3,519,517715,5
21Stabulnieks Klāvs1898LAT 11b0 30w1 16b0 18w1 29b1 7w0 20w½3,518,5164,513,5
22Beks Edmunds1915LAT 1b0 23w½ 33w1 19b0 35w1 15b1 12w03,517177,513
23MKVainovska Valentīna1850LAT 26w0 22b½ 24w0 37b1 33w1 19b0 32w13,514180,511
24Reimanis Edgars1903LAT 7b½ 16w0 23b1 9w0 17b½ 29w1 18b0320,515512
25Krauze Anda1872LAT 16b1 7w0 4b0 28w1 20b0 33w1 14b0319183,513
26Feldmanis Arturs2013LAT 23b1 1w0 31b1 13w0 16b0 17w0 38b1318,5154,513
27Cīrulis Pēteris1911LAT 2w0 13b0 30w1 39b1 6w0 35b1 15w031816511
28Roze Jānis1996LAT 35w1 5b0 15w0 25b0 39w+ 31w1 17b0316157,512
29Stankevica Ilze1867LAT 6w0 36b1 32w0 34b1 21w0 24b0 35w1313166,511
30Strauts Elvis1850LAT 20w0 21b0 27b0 38w0 40b1 39w+ 36w1312147,56
31Zvans Māris1899LAT 19w0 37b1 26w0 35b0 36w1 28b0 34w1311,515610
32Kļaviņa Ilga1943LAT 38b1 3w0 29b1 16w½ 9b0 14w0 23b02,519,5161,514
33Vēvers Elans1806LAT 8b0 18w1 22b0 17w½ 23b0 25b0 39w+2,5181559
34Kopštāls Jānis1936LAT 40b1 10w0 13b0 29w0 38b1 18w0 31b0216143,510
35Rebhuns Ilgars1850LAT 28b0 17w0 40b1 31w1 22b0 27w0 29b02151479
36Zariņš Ričards1850LAT 14b0 29w0 18b0 40w1 31b0 37w1 30b0214,51326
37Pekrišvili Nodars1850LAT 9w0 31w0 38b1 23w0 18b0 36b0 40w1214,5129,56
38Agriņš Deivids1838LAT 32w0 15b0 37w0 30b1 34w0 40b1 26w02121496
39Zītars Klāvs1851LAT 10b0 40w1 8b0 27w0 28b- 30b- 33b-114,51626
40Leimanis Armands1750LAT 34w0 39b0 35w0 36b0 30w0 38w0 37b0010,5128,50

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Sum of Buchholz-Tie-Breaks (all Results)
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break