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IX Limbažu starptautiskais šaha festivāls VIDZEMES VASARA 2020 Rapid

Last update 22.07.2020 10:13:03, Creator/Last Upload: Riga Chess federation

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1IMaklakova Naomi1416LAT 15w1 22b1 2w1 5b1 6w1 3b½ 4w½630331625
2IIAndrusevics Jegors1181LAT 34b1 20w1 1b0 7w1 12b1 13w1 6b1626,5281532
3ILehes Erik Johannes1248EST 27b1 9w½ 23b1 4b1 5w½ 1w½ 11b15,527,5301585
4IKuznecova Marija1634LAT 12b1 11w1 8b½ 3w0 19b1 18w1 1b½527,5311418
5IJansone Melanija Luize1484LAT 35b1 7w1 18b1 1w0 3b½ 11w½ 13b1527,5291392
6IPavlovs Ostins1328LAT 24b1 23w½ 19b1 8w1 1b0 21w1 2w04,526,529,51305
7IJeronovics Toms1200LAT 36w1 5b0 26w1 2b0 16w1 15b1 10w½4,526,5281280
8IMartirosian Tigran1319EST 33w1 13b1 4w½ 6b0 21w0 12w1 18b14,524,5271327
9IValdats Reinis1499LAT 31w1 3b½ 14w0 13b0 29w1 20b1 19w14,523251269
10IIKrakops Martijs1373LAT 30b1 18w0 12b0 24w1 25b1 14w1 7b½4,522241187
11IIOim Mikk Kaarel1289EST 28b1 4b0 16w1 18w½ 20b1 5b½ 3w0426,5291349
12IIKaris Fredi1144EST 4w0 36b1 10w1 22b1 2w0 8b0 21b1426,5281301
13IIStrazdins Maris Kristaps1167LAT 29b1 8w0 34b1 9w1 14b1 2b0 5w0426,5281255
14IIVija Mattias1012EST 19b½ 17w1 9b1 20w½ 13w0 10b0 27b142426,51324
15ILehes Ott Oskar1133EST 1b0 27w½ 17b½ 34w1 26b1 7w0 25b142324,51166
16IILiepins Henrijs1098LAT 20b0 25w1 11b0 17w1 7b0 30w1 24b1422241220
17IScadilovs Vsevolods1265LAT 21w½ 14b0 15w½ 16b0 27w1 29b1 22w142123,51122
18IIBabris Rihards1177LAT 37w1 10b1 5w0 11b½ 22w1 4b0 8w03,52627,51329
19IIKuchina Polina1227LAT 14w½ 21b1 6w0 27b1 4w0 23b1 9b03,524,5271240
20IVarpins Kristians1370LAT 16w1 2b0 35w1 14b½ 11w0 9w0 31b13,524,5261195
21IIMerzlovs Timurs1044LAT 17b½ 19w0 28b1 23w1 8b1 6b0 12w03,523,5261216
22IIPukite Elza1201LAT 25b1 1w0 24b1 12w0 18b0 26w1 17b0323,526,51103
23IIMierina Lauma1147LAT 26w1 6b½ 3w0 21b0 31w½ 19w0 30b1322241084
24IKarba Kertu1086EST 6w0 32b1 22w0 10b0 35w1 31b1 16w0320,5221134
25IIISkreitule Undine1005LAT 22w0 16b0 32w1 35b1 10w0 28b1 15w0320,5221097
26IIIMaklakova Dafne975LAT 23b0 30w1 7b0 28w1 15w0 22b0 29w1319,521,51055
27IIAzevs Aleksandrs1014LAT 3w0 15b½ 31w1 19w0 17b0 35b1 14w02,52324,51065
28IIIGroma Marta1083LAT 11w0 31b½ 21w0 26b0 34b1 25w0 32w12,51819,5954
29IIIGuminskaya Daria0LAT 13w0 -0 33b1 30w1 9b0 17w0 26b0221,523,51036
30IIVidrusks Jekabs974LAT 10w0 26b0 36w1 29b0 32w1 16b0 23w0219,521927
31IILiepina Nikola Daniela1144LAT 9b0 28w½ 27b0 33w1 23b½ 24w0 20w021921,51025
32IIIMartirosian David0EST -0 24w0 25b0 37w1 30b0 36w1 28b021617,5901
33IIVidrusks Arturs1083LAT 8b0 34w0 29w0 31b0 -0 37b1 36w121415,5943
34IIKarba Karoliina938EST 2w0 33b1 13w0 15b0 28w0 -0 37b0121,523835
35IVRucs Janis1141LAT 5w0 37b1 20b0 25w0 24b0 27w0 -011920,5887
36IIIVitums Jaunzems Gusts1005LAT 7b0 12w0 30b0 -0 37w1 32b0 33b011819,5794
37IITeder Ottomar0EST 18b0 35w0 -0 32b0 36b0 33w0 34w1114,516784

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Performance (variable With parameter)