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Menningarskákmót á Akureyri lau. 11. júlí

Posledná aktualizácia 11.07.2020 18:46:49, Creator/Last Upload: Icelandic Chess Federation

Search for player Hladaj

Konečná tabuľka po 11 kolách

Por.TMenoEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.Rd10.Rd11.RdBody TB1  TB2  TB3 
1GMGretarsson Helgi Ass2475ISL 12w1 11b1 10w1 2b1 3w1 6b1 4w1 9b1 5w1 7b1 14w11101171,5
2FMRagnarsson Dagur2322ISL 8b1 5w1 4b1 1w0 11b1 7w1 3b1 6w1 12b1 10w1 9b11001073,5
3FMSigurpalsson Runar2255ISL 20w1 7b½ 9w1 4b1 1b0 5w1 2w0 10b1 6w1 13b1 12w18,50871,5
4IMKjartansson David2311ISL 15w1 6b1 2w0 3w0 14b1 11w1 1b0 7b1 9w1 5b1 13w180873,5
5Johannsdottir Johanna Bjorg1952ISL 21w1 2b0 15w1 10b1 6w0 3b0 16w1 13b1 1b0 4w0 18b160670,5
6Jonsson Gauti Pall2005ISL 16b1 4w0 8b1 14w1 5b1 1w0 9w½ 2b0 3b0 21w1 11b½60573,5
7WFMThorsteinsdottir Gudlaug1920ISL 18b1 3w½ 17b1 11w0 10b1 2b0 12w½ 4w0 15b1 1w0 21b160570
8Olafsson Smari1775ISL 2w0 21b1 6w0 9b0 22b1 17w½ 13b0 19b1 20w1 12w½ 16b160551
9Thorhallsson Simon2270ISL 17b0 22w1 3b0 8w1 16b1 13w1 6b½ 1w0 4b0 15w1 2w05,50569
10IMKarason Askell O2188ISL 14b1 13w1 1b0 5w0 7w0 21b1 15w1 3w0 11b1 2b0 19w½5,50568,5
11Bergsson Stefan2112ISL 22w1 1w0 13b1 7b1 2w0 4b0 17w1 12b0 10w0 19b1 6w½5,50565
12Finnbogadottir Tinna Kristin1826ISL 1b0 17w½ 18b1 13w0 20b1 14w1 7b½ 11w1 2w0 8b½ 3b05,50468
13Eiriksson Sigurdur1840ISL 19w1 10b0 11w0 12b1 15w1 9b0 8w1 5w0 16b1 3w0 4b050564
14Hjaltason Elvar Orn1635ISL 10w0 19b1 20w1 6b0 4w0 12b0 21w0 17b1 22b1 18w1 1b050553,5
15WIMAcevedo Mendez Lisseth1770ISL 4b0 16w1 5b0 17w1 13b0 20w1 10b0 18w1 7w0 9b0 22w150552
16Agustsson Orn1551ISL 6w0 15b0 19w1 21b1 9w0 18b1 5b0 22w1 13w0 20b1 8w050546,5
17Fridthjofsdottir Sigurl. Regina1682ISL 9w1 12b½ 7w0 15b0 18w1 8b½ 11b0 14w0 19w0 22b1 20w½4,50348,5
18Njardarson Arnar Ingi1483ISL 7w0 20b½ 12w0 19b1 17b0 16w0 22w1 15b0 21w1 14b0 5w03,51346,5
19Oskarsson Markus Orri1353ISL 13b0 14w0 16b0 18w0 21w0 22b1 20b1 8w0 17b1 11w0 10b½3,50346
20Helgadottir Sigridur Bjorg1673ISL 3b0 18w½ 14b0 22w1 12w0 15b0 19w0 21b1 8b0 16w0 17b½31249,5
21Grimsson Thordur1534ISL 5b0 8w0 22b1 16w0 19b1 10w0 14b1 20w0 18b0 6b0 7w030349,5
22Gasanova Ulker1557ISL 11b0 9b0 21w0 20b0 8w0 19w0 18b0 16b0 14w0 17w0 15b000049,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)