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BRIM mótaröðin 2020-2021 - mót 1

Last update 21.06.2020 16:53:47, Creator/Last Upload: Icelandic Chess Federation

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4  TB5 
1GMSteingrimsson Hedinn2507ISL 21w1 12b1 6w1 4b1 3w1 2b- -0543437024,502
2IMKjartansson Gudmundur2467ISL 22b1 11w0 21b1 7w1 13b1 1w+ 3w½5,532629022,753
3IMKjartansson David2338ISL 23w1 16b1 9w1 5b1 1b0 11w1 2b½5,5226,530021,754
4FMStefansson Vignir Vatnar2296ISL 24b1 13w1 11b1 1w0 9b1 6w1 10b1612730,5024,504
5Mai Aron Thor2116ISL 25w1 18b1 10w1 3w0 11b0 14b½ 7w½41126,529015,003
6WGMPtacnikova Lenka2111ISL 26b1 15w1 1b0 20b1 10w1 4b0 14w1552831019,004
7Jonsson Gauti Pall2048ISL 27w1 20b½ 14w1 2b0 12w1 8b0 5b½4102729015,004
8Mai Alexander Oliver2013ISL 28b0 30w1 22b1 13w0 23b1 7w1 11b15722,525018,004
9Briem Benedikt1989ISL 29w1 37b1 3b0 15w1 4w0 18b0 21b141425,527,5011,004
10Bjornsson Eirikur K.1972ISL 30b1 28w1 5b0 17w1 6b0 15w1 4w04132628,5013,503
11Heidarsson Arnar1957ISL 31w1 2b1 4w0 18b1 5w1 3b0 8w04930,533017,003
12Ragnarsson Johann1956ISL 32b1 1w0 23b1 28w1 7b0 21w1 22b15623,526,5016,504
13Haraldsson Haraldur1942ISL 33w1 4b0 25w1 8b1 2w0 26b1 18w041226,529012,503
14Valtysson Thor1896ISL 34b½ 19w1 7b0 39w1 20b1 5w½ 6b041523,526013,754
15Gudmundsson Gunnar Erik1806ISL 35w1 6b0 27w1 9b0 34w1 10b0 26w141820,52209,503
16Hallsson Jon Eggert1707ISL 36b1 3w0 28b0 30w1 22b0 19w1 23b½3,521222308,754
17Fridthjofsdottir Sigurl. Regina1681ISL 37w0 29b1 35w1 10b0 26w0 27b1 39w14191617,509,003
18Sigurdsson Elvar Mar1639ISL 38b1 5w0 37b1 11w0 28b1 9w1 13b1582122014,504
19Thorisson Benedikt1630ISL 39w½ 14b0 33w1 34b0 24w1 16b0 27w13,523192109,503
20Jonsson Kristjan Dagur1592ISL 40b1 7w½ 34b1 6w0 14w0 39b½ 28b141721,524011,504
21Haile Batel Goitom1583ISL 1b0 32w1 2w0 27b1 37w1 12b0 9w0325252707,003
22Sigfusson Ottar Orn Bergmann1534ISL 2w0 31b1 8w0 29b1 16w1 34b1 12w041623,525,5010,503
23Sigurdsson Sigurdur J1479ISL 3b0 36w1 12w0 35b1 8w0 29b1 16w½3,52022,523,506,753
24Omarsson Adam1433ISL 4w0 33b½ 39w0 32b1 19b0 30w1 34w13,52220,52309,253
25Olafsson Arni1429ISL 5b0 38w1 13b0 37w0 30b0 -0 36w1238161702,503
26Helgadottir Idunn1335ISL 6w0 35b0 32w1 31b1 17b1 13w0 15b032622,52409,504
27Hreinsson Johann Helgi1290ISL 7b0 40w1 15b0 21w0 31b1 17w0 19b02352123,505,004
28Kjartansson Matthias Bjorgvin1241ISL 8w1 10b0 16w1 12b0 18w0 37b1 20w032426,528,5010,503
29Omarsson Josef1187ISL 9b0 17w0 36b1 22w0 35b1 23w0 32b0236202103,004
30Heidarsson Mikael Bjarki1185ISL 10w0 8b0 38w1 16b0 25w1 24b0 33w½2,530212204,753
31Kjartansson Arnar Logi1176ISL 11b0 22w0 40b1 26w0 27w0 33b½ 38b12,532181905,254
32Thorisson Bjartur1168ISL 12w0 21b0 26b0 24w0 40b1 35w1 29w13281920,506,503
33Valsson Arnar1155ISL 13b0 24w½ 19b0 36w1 39b0 31w½ 30b½2,531192005,254
34Johannsson Markus Orri1063ISL 14w½ 39b1 20w0 19w1 15b0 22w0 24b02,529232608,503
35Kristbergsson Bjorgvin1028ISL 15b0 26w1 17b0 23w0 29w0 32b0 -123719,520,506,503
36Kristofersson Arni Kristinn0ISL 16w0 23b0 29w0 33b0 38w1 40b0 25b014016,517,501,504
37Hallmundarson Birkir0ISL 17b1 9w0 18w0 25b1 21b0 28w0 40w023421,52406,003
38Haile Lemuel Goitom0ISL 18w0 25b0 30b0 40w½ 36b0 -1 31w01,539161704,753
39Sigurdarson Logi0ISL 19b½ 34w0 24b1 14b0 33w1 20w½ 17b032721,52409,754
40Lomain Phatsakorn0ISL 20w0 27b0 31w0 38b½ 32w0 36w1 37b12,53314,515,503,753

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break4: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Tie Break5: Most black