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Final Ranking crosstable after 18 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.Rd10.Rd11.Rd12.Rd13.Rd14.Rd15.Rd16.Rd17.Rd18.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Gibinha - Gilberto Ferreira De Souza2116BRA 42w1 42b1 48b½ 48w1 8b1 8w½ 10w1 10b1 4b1 4w0 3w½ 3b0 21w½ 21b½ 13b1 13w1 2w+ 2b+13,50182188,5
2Ccapivara - Carlos Lima2099BRA 26b1 26w1 17w0 17b1 18b1 18w1 3w0 3b1 6b0 6w1 7w1 7b1 4b1 4w1 21w1 21b1 1b- 1w-130192,5200,5
3Jadsonunex - Jadson Barbosa De Souza1991BRA 12w½ 12b1 25b1 25w1 11w1 11b1 2b1 2w0 8w1 8b0 1b½ 1w1 6w1 6b0 5b1 5w0 4b1 4w½12,51,5199,5207
4Marcellourquiza - Marcello Urquiza2019BRA 59w1 59b1 9b1 9w1 31w+ 31b+ 13b1 13w1 1w0 1b1 5b1 5w0 2w0 2b0 6b1 6w1 3w0 3b½12,50,5201,5209,5
5Oladircarlos - Oladir Carlos Mesquita Da Silv1996BRA 32b1 32w0 24w1 24b1 17b1 17w1 6w1 6b0 23b1 23w1 4w0 4b1 13b0 13w1 3w0 3b1 7b0 7w1120185,5194
6Sagarana - Bruno Rodrigues1907BRA 40b1 40w1 15w1 15b1 10b0 10w1 5b0 5w1 2w1 2b0 29w1 29b1 3b0 3w1 4w0 4b0 21b1 21w1120184,5192
7Maxjockes - Max Jockesi Barbosa Soares1848GER 53b0 53w0 34b1 34w1 26w1 26b1 22w1 22b1 13b1 13w0 2b0 2w0 14w1 14b1 28b+ 28w+ 5w1 5b0120177,5182,5
8Johnviktor - John Diego Gonçalves1874BRA 46b1 46w1 55b1 55w1 1w0 1b½ 27w1 27b1 3b0 3w1 13w0 13b0 28b0 28w½ 22w1 22b1 23b1 23w1120174180
9Memel - Ismael Francisco Do Carmo1828BRA 47w1 47b1 4w0 4b0 32b1 32w1 31b1 31w0 10w1 10b0 14w1 14b0 26w1 26b1 19b1 19w1 11b1 11w0120172,5179
10Trabilha - Fernando Antonio De B. Goes Fi1972BRA 41w1 41b1 37b1 37w1 6w1 6b0 1b0 1w0 9b0 9w1 19w0 19b1 30b1 30w1 17w½ 17b1 13w1 13b011,50176,5182
11Princepe28 - Jhonatan William Bezerra De Li1897BRA 36w1 36b1 53b1 53w½ 3b0 3w0 24b0 24w1 37w1 37b1 15w½ 15b½ 19b0 19w1 20w1 20b1 9w0 9b111,50167172
12Marcelovazneto - Marcelo Vaz De Oliveira Neto1595BRA 3b½ 3w0 22w0 22b0 34b1 34w0 46w1 46b1 18w0 18b0 41b1 41w1 44b1 44w1 31w1 31b1 28b+ 28w+11,50158163,5
13Rafaelcabral - Rafael Cabral1975BRA 38b1 38w1 33w1 33b1 28b1 28w1 4w0 4b0 7w0 7b1 8b1 8w1 5w1 5b0 1w0 1b0 10b0 10w1110190198
14Atlas21 - Wagner Moreira1645BRA 22b½ 22w½ 35w1 35b1 23b0 23w1 48w1 48b0 17w1 17b0 9b0 9w1 7b0 7w0 29b1 29w1 27w1 27b1110166174
15Chicofischer - Francisco Jose De Santana Coel1709BRA 54w1 54b1 6b0 6w0 25w1 25b1 21b1 21w0 31w1 31b1 11b½ 11w½ 17w1 17b0 23w0 23b1 16b0 16w1110164168
16Valxadrez2 - Jose Erivaldo Dos Santos1941BRA 43w1 43b1 18b1 18w0 27w0 27b0 40w1 40b0 26b0 26w0 53w1 53b1 37b1 37w1 24b1 24w1 15w1 15b0110149154
17Thiagorguerra - Thiago Ribeiro Guerra1869BRA 45b1 45w1 2b1 2w0 5w0 5b0 41w1 41b1 14b0 14w1 22w1 22b1 15b0 15w1 10b½ 10w0 18w1 18b010,50181,5187
18Lemosdeyvson1 - Deyvson Barbosa Lemos1728BRA 58b1 58w1 16w0 16b1 2w0 2b0 29b- 29w- 12b1 12w1 49w1 49b1 20b½ 20w0 40b1 40w1 17b0 17w110,50166,5173,5
19Coyotebr - Glebson Rafael Luna1971BRA 29b0 29w1 32w0 32b1 42b1 42w½ 43w1 43b1 30w0 30b1 10b1 10w0 11w1 11b0 9w0 9b0 33b1 33w110,50159165
20Davi2014 - Mariana De Souza Silva1031BRA 33w0 33b0 41b0 41w1 29b0 29w0 47w1 47b1 42b1 42w1 44w+ 44b+ 18w½ 18b1 11b0 11w0 26w1 26b110,50148153,5
21Danielbarioni - Daniel Rossiter Barioni1902BRA 35b0 35w1 29w1 29b1 22b1 22w0 15w0 15b1 27b+ 27w+ 30b+ 30w+ 1b½ 1w½ 2b0 2w0 6w0 6b0100183191
22Papangu2020 - Heriberto Lemos0BRA 14w½ 14b½ 12b1 12w1 21w0 21b1 7b0 7w0 34w1 34b1 17b0 17w0 48w+ 48b+ 8b0 8w0 40w1 40b1100170177,5
23Manachess - Manasses Jose Batista1906BRA 52w1 52b1 27b1 27w0 14w1 14b0 44b1 44w1 5w0 5b0 26b1 26w0 29w1 29b1 15b1 15w0 8w0 8b0100165,5171
24Phellipe-Campos - Phellipe Sebastiao Campos1851BRA 34w1 34b½ 5b0 5w0 36b1 36w1 11w1 11b0 40b0 40w1 31w1 31b½ 27b1 27w0 16w0 16b0 32b1 32w1100164,5172
25Luizhenrique2019 - Luiz Henrique De Araujo Alves0BRA 60b+ 60w+ 3w0 3b0 15b0 15w0 56w+ 56b+ 44w1 44b0 27b0 27w0 49b0 49w1 38w1 38b1 35w1 35b½9,50154161
26Magnosouza - Lupercio Magno De Souza Feitoz1634BRA 2w0 2b0 39b1 39w1 7b0 7w0 35b1 35w1 16w1 16b1 23w0 23b1 9b0 9w0 30w1 30b1 20b0 20w090178186
27Spinelli - Anderson Spinelli Valdevino Da1695BRA 62b+ 62w+ 23w0 23b1 16b1 16w1 8b0 8w0 21w- 21b- 25w1 25b1 24w0 24b1 33w0 33b1 14b0 14w090172,5180
28Cbex - Carlos Augusto Bernardo Da Sil1921BRA 61w+ 61b+ 44b1 44w1 13w0 13b0 30w- 30b- 38b1 38w1 33b1 33w½ 8w1 8b½ 7w- 7b- 12w- 12b-90170178
29Luciano210 - Luciano Jose Da Silva1514BRA 19w1 19b0 21b0 21w0 20w1 20b1 18w+ 18b+ 48w1 48b1 6b0 6w0 23b0 23w0 14w0 14b0 45w1 45b190165,5173,5
30Joaorecife - Joao Cunha De Azevedo1726BRA 51w1 51b1 31b0 31w0 52w1 52b1 28b+ 28w+ 19b1 19w0 21w- 21b- 10w0 10b0 26b0 26w0 43b1 43w190151156
31Vimael - Vimael Batista Silva1935BRA 56b1 56w1 30w1 30b1 4b- 4w- 9w0 9b1 15b0 15w0 24b0 24w½ 38w1 38b1 12b0 12w0 37w1 37b08,50168,5176,5
32Luiscarlos2000 - Luis Carlos Cordeiro Magalhães1598BRA 5w0 5b1 19b1 19w0 9w0 9b0 36b0 36w1 52w½ 52b0 34b0 34w1 42w1 42b1 45b1 45w1 24w0 24b08,50157,5163
33Aguagelada - Herculano Patreszer Da Silva M1780BRA 20b1 20w1 13b0 13w0 43w- 43b- 42w1 42b1 43b1 43w1 28w0 28b½ 40w1 40b0 27b1 27w0 19w0 19b08,50154,5160,5
34Felipetavaresk8 - Luiz Felipe Tavares Ferreira1135BRA 24b0 24w½ 7w0 7b0 12w0 12b1 39b1 39w1 22b0 22w0 32w1 32b0 41b- 41w- 53w1 53b1 49b1 49w18,50148,5153,5
35Majoben - Claudio Fernando Oliveira Lima1305BRA 21w1 21b0 14b0 14w0 38b1 38w0 26w0 26b0 45w0 45b1 39b0 39w1 50b1 50w1 49w1 49b1 25b0 25w½8,50138,5144
36Victorgsp - Victor Guedes Da Silva Pascoal1271BRA 11b0 11w0 49w+ 49b+ 24w0 24b0 32w1 32b0 49b0 49w0 45b0 45w0 51w1 51b1 44w1 44b1 41w1 41b½8,50137,5142,5
37Caspacov - Joao Basilio1747BRA 57w1 57b1 10w0 10b0 40b0 40w½ 53w1 53b1 11b0 11w0 52b1 52w½ 16w0 16b0 41b1 41w0 31b0 31w180142147
38Skull10 - Janio Paulo1594BRA 13w0 13b0 47b1 47w0 35w0 35b1 54b1 54w1 28w0 28b0 43b1 43w1 31b0 31w0 25b0 25w0 50w1 50b180135139
39Lrossiter94 - Lucas Gameiro Rossiter1217BRA 48b0 48w0 26w0 26b0 50b1 50w1 34w0 34b0 54w1 54b0 35w1 35b0 43w0 43b1 52w1 52b1 42b1 42w080123127
40Rogeriotsilva - Rogerio Tavares Da Silva1318BRA 6w0 6b0 51b1 51w1 37w1 37b½ 16b0 16w1 24w1 24b0 48b0 48w1 33b0 33w1 18w0 18b0 22b0 22w07,50165170
41Euclides2019 - Jose Euclides Da Silva1570BRA 10b0 10w0 20w1 20b0 47b+ 47w+ 17b0 17w0 53b0 53w1 12w0 12b0 34w+ 34b+ 37w0 37b1 36b0 36w½7,50149154
42Bispo26 - Lucivaldo Silva De Melo1637BRA 1b0 1w0 46w1 46b1 19w0 19b½ 33b0 33w0 20w0 20b0 54b1 54w1 32b0 32w0 -1 -1 39w0 39b17,50145,5149,5
43Marinhobj - Luis Marinho1415BRA 16b0 16w0 57w1 57b1 33b+ 33w+ 19b0 19w0 33w0 33b0 38w0 38b0 39b1 39w0 46b1 46w1 30w0 30b070148,5154,5
44Rafaellimarkr - Rafael Lima1725BRA 50b1 50w1 28w0 28b0 54b1 54w1 23w0 23b0 25b0 25w1 20b- 20w- 12w0 12b0 36b0 36w0 53w1 53b170136,5140,5
45Marcio03 - Marcio R Gonçalves Frazão1173GER 17w0 17b0 59b- 59w- 49w0 49b0 51b1 51w1 35b1 35w0 36w1 36b1 52b1 52w1 32w0 32b0 29b0 29w070132,5137,5
46Dancarlos86 - Dan Carlos Alves Ribeiro1261BRA 8w0 8b0 42b0 42w0 51w1 51b0 12b0 12w0 50w1 50b0 47b1 47w1 53b1 53w0 43w0 43b0 -1 -170120,5125,5
47Paulombarros - Paulo Mauricio Barros1050BRA 9b0 9w0 38w0 38b1 41w- 41b- 20b0 20w0 51w0 51b1 46w0 46b0 54b+ 54w+ 54b1 54w0 52b1 52w½6,50122126
48Hojenao - Louis Lins1869BRA 39w1 39b1 1w½ 1b0 53w½ 53b1 14b0 14w1 29b0 29w0 40w1 40b0 22b- 22w- -0 -0 -0 -060148,5153,5
49Gatiano48 - Ygor Guilherme Rocha1644BRA 55w0 55b0 36b- 36w- 45b1 45w1 52b0 52w1 36w1 36b1 18b0 18w0 25w1 25b0 35b0 35w0 34w0 34b060145150,5
50Fuhrerb12 - Bruno Feitosa0BRA 44w0 44b0 52b0 52w0 39w0 39b0 57b- 57w1 46b0 46w1 -1 -1 35w0 35b0 51b1 51w1 38b0 38w060117,5122,5
51Fladimir - Jose Fladimir De Oliveira Mont0BRA 30b0 30w0 40w0 40b0 46b0 46w1 45w0 45b0 47b1 47w0 57b+ 57w+ 36b0 36w0 50w0 50b0 54w1 54b160115,5119,5
52Stebenjo - Joao Pedro Borba Oliveira Lima1316BRA 23b0 23w0 50w1 50b1 30b0 30w0 49w1 49b0 32b½ 32w1 37w0 37b½ 45w0 45b0 39b0 39w0 47w0 47b½5,50135,5141
53Bruno1987pst - Bruno Andrade Moraes Da Silva1097BRA 7w1 7b1 11w0 11b½ 48b½ 48w0 37b0 37w0 41w1 41b0 16b0 16w0 46w0 46b1 34b0 34w0 44b0 44w050153,5159
54Joaobraga30 - Joao Victor De Souza C. Braga0BRA 15b0 15w0 -1 -1 44w0 44b0 38w0 38b0 39b0 39w1 42w0 42b0 47w- 47b- 47w0 47b1 51b0 51w040129134
55Marcelomann - Antonio Marcelo Do Nascimento2306BRA 49b1 49w1 8w0 8b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -020122,5125,5
56Henryksen - Eury Henrique Santos De Paula1371BRA 31w0 31b0 58b- 58w- 58b+ 58w1 25b- 25w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -020115,5118,5
57Dandante - Maria Eduarda Barbosa De Lemos963BRA 37b0 37w0 43b0 43w0 59w- 59b- 50w- 50b0 -1 -1 51w- 51b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -02099102
58Cauayaya - Caua Moropo Lobo De Miranda0BRA 18w0 18b0 56w- 56b- 56w- 56b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00099,5100,5
59Sorvetinho11 - Raphael Caldas1610BRA 4b0 4w0 45w- 45b- 57b- 57w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0009899
60Robson5056 - Robson Nunes Rodrigues Jr1682BRA 25w- 25b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00093,594,5
Ztrug - Fabio Henrique Souza De Morais1350BRA 28b- 28w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00093,594,5
Kaw3 - Kaue Florencio Rocha0BRA 27w- 27b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00093,594,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)