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Campionatul National de Sah Online

Ultima actualizare12.06.2020 16:50:52, Creator/Last Upload: jugaru lucian

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Diagrama cu clasamentul dupa runda 10

LocNumeleRtg.FED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.Rd10.RdPct. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1WGMCosma Elena-Luminita2311ROU 20w0 20b1 24w1 24b1 19b1 19w½ 15w1 15b1 2w½ 2b½7,526,0006
2WIMSgircea Silvia-Raluca2256ROU 18w½ 18b1 5w½ 5b½ 25b1 25w½ 14b1 14w1 1b½ 1w½729,5004
3GMChirila Ioan-Cristian2536ROU 12w1 12b½ 29b1 29w1 23b½ 23w1 11b½ 11w1 6b½ 6w0722,2505
4GMMiron Lucian-Costin2507ROU 7w0 7b½ 22b½ 22w1 32w1 32b1 10w½ 10b½ 12w1 12b1721,7505
5WFMCosman Andreea-Marioara2164ROU 25w1 25b0 2b½ 2w½ 18w½ 18b½ 13b½ 13w1 9b1 9w16,529,7504
6IMDragomirescu Robin-Alexandru2337ROU 26w½ 26b1 10b1 10w0 21w0 21b1 7b1 7w0 3w½ 3b1627,0005
7IMGavrilescu David2473ROU 4b1 4w½ 32b1 32w1 22w1 22b½ 6w0 6b1 -0 -0621,2505
8GMDeac Bogdan-Daniel2625ROU 27w1 27b½ 28w1 28b1 11b½ 11w½ 12w½ 12b½ -0 -05,515,0003
9WFMVisanescu Daria-Ioana2139ROU 16w1 16b0 15b1 15w0 30w1 30b1 19b½ 19w1 5w0 5b05,513,5005
10GMManolache Marius2541ROU 21w½ 21b1 6w0 6b1 26b½ 26w1 4b½ 4w½ -0 -0519,7503
11GMNanu Costica-Ciprian2503ROU 28b½ 28w1 27b½ 27w1 8w½ 8b½ 3w½ 3b0 -0 -04,514,2502
IMCostachi Mihnea2471ROU 3b0 3w½ 23w½ 23b1 29b1 29w½ 8b½ 8w½ 4b0 4w04,514,2502
13WGMSandu Mihaela2268ROU 14w0 14b1 17b½ 17w1 31w1 31b½ 5w½ 5b0 -0 -04,513,2503
14WFMCiolacu Alessia-Mihaela2052ROU 13b1 13w0 31b1 31w1 17w1 17b0 2w0 2b0 -0 -049,0004
15IMPeptan Corina-Isabela2392ROU 30w1 30b½ 9w0 9b1 16b½ 16w½ 1b0 1w0 -0 -03,510,5012
WFMLehaci Miruna-Daria2241ROU 9b0 9w1 30b1 30w½ 15w½ 15b½ -0 -0 -0 -03,510,5012
17WGMVoicu-Jagodzinsky Carmen2244ROU 31w1 31b1 13w½ 13b0 14b0 14w1 -0 -0 -0 -03,57,2503
18WCMBucur Denisa-Andreea2063ROU 2b½ 2w0 25w1 25b½ 5b½ 5w½ -0 -0 -0 -0313,0001
19WFMNastase Andreea-Cristina2071ROU 24b0 24w½ 20b½ 20w1 1w0 1b½ 9w½ 9b0 -0 -0311,5001
20WCMCiocan Maria-Alexandra1982ROU 1b1 1w0 19w½ 19b0 24b1 24w0 -0 -0 -0 -02,511,5002
21FMOgnean Mihnea-Ionut2298ROU 10b½ 10w0 26w0 26b1 6b1 6w0 -0 -0 -0 -02,510,5002
22IMArdelean George-Catalin2490ROU 32w1 32b½ 4w½ 4b0 7b0 7w½ -0 -0 -0 -02,57,2501
IMDavid Alexandru-Vasile2428ROU 29b½ 29w1 12b½ 12w0 3w½ 3b0 -0 -0 -0 -02,57,2501
24WIMDragomirescu Angela2233ROU 19w1 19b½ 1b0 1w0 20w0 20b1 -0 -0 -0 -02,57,0002
25WCMAciu Malina-Andreea2091ROU 5b0 5w1 18b0 18w½ 2w0 2b½ -0 -0 -0 -0211,5001
26IMBulmaga Irina2449ROU 6b½ 6w0 21b1 21w0 10w½ 10b0 -0 -0 -0 -028,0001
27FMStoleriu George2349ROU 8b0 8w½ 11w½ 11b0 28b0 28w1 -0 -0 -0 -026,5001
28IMAnton Teodor2464ROU 11w½ 11b0 8b0 8w0 27w1 27b0 -0 -0 -0 -01,54,2501
29GMNevednichy Vladislav2531ROU 23w½ 23b0 3w0 3b0 12w0 12b½ -0 -0 -0 -013,5000
WCMPelin Ana-Maria1949ROU 15b0 15w½ 16w0 16b½ 9b0 9w0 -0 -0 -0 -013,5000
31WCMAnghel Maria1826ROU 17b0 17w0 14w0 14b0 13b0 13w½ -0 -0 -0 -00,52,2500
32FMAntonica Dragos-Andrei2301ROU 22b0 22w½ 7w0 7b0 4b0 4w0 -0 -0 -0 -00,51,2500

Tie Break1: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Tie Break2: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break3: Greater number of victories/games variable