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TSA - - Rapid - Ekurhuleni CC - Boksburg Club - 12/5/2020

Last update 27.05.2020 06:09:02, Creator/Last Upload: South African Chess Fed. (Licence 154)

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts.Rk. TB1 
1michaelsimpson0 45w1 57b1 10b1 5w1 2b1 3b1610
2ofanatema0 16w1 31b1 23w1 6b1 1w0 19b1520
3theguythatwins0 56w1 12b1 4w1 27b1 7b1 1w0530
4rsa-goat0 17w1 30b1 3b0 34w1 22b1 10w1540
5seztro0 65w1 14b1 13w1 1b0 12w1 8w1550
6kwanzough0070 34b1 41w1 47b1 2w0 30b1 15w1560
7thecheckmateboss0 11w1 23w½ 21b1 19b1 3w0 18b14,570
8wanga20070 36w1 59b1 18w½ 33b1 9w1 5b04,580
9mystereo100 57w½ 64b1 11w1 18b1 8b0 21w14,590
10kamowaleng0 32w1 39b1 1w0 16b1 28w1 4b04100
11amymarg0 7b0 48w1 9b0 32w1 34b1 28w14110
12thee_patzer0 46b1 3w0 53b1 26w1 5b0 30w14120
13aiden_wallace0 29b1 51w1 5b0 20w0 49b1 27w14130
14ntuthukosibanyoni0 43w1 5w0 26b0 53b1 46w1 36b14140
15connorhubbert0 39w0 32b1 56w1 47b1 27w1 6b04150
16supervan0 2b0 49w1 52b1 10w0 51b1 26w14160
17johannes_gibbens0 4b0 22w0 66b1 52w1 33w1 31b14170
18jeremie310 37b1 20w1 8b½ 9w0 25b1 7w03,5180
19brandon07070 28b1 21w½ 24b1 7w0 20b1 2w03,5190
20annikaterblanche0 26w1 18b0 38w1 13b1 19w0 22w½3,5200
21roccoaldum0 54w1 19b½ 7w0 24b1 23w1 9b03,5210
22ruanchessrocks0 30w0 17b1 40w1 46b1 4w0 20b½3,5220
23knight-champ0 48w1 7b½ 2b0 41w1 21b0 44w13,5230
24grantnel0 58b1 19w0 21w0 41b1 40w13,5240
25fred_terblanche0 -0 58w1 42b1 18w0 52b13,5250
26eduandeswardt0 20b0 37w1 14w1 12b0 48w1 16b03260
27pickachew0 53w1 33w1 35b1 3w0 15b0 13b03270
28thebrokeasskid20200 19w0 54b1 39w1 35w1 10b0 11b03280
29anjaterlanche0 13w0 50b0 45w1 38b1 31w0 48b13290
30jjw_gibbens0 22b1 4w0 64w1 31b1 6w0 12b03300
31nwabo0 49b1 2w0 51b1 30w0 29b1 17w03310
32aliciarossouw0 10b0 15w0 37b1 11b0 50w1 46w13320
33killer360theboss0 55w1 27b0 50w1 8w0 17b0 47b13330
34nehalthomas0 6w0 44b1 59w1 4b0 11w0 54b13340
35liandribothma0 61w1 40b1 27w0 28b0 47w1 -03350
36carla_aldum0 8b0 60w1 46b0 39w1 54b1 14w03360
37ivanlab0 18w0 26b0 32w0 58b1 59w1 53b13370
38dian03030 47b0 66w1 20b0 29w0 61b1 49w13380
39danielleterblanche0 15b1 10w0 28b0 36b0 56w½ 57b12,5390
40cricket1230 52b1 35w0 22b0 44w½ 42w1 24b02,5400
41dariuspretorius0 44w1 6b0 42w½ 23b0 24w0 56b12,5410
42sunette_19770 66b1 47w0 41b½ 25w0 40b0 51w12,5420
43melindielab0 14b0 56b0 61w1 48b0 45w½ 59b12,5430
44jpskaak0 41b0 34w0 -1 40b½ 57w1 23b02,5440
45kaleighhuebsch0 1b0 46w0 29b0 66w1 43b½ 58w12,5450
46duncan-cole0 12w0 45b1 36w1 22w0 14b0 32b02460
47allan_gibbens0 38w1 42b1 6w0 15w0 35b0 33w02470
48chrizander06060 23b0 11b0 57w1 43w1 26b0 29w02480
49kian-1230 31w0 16b0 55w1 50b1 13w0 38b02490
50saffron-lovett240 51b0 29w1 33b0 49w0 32b0 61w12500
51jean-luc_lange50 50w1 13b0 31w0 56b1 16w0 42b02510
52tiaana17550 40w0 61b1 16w0 17b0 55w1 25w02520
53duarte10 27b0 55b1 12w0 14w0 64b1 37w02530
54carlaweber0 21b0 28w0 60b1 59b1 36w0 34w02540
55chantell0 33b0 53w0 49b0 60w1 52b0 64w12550
56danelle0 3b0 43w1 15b0 51w0 39b½ 41w01,5560
57ethancoetzer0 9b½ 1w0 48b0 64w1 44b0 39w01,5570
58charlp30 24w0 25b0 37w0 60b1 45b01,5580
59jaculenebothma0 60b1 8w0 34b0 54w0 37b0 43w01590
60rohann02020 59w0 36b0 54w0 55b0 58w0 -11600
61franco12020 35b0 52w0 43b0 -1 38w0 50b01610
62falcon79790 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00,5620
63walezajnr0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00,5630
64phumelelesibanyoni0 9w0 30b0 57b0 53w0 55b00,5640
65elrib0 5b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00650
66henregsmith0 42w0 38b0 17w0 45b0 -0 -00660

Tie Break1: Manually input (after Tie-Break matches)