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I Torneo Blitz Infantil de Ajedrez Online 2020 - Torneo Cabra

Última actualización13.05.2020 12:26:27, Propietario/Última carga: Spanish Federation (Arbiter Comitee)

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Cuadro cruzado por clasificación final después de 8 rondas

Rk.NombreEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts. Des 1  Des 2 
1Garcia Almeida Valeria1224ESP 25b1 29w1 9b1 8w1 20b1 2w1 3b1 5b½7,507
2Olive Garcia Victor1293ESP 21w1 3b1 20w0 12b1 19w1 1b0 13w1 8b1606
Matos Espino Carlos Silverio1047ESP 34b1 2w0 31b1 22w1 6b1 20w1 1w0 11b1606
4Diaz Cruz Cayetano1269ESP 33b½ 16w1 18b0 27w1 15b1 13w½ 20b1 9w1605
Ascension Suarez Joel1241ESP 30w1 12b½ 15w1 11b0 17w1 18b1 9b1 1w½605
6Sanchez Villodres Mario1204ESP 26w1 28b1 35w1 20b0 3w0 7b½ 17w1 19b15,50,55
Olive Garcia Diana0ESP 14w1 8b0 29b1 13w0 39b1 6w½ 27b1 16w15,50,55
8Rodriguez Almeida Ainhoa1136ESP 31b1 7w1 27b1 1b0 11w1 9w0 12b1 2w0505
Garcia Rodriguez Adriana1058ESP 41w1 11b1 1w0 10b1 18w1 8b1 5w0 4b0505
De Leon Gonzalez Yraya0ESP 18w0 41b1 34w1 9w0 22b1 19b0 30w+ 20w1505
11Castillo Palacios Jesus David1338ESP -1 9w0 36b1 5w1 8b0 21b1 19w1 3w0504
Afonso Cruz Gabriel0ESP 40w+ 5w½ 39b1 2w0 13b½ 26b1 8w0 21b1504
Cardona Erazo Jonnier Esteban0ESP 27w0 37b1 26w1 7b1 12w½ 4b½ 2b0 18w1504
14Barrios Gonzalez Romen0ESP 7b0 15b0 37w1 31w1 32b1 27w½ 16b0 28w14,504
Chara Erazo Laura0ESP 16b½ 14w1 5b0 39w1 4w0 17b0 24w1 26b14,504
Parra Erazo Santiago0ESP 15w½ 4b0 17w0 34b1 25w1 35b1 14w1 7b04,504
Pinton Marin Elouan0ESP 29b0 25w½ 16b1 28w1 5b0 15w1 6b0 27w14,504
18Mendoza De Leon Alvaro1238ESP 10b1 35w- 4w1 32w1 9b0 5w0 22b1 13b0404
Curbelo Vega Cristina Teresa1070ESP 37w1 27b0 33w1 35b1 2b0 10w1 11b0 6w0404
Martin Martin Oscar I1063ESP 32b1 22w1 2b1 6w1 1w0 3b0 4w0 10b0404
Galan Bravo Evan0ESP 2b0 32w0 40b1 38w1 29b1 11w0 28b1 12w0404
Pleschke Julius Jonas0ESP 24w1 20b0 25w1 3b0 10w0 33b1 18w0 29b1404
23Pe Gabriel0ESP 28w0 26b0 30w0 37b0 -1 38w1 39b1 31w1403
24Dsouza Alvia Kevin0ESP 22b0 31w0 41b+ 30b1 26w0 32w½ 15b0 36w13,503
Guan Hui0ESP 1w0 17b½ 22b0 40w1 16b0 31w0 36b1 39w13,503
Guan Min0ESP 6b0 23w1 13b0 36w1 24b1 12w0 31b½ 15w03,503
Palacios Martinez Daniel0ESP 13b1 19w1 8w0 4b0 35w+ 14b½ 7w0 17b03,503
28Curbelo Vega Adrian0ESP 23b1 6w0 32b0 17b0 37w+ 36w1 21w0 14b0303
Diaz Cruz Isabel0ESP 17w1 1b0 7w0 33b1 21w0 30b0 32b1 22w0303
Gonzalez Rodriguez Adriana0ESP 5b0 34w0 23b1 24w0 38b1 29w1 10b- -0303
31Holden Liam Michael0ESP 8w0 24b1 3w0 14b0 33w½ 25b1 26w½ 23b0302
Medina Llanten Madeleine Sofia0ESP 20w0 21b1 28w1 18b0 14w0 24b½ 29w0 33b½302
33Gellert Tejera Eiden Ariel0ESP 4w½ 39b½ 19b0 29w0 31b½ 22w0 34b1 32w½301
34Morales Martin Daniela0ESP 3w0 30b1 10b0 16w0 36b0 39w½ 33w0 38b12,502
35Coronado Machin Aroa Alejandra0ESP 38w1 18b+ 6b0 19w0 27b- 16w0 37b- -0202
Dsouza Ashley Kevin0ESP 39w0 38b1 11w0 26b0 34w1 28b0 25w0 24b0202
Lopez Perez Rodrigo0ESP 19b0 13w0 14b0 23w1 28b- 40b1 35w- -0202
38Pe Christian0ESP 35b0 36w0 -1 21b0 30w0 23b0 40w+ 34w0201
Velazquez Loaiza Andres0ESP 36b1 33w½ 12w0 15b0 7w0 34b½ 23w0 25b0201
40Morales Rodriguez Adriel0ESP 12b- -0 21w0 25b0 41w+ 37w0 38b- -0101
41Medina Mallada Sergio0ESP 9b0 10w0 24w- -0 40b- -0 -0 -0000

Desempate 1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Desempate 2: Greater number of victories/games variable