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Last update 27.03.2020 02:47:21, Creator/Last Upload: Comite Olimpico Peruano

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Davila Paredes Jose (JDDavilaPeru)2027PER 65b1 51w1 34b1 22w1 88b1125w- 42b162030,56
2Torres Rengifo Bruno (brunovdelmal)2015PER 66w- 81w1 91b1 56w1 42b0 57w- -0368024,53
3De La Cruz Franklin (arquichess)1983PER 67b1 54w+ 35w½ 21b1 37w1 39b½116w-59033,54
4Tacuche Martinez Fernando (pikichan)1960PER 68w1 52b1 37w½ 15b1116w1 6b½111w0511032,54
5Estrada Zeta Erick (erickzeta)1953PER 69b1 55w1 39b- -0 -0 -0 -02840272
6Bravo Mallco Kate (bravoazumisaco)1895PER 70w1 58b1 48w1 39b0 35w+ 4w½ 17b15,560305
7Caja Cruz Gabriel (Gabrielpro123)1889PER 71b+ 57w1 61b1 88w0 48b0 64w- -0360029,53
8Mendoza Sosaya Eric (teogenes666)1872PER 72w1 60b1 80w1 82b1 39w0 27b0 37b04340294
9Cabrera Huaman Rodolfo (RodolfoValentinoCH)1839PER 73b1 59w1 40b1 95w0 52b1 22w1 88b½5,57027,55
10Guerra Yaranga Luis (lagy2020)1822PER 74w+ 61w1 57b1125w0 82b1 42w0 47b0430030,54
11Cordova Maza Eduardo (incaroca)1820PER 75b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00116017,50
12Maceda Espinoza Martin (ajedrezxx)1816PER 76w1 66b1 82w0 37b0 59w1 63b1 52w1523022,55
13Anamaria Estrada Franco (Franco_anamaria)1814PER 77b0 85w- 63b- -0 -0 -0 -001270160
14Falcon Pomajambo Fernando /(Fernando_falcon)1795PER 78w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00117017,50
15Quispe Cesar (cquispe)1764PER 79b1 63w1 88b0 4w0 70b0 81w1 65w14410244
16Caja Alarcon Carlos (carloscajaalarcon)1718PER 80w0 84b1 27w½ 24b1 23w0120b1 67b14,528023,54
17Cardenas Lima Matthew (matthewcl10)1697PER 81b1 77w1 95b1 58w1125b0 48w½ 6w04,526026,54
18Giraldo Arana Jose (Slipperyslope3)1694PER 82w0 86b1 60w1 59b1 63w1 31b1 39w05210255
19Rengifo Leon Jose (joserengifo12)1693PER 83b0 87w1 65b1 70w1 78w1116b0 57w15170275
20Miranda Gamarra Luis (Betoski)1690PER 84w1 78b1100w1116b0 96w1111b0 64w-433029,54
21Caja Alarcon Gianpier (chessgianpier123)1648PER 85b1 83w1108b1 3w0 95b1 88w0 82b1515028,55
22WFMBocangel Chavez Marjoire J.(marjoirerdr)1646PER 86w1 80b1 66w1 1b0100w1 9b0 96w1518026,55
23WCMLoyola Torres Maria (MariaGracia_Loyola)1619PER 87b1 95w0 67b1 74w½ 16b1 37w½ 83b0438027,53
24Vidal Maldonado Jean (escorpiochess)1613PER 88w0 90b1 70b0 16w0 81b1 94w1 93b14500214
25Bardales Cojal Ronald (tumbesino27)1609PER 89b1 97w+116w0 63b0 64w- -0 -0291023,52
26Tenorio Jesus (ShaGuiOnE)1599PER 90w1 82b0 73w1 78b0 74b1 70w1 95b1522024,55
27AIMYacila Neyra Carlos (carlosyacila)1590PER 91b½ 38w1 16b½ 85w1101b1 8w1 48b½5,580244
28Calderon Montalvo Marcelo (marce18)1571PER 92w1 88b0 74b0 67w- -0 -0 -011070231
29Vargas De La Torre Victor (viravato)1554PER 93b1106w1125b0101w0 83b0105w1 63w1442023,54
30Diaz Montalvo William (diazmontalvo)1548PER 94w1100b0 77w1 96b0 65w1 66b1 78w04510214
31Cahuapaza Tarapaca Leonardo (Leonperuano)1545PER 95b0 89w1 83b1106w1112b1 18w0101b15190265
32Jara Pino Mateo (rudylara)1518PER 96w1108b0 78w0 73b+105b1 82w0 70b0370023,53
33Arellano Suarez Carlos (orejas)1508PER 97b+ -0 -0 -0 -0 -01,5101024,51
34Gensollen Arroyo Oscar Jose (ogensollen)1505PER 98w+110b+ 1w0100b0 66w0 65b0 86w1371023,53
35Reynoso Jorge (jorge_reynoso)1484PER 99b1109w1 3b½108w1 6b- -0 -03,5560273
36Roman Robles Nicolas (nico2501)1457PER100w0 92b+101b0 81w1106b1 83w0 72b1449021,54
37Cardenas Lima Vincent (THE_HUMBLE10)1446PER101b1113w1 4b½ 12w1 3b0 23b½ 8w15140294
38Flores Ninacansaya Fabian (fabian159flores)1435PER102w½ 27b0 50w0 76b- -0 -0 -00,5112020,50
39Fernandez Amau Pedro (jesus069)1433PER103b1119w1 5w+ 6w1 8b1 3w½ 18b16,510286
40Bravo Mendoza Alexandro Del (AlexBM10)1420PER104w1112b1 9w0109b1111w0 78b0 66w-359030,53
41Estrada Cantaro Andre (Tortilla2011)vi1361PER105b1125w0106b0 83w0 84b1 93w1 74b14470224
42Herrera Cervellon Jesus Yorman (Jesus23HC)1323PER106w- 93w1105b1110w+ 2w1 10b1 1w05200265
43Ccana Minauro Wernher (ccanawernhersaco)1315PER107b+116b0 96w0 77b1 67w½ 91b1112w½440024,53
44Herrera Apaza Luana Mikela (luana12)1308PER108w0 94b1109w- 84w1113b1 95w0 85b14540184
45Sanchez Villena Ruben (rubensin)1303PER -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00118017,50
46Fernandez Huanca Daniel (daisfernandez)1277PER109b0 99w1110b0 89w1 91b- 85b- -0294020,52
47Giron Urdaniga Johnny (Johnny343)1273PER110w0 96b0 90w1 80b1 85w1100b1 10w1525021,55
48Linares Matos Mauricio (mauriccious)1266PER111b1127w1 6b0115w1 7w1 17b½ 27w½5120314
49Valencia Quispe Fausto (faustovalencia)1264PER112w0104b1111w0 86b0102w0 90b1 89w1374020,53
50Zapana Huarza Fabricio (fabriciozapana10)1251PER113b0101w0 38b1 93w1108b1112w0100b14520214
51Garayar Peralta Luis (luisfer0609)1243PER114w1 1b0112w0102b1 86w1 96b0106w14440234
52Lopez Herrera Nalda (aracelynalda)1241PER115b1 4w0113b1127w1 9w0109b1 12b0437027,54
53Escalante Berrocal Jhoel (Pad0318)1233PER116w0107b+115b0105w0 93b0118w1 81b02970192
54Ramirez Flores Lino (Ramirezlino)1232PER117b+ 3b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -01109022,51
55Medrano Rojas Carlos (medrano_653)1224PER118w1 5b0119w1111b0109w0 86b1120w14480224
56Parker Carrion Nicole (nicoleparker0109)1220PER119b0103w1120b+ 2b0115w+101w0108b1446022,54
57Sotelo Leon Ester (Garry2008)1202PER120w1 7b0 10w0119b1127w1 2b+ 19b04450234
58Diaz Pisfil Ahilton (DPAC2009)1197PER121b+ 6w0121b+ 17b0120w0124b0102w1373022,53
59Diaz Medina Rene (R3n3chess)1195PER122w1 9b0126b+ 18w0 12b0106w-104w-285026,52
60Llanto Llacsa Yaden (yaden)1192PER123b1 8w0 18b0113w0 94b1108w0105b13760193
61Solorzano Barrueta Anthony (anthony_lucciano)1180PER124w1 10b0 7w0120b0119w1102b1127w1453018,54
62Salazar Mamani Aldair (AldairS12)1166PER125b0105w0 93b0104w1122b1113w1124b14550184
63Vilca Contreras Dante (DIVXD)1158PER126w1 15b0 13w+ 25w1 18b0 12w0 29b03620273
64Vicente Mendoza Carlos (carlosvicente28)1152PER127b0111w0 94b1122w1 25b+ 7b+ 20b+524022,55
65Ccana Minauro Reiben (ccanareybensaco)1147PER 1w0114b1 19w0121b+ 30b0 34w1 15b03650263
66Ramirez Tipian Valerie (Valerie1412)1140PER 2b+ 12w0 22b0123w1 34b1 30w0 40b+443023,54
67Cisneros Vargas Gabriel (Gabriel2000)1134PER 3w0118b1 23w0 28b+ 43b½103b1 16w03,557024,53
68Cardenas Lima Marienne (leona9)1127PER 4b0115w0 99b½103w0118b½122w1113b1379017,52
69Cortez Requena Sebastian (S61828401)1125PER 5w0120b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -001150180
70Rodriguez Quispe Aldo (rodriguez10000)1122PER 6b0117w+ 24w1 19b0 15w1 26b0 32w14360284
71Tapia Cardenas Jean Pool (SUD11)1090PER 7w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00119017,50
72Larios Calixto Paris (JUPASOF)1081PER 8b0121w0103b½ 99w1 89b1 74w½ 36w0375020,52
73Chuctaya Ccente Cesar (Cobre)1036PER 9w0122b1 26b0 32w- -0 -0 -011080231
74Quispe Cubos Sebastian (seventing)1025PER 10b-124b1 28w1 23b½ 26w0 72b½ 41w03670252
75Alvarez Quispe Luis (luischess132)1021PER 11w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00120017,50
76Villafuerte Huaman Yamila (EsperanzaVH)1021PER 12b0123w½127b0 38w+103w0 77b0 90w½296019,51
77Calle Machuca Josue (josuepacman)1011PER 13w1 17b0 30b0 43w0123b½ 76w1109w02,581021,52
78Cuzcano Manzanedo Nicolas (nicolasMS)1011PER 14b+ 20w0 32b1 26w1 19b0 40w1 30b1516027,55
79Apaza Gomez Vania (vaniagi)0PER 15w0126b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00121017,50
80Arana Michel (micheth06)0PER 16b1 22w0 8b0 47w0124b- -0 -011050261
81Arce Calsin Jose (Magnus-anyel13)0PER 17w0 2b0104w1 36b0 24w0 15b0 53w1287024,52
82Arones Vilca. Isaac (ljav26)0PER 18b1 26w1 12b1 8w0 10w0 32b1 21w04310304
83Bustamante Cesar (Mateocesar)0PER 19w1 21b0 31w0 41b1 29w1 36b1 23w1513030,55
84Castillo Alvarez Eduardo (eduardo_olegario)0PER 20b0 16w0107b+ 44b0 41w0104b0123w1292023,52
85Cayetano Chavez Roberto Daniel (DaniCch13)0PER 21w0 13b+114w1 27b0 47b0 46w+ 44w03630273
86Ccopa Alvaro (Alv03)0PER 22b0 18w0118b1 49w1 51b0 55w0 34b0288024,52
87Cerna Richard (rcerna)0PER 23w0 19b0122w- -0 -0 -0 -001140190
88Chichizola Canale Giancarlo (murderoflegends)0PER 24b1 28w1 15w1 7b1 1w0 21b1 9w½5,55031,55
89Collantes Neyra Jhonny (Jhonnyte)0PER 25w0 31b0124w1 46b0 72w0119b+ 49b02930212
90Colorado De La Riva Luis (Luis_Hendel)0PER 26b0 24w0 47b0118w½ 99b1 49w0 76b½295020,51
91Condor Jhon (J0nzhii)0PER 27w½102b1 2w0112b0 46w+ 43w0103b02,5800262
92Cotrina Espinoza Snendeiker (Yopencrack2019)0PER 28b0 36w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00126016,50
93Cucho De La Cruz Roger (PTK77)0PER 29w0 42b0 62w1 50b0 53w1 41b0 24w0286026,52
94De La Cerna Cabrera Jean Pier (JeanPiere)0PER 30b0 44w0 64w0114b1 60w0 24b0118w½1,5102022,51
95Flores Quispe Jorge (KokitoSs)0PER 31w1 23b1 17w0 9b1 21w0 44b1 26w0429033,54
96Francisco MArtin MArcelo (Pacomy1970)0PER 32b0 47w1 43b1 30w1 20b0 51w1 22b0435028,54
97Ganto Manzanedo Rodrigo (rodrigoGM)0PER 33w- 25b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00122017,50
98Garcia Giancarlo (CaixaPeru)a0PER 34b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00123017,50
99Garcia Lapa Johan (Smith337)0PER 35w0 46b0 68w½ 72b0 90w0114b0122b00,51130200
100Gaspar Guevara Darling (gaspardarlingg)0PER 36b1 30w1 20b0 34w1 22b0 47w0 50w03610283
101Guzman Janampa Mario (MARIOSPURS2010)0PER 37w0 50b1 36w1 29b1 27w0 56b1 31w04320304
102Herrera Guerrero Raul (Raul09)0PER 38b½ 91w0123b½ 51w0 49b1 61w0 58b02980191
103Ilasaca Hisahito (Hisahito)0PER 39w0 56b0 72w½ 68b1 76b1 67w0 91w13,558021,53
104Inga Ferreyra Arnold (Arnold_inga)0PER 40b0 49w0 81b0 62b0114w1 84w1 59b+3780183
105Loayza Sarabia Mauricio (tigranloayza)0PER 41w0 62b1 42w0 53b1 32w0 29b0 60w02890242
106Lopez Chavez Diego (tiggran)0PER 42b+ 29b0 41w1 31b0 36w0 59b+ 51b03660263
107Lozada Pillco Jose (Joselo007)0PER 43w- 53w- 84w- -0 -0 -0 -00124017,50
108Luque Guevara Ruben (chessqosqo)0PER 44b1 32w1 21w0 35b0 50w0 60b1 56w03640273
109Maita Pereyra Oliver (Oliverpichanaqui)0PER 46w1 35b0 44b+ 40w0 55b1 52w0 77b1439025,54
110Maquen Parihuaman Edwin (emapa100)0PER 47b1 34w- 46w1 42b- -0 -0 -02820282
111MArtinez Miguel Ange (covi19)1741PER 48w0 64b1 49b1 55w1 40b1 20w1 4b163028,56
112Moquillaza Cardenas Victor (Victor2400)0PER 49b1 40w0 51b1 91w1 31w0 50b1 43b½4,5270254
113Navarro Romayna Luis Alberto (juniornavarro)0PER 50w1 37b0 52w0 60b1 44w0 62b0 68w0283027,52
114Navarro Romayna Luis Fernando (fernandonavarro0PER 51b0 65w0 85b0 94w0104b0 99w1119b12100014,52
115Olivares Bruno(bruno4646)0PER 52w0 68b1 53w1 48b0 56b- -0 -02900242
116Oriundo Mamani Cesar (chismonero)0PER 53b1 43w1 25b1 20w1 4b0 19w1 3b+64027,56
117Paco Fernando (fernandopacoh)0PER 54w- 70b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00125017,50
118Pampas Felix Mariana (orxip)0PER 55b0 67w0 86w0 90b½ 68w½ 53b0 94b½1,51030170
119Quispe Arellano Leonardo (ps4leonardo)0PER 56w1 39b0 55b0 57w0 61b0 89w-114w011060251
120Ramirez Mejia Adriana (adrianita12345)0PER 57b0 69w+ 56w- 61w1 58b1 16w0 55b0369024,53
121Rengifo Alexander (AlexanderRengifo)0PER 58w- 72b1 58w- 65w- -0 -0 -011100221
122Rodriguez Huaranga Gonzalo (Gonzalo2293)0PER 59b0 73w0 87b+ 64b0 62w0 68b0 99w1299018,52
123Rolldan Oscar Antonio (Oscar0109)0PER 60w0 76b½102w½ 66b0 77w½127b0 84b01,5104016,50
124Sanchez Angeldonis Thiago (thiagosancheza)0PER 61b0 74w0 89b0 -1 80w+ 58w1 62w0377018,52
125Torres Quispe Spenzer (spenzer123456789)0PER 62w1 41b1 29w1 10b1 17w1 1b- -0510032,55
126Velarde Pimentel Augusto (Rodri_ve123)0PER 63b0 79w+ 59w- -0 -0 -0 -011110201
127Venegas Tapara Yarwins (yarwins)0PER 64w1 48b0 76w1 52b0 57b0123w1 61b03720233

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: The greater number of victories (variable)