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Campeonato Alagoano Online Rápido 2020

Last update 29.03.2020 00:53:45, Creator/Last Upload: XadrezSanfranciscano

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Dimitrovisk Jose Ferreira2395BRA 36w1 24b1 14w1 10b1 2w1 3b0 62w1 8b½6,5204044
2gibinha Gilberto Ferreira2386BRA 37b1 21w1 25b1 5w1 1b0 53w1 9b½ 14w16,53036,540
3jonmagal Jonathas Jose2382BRA 38w1 34b1 20w1 62b1 9w1 1w1 5b1 7w½7,51039,540
4jaymemaceio Jayme Amorim2365BRA 39b1 25w0 63b1 27w0 33b1 31w1 53b1 19w16703234
5lucioflavioapax Lucio Flavio Reis De Queiroz2314BRA 40w1 48b1 29w1 2b0 30w1 14b1 3w0 12b166035,538,5
6LUYSEV Luyse Victoria Gomes2255BRA 41b1 29w0 33b1 53w0 39b½ 55w1 21b0 42w14,526029,531,5
7Tanzinho Weverton Natan Ferreira2244BRA 42w1 50b1 62w0 26b1 29w1 18b1 8w1 3b½6,5403638,5
8Victor_2020 Victor Souza Costa2228BRA 43b1 31w1 53b½ 9w½ 27b1 71w1 7b0 1w½5,5903840,5
9allanzaidan Allan Gadelha Zaidan2180BRA 44w1 58b1 71w1 8b½ 3b0 17w1 2w½ 62b051303942
10valdo777 Josivaldo Jose2149BRA 45b1 33w1 57b1 1w0 53b0 27w1 20b0 71w0430036,538,5
11joaogabriellessa13 Joao Gabriel Delmiro Lima2146BRA 46w+ 53w0 35b0 15w0 56b0 59w1 42b0 51w135402627
12Rikelme11 Rikelme Amorim Dos Santos2145BRA 47b1 57w0 39b0 59w1 55b+ 35w1 22b1 5w0518029,532,5
13luccaemanoellessa Lucca Emanuel Delmiro Lima2133BRA 48w0 44b1 32w0 50b0 58w0 52b1 60w1 45b035802122,5
14Charles_tony Charles Tony De Oliveira2120BRA 49b1 61w1 1b0 31w1 35b1 5w0 30w1 2b0515033,536,5
15laurasophia-2 Laura Sophia Gomes2117BRA 50w0 52b1 34w½ 11b1 36w1 62b0 29w0 55b½44002930,5
16Alexs1fab Fabio Alexandre2115BRA 51b1 63w0 41b1 35w0 45b0 56w1 47b1 67w151902627
17Davimatheus2 Davi Matheus Costa2102BRA 52w1 62b0 47w1 29b0 43w1 9b0 37w1 30b½4,527029,531
18costagalo Flavio Da Costa2090BRA 53b0 67w1 59b1 39w1 57b1 7w0 71b½ 20w04,52103639
19canal_chessveja Rafael Emiliano2086BRA 54w1 71b0 48w1 30b0 50w1 26b1 24w1 4b0517031,534
20thyagomiranda Thyago Francisco Agra2074BRA 55b1 65w1 3b0 57w0 51b1 61w1 10w1 18b168030,531,5
21enaldo Enaldo Gomes2072BRA 56w1 2b0 50w1 32b1 62w0 29b½ 6w1 36b04,523033,535,5
22stanleylessa Stanley De Oliveira2043BRA 57b0 43w1 61b0 65w1 63b1 45w1 12w0 70b½4,529027,530
23Karpivarov Paulo Roberto2042BRA 58w0 54b0 49w+ 67w0 59b1 48b1 45w1 57b152002527,5
24yuriprm Yuri Patrice Rocha2032BRA 59b1 1w0 67b1 63w1 71b0 57w1 19b0 27w043203437
25Eugynbraw Vicktor Boniek Da Silva2026BRA 60w1 4b1 2w0 71b0 54w1 30b0 57w0 48b143303336
26De Souza Thiago Lopes Thomaz1985BRA 61b0 45w1 70b1 7w0 67b1 19w0 63b1 31w1516032,535,5
27RASS_X Rene Augusto Dos Santos1982BRA 62w0 56b1 54w1 4b1 8w0 10b0 61w1 24b1514033,536,5
28alciro123 Alciro Acioli1961BRA 63b0 47w0 55b0 52w1 65b+ 50b½ 58w1 39w03,54702526,5
29Gelson Gelson Silva1958BRA 64w1 6b1 5b0 17w1 7b0 21w½ 15b1 53w04,522035,539,5
30Glauco40 Glauco Lima1957BRA 65b0 49w+ 58w1 19w1 5b0 25w1 14b0 17w½4,525030,533,5
31gugaarts Anderson Valdecy Sales1951BRA 66w1 8b0 64w1 14b0 70w1 4b0 54w1 26b0431034,535
32ailtonchess Ailton De Oliveira1947BRA 67b0 51w1 13b1 21w0 61b0 63w0 56b0 68w026502526
33jessyckon Jessyckon Peterson Farias1928BRA 68w1 10b0 6w0 48b1 4w0 54b0 64w0 41b0263028,531
34marielesantos Mariele Do Nascimento1923BRA 69b1 3w0 15b½ 55w0 47b½ 51w1 67b0 56w-350031,532,5
35dinhoxm Edvaldo Da Silva1921BRA 71w0 60b1 11w1 16b1 14w0 12b0 70b0 47w034903234,5
36Driddler Rafael Do Nascimento1919BRA 1b0 55w½ 65b1 61w1 15b0 42w1 39b1 21w15,51203033
37Da Silva Marcos Tenorio1917BRA 2w0 64b0 52w1 51b- 66b1 68w1 17b0 54b035302727,5
38Dos Santos Syndel Cristiny1916BRA 3b0 59w0 46b0 56w0 60b0 -1 69w0 52w016702627
39jmmath Jose Mauricio Lima1913BRA 4w0 66b1 12w1 18b0 6w½ 58b1 36w0 28b14,52403131,5
40ectavares Edjair Carvalho1878BRA 5b0 69w- 51b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0070022,523,5
41SAVIOSA Savio Silva1871BRA 6w0 68b1 16w0 54b0 48w0 60b0 66b1 33w135502424,5
42netocajueiro Antonio Neto1871BRA 7b0 70w0 56b+ 58b½ 69w1 36b0 11w1 6b03,545030,533
43matheuv_chess Matheus Vieira1870BRA 8w0 22b0 60w+ 68w1 17b0 67w0 51b1 63w0352027,528,5
44pedrosoaresss Pedro Victor Soares1870BRA 9b0 13w0 69b0 60w1 68b0 66w1 65b+ 61b1444022,523
45Charleshebert Charles Hebert Cavalcante1866BRA 10w0 26b0 66w1 64b1 16w1 22b0 23b0 13w143703030,5
46Anderson2014 Cicero Andersom Ambrosio1858BRA 11b- -0 38w1 70b0 64w0 65b- -0 -016902525,5
47Anthonygeniuns Anthony Sales1857BRA 12w0 28b1 17b0 69w½ 34w½ 64b1 16w0 35b144102831
48SalocinReal Nicolas Fabricio De Souza1849BRA 13b1 5w0 19b0 33w0 41b1 23w0 68b1 25w035102830
49xandygr Alexandre Gonçalves1837BRA 14w0 30b- 23b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0071021,522,5
50Martyuss Martinho Santos1835BRA 15b1 7w0 21b0 13w1 19b0 28w½ 55b0 64b02,560031,534,5
51fininha Rafael Tito1817BRA 16w0 32b0 40w+ 37w+ 20w0 34b0 43w0 11b026402527
52julialimaa Julia De Lima1804BRA 17b0 15w0 37b0 28b0 -1 13w0 59w0 38b1266022,523
53Anderson2014 Anderson da Silva1800BRA 18w1 11b1 8w½ 6b1 10w1 2b0 4w0 29b15,510035,538
54Ding_jr Claudeir Jose Barbosa1800BRA 19b0 23w1 27b0 41w1 25b0 33w1 31b0 37w143802931
55FilipeAnderson Filipe Anderson1800BRA 20w0 36b½ 28w1 34b1 12w- 6b0 50w1 15w½435031,534
56Lucas_404 Lucas_4041800BRA 21b0 27w0 42w- 38b1 11w1 16b0 32w1 34b+443025,526
57LuizEduardoAL Luiz Eduardo1800BRA 22w1 12b1 10w0 20b1 18w0 24b0 25b1 23w043403236
58Ophthalmolebias Kevyn Djhonatha Dias1800BRA 23b1 9w0 30b0 42w½ 13b1 39w0 28b0 69w-2,561027,530,5
59Thierrysena Thierry José1800BRA 24w0 38b1 18w0 12b0 23w0 11b0 52b1 66w135602222,5
60abbraaaolimadassilva Abraao Silva1800BRA 25b0 35w0 43b- 44b0 38w1 41w1 13b0 -135702222,5
61emauer Emaur F de Oliveira1800BRA 26w1 14b0 22w1 36b0 32w1 20b0 27b0 44w0348034,536,5
62jailtoncampos Jailton Da Silva1800BRA 27b1 17w1 7b1 3w0 21b1 15w1 1b0 9w165039,543,5
63jf007 Josue França1800BRA 28w1 16b1 4w0 24b0 22w0 32b1 26w0 43b143603032
64josue-Medino Josué Medino1800BRA 29b0 37w1 31b0 45w0 46b1 47w0 33b1 50w144202628
65luizneto13 Luiz Barbosa1800BRA 30w1 20b0 36w0 22b0 28w- 46w+ 44w- -026203032
66marcos_areias Marcos Soares1800BRA 31b0 39w0 45b0 -1 37w0 44b0 41w0 59b0168025,527,5
67txoooo Fabricio Miranda1800BRA 32w1 18b0 24w0 23b1 26w0 43b1 34w1 16b043902931
68Chessfire805 Gabriel Nogueira1786BRA 33b0 41w0 -1 43b0 44w1 37b0 48w0 32b135902022
69he41 Wilford Helama Pereira1781BRA 34w0 40b- 44w1 47b½ 42b0 70w0 38b1 58b+3,546025,526
70Diogomac Diogo Bezerra1763BRA -0 42b1 26w0 46w1 31b0 69b1 35w1 22w½4,52802831
71Neilson Neilson Cruz1743BRA 35b1 19w1 9b0 25w1 24w1 8b0 18w½ 10b15,51103235

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)