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Last update 27.03.2020 04:07:49, Creator/Last Upload: Indian Chess School

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1AFMNagarkatte Vedant1731IND 2b1 30w1 16w½ 7b1 3b1 5w1 6b½60530
2Mitank Maru1426IND 1w0 33b1 4b1 12w½ 26b1 8w1 3w15,50528
3Mourya K1160IND 4b1 18w1 12b1 6b1 1w0 10w1 2b050532,5
4Chandrani Shlok1413IND 3w0 23b1 2w0 32b1 11w1 14b1 12w150526
5Vinod Chaturvedi1347IND 17w½ 25b1 27w1 16b1 6w½ 1b0 10b150426,5
6Potawad Anirudhha1875IND -1 15w1 8b1 3w0 5b½ 16w1 1w½50331
7Jain Kushagra1461IND 24b1 9b1 14w½ 1w0 16b0 18w1 13b14,50428,5
8Rane Yash1274IND 31w1 22b1 6w0 13w½ 21b1 2b0 17w14,50425,5
9Karra Vikram1122IND 32b1 7w0 13b0 15w½ 27b1 26w1 16b14,50422
10Bartakke Aditya1786IND 21w1 16b0 17w1 11b1 14w1 3b0 5w040428
11Mahajan Malay1039IND 28w0 19b1 22w1 10w0 4b0 30w1 21b140422,5
12Shirke Omkar1181IND 19w1 28b1 3w0 2b½ 13b½ 23w1 4b040327,5
13Aarav Bhavin Mehta1369IND 16w0 21b1 9w1 8b½ 12w½ 24b1 7w040327
14Chopra Syna1311IND 15b½ 26w1 7b½ 18w1 10b0 4w0 23b140326
15AFMKumtakar Deepak1417IND 14w½ 6b0 29w0 9b½ 25w1 22w1 24b140324
16Kinkhabwala Hrithik1368IND 13b1 10w1 1b½ 5w0 7w1 6b0 9w03,50332,5
17Kshaunish Prakash Jaiswal1168IND 5b½ 27w0 10b0 19w1 28w1 29b1 8b03,50324
18AFMPandit Harsh1171IND 33w1 3b0 32w1 14b0 29w½ 7b0 26w13,50320,5
19Vincent Alaina1798IND 12b0 11w0 20b½ 17b0 -1 32w1 27b13,50220
20Nagarkatte Saina1034IND 22w0 31b0 19w½ 25b½ 32w½ 28b1 29w13,50216,5
21Rane Viraj1154IND 10b0 13w0 33b1 22b1 8w0 31b1 11w030322,5
22Jagannathan Govind1198IND 20b1 8w0 11b0 21w0 33w1 15b0 30b130322
23Ghate Siddhant1373IND 30b0 4w0 -1 27b1 31w1 12b0 14w030221,5
24Nagarnaik Sanchet1389IND 7w0 29b1 28w½ 31b½ 30b1 13w0 15w030221,5
25Gupta Sara1582USA 27b½ 5w0 26b0 20w½ 15b0 -1 31w130121
26Sawant Hirak Manohar1252IND 29w½ 14b0 25w1 28b1 2w0 9b0 18b02,50225
27Iyer Aarav1463IND 25w½ 17b1 5b0 23w0 9w0 33b1 19w02,50222
28Preshit Soni1184IND 11b1 12w0 24b½ 26w0 17b0 20w0 32b12,50221,5
29Wadia Kiran1175IND 26b½ 24w0 15b1 30w½ 18b½ 17w0 20b02,50122
30Azher Hossain1355BAN 23w1 1b0 31w½ 29b½ 24w0 11b0 22w020,5123
31Shah Hiya1081IND 8b0 20w1 30b½ 24w½ 23b0 21w0 25b020,5121
32Trisha Jagtap1054IND 9w0 -1 18b0 4w0 20b½ 19b0 28w01,50024,5
33Iksha Soni1109IND 18b0 2w0 21w0 -1 22b0 27w0 -010021

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)