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Last update 15.03.2020 08:39:19, Creator/Last Upload: South African Chess Fed. (Licence 129)

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Maluleke Surprise1149RSA -0 20w1 37b1 30w1 2b03130315
2Severin Martin1082RSA 28w1 23b1 21w1 7b1 1w1520510,5
3Raseasala Casey950RSA 31b1 37w1 11b1 52w1 34b1510514
4Mushwana Andile904RSA -0 27b1 46w1 21b1 41w1470411,5
5Malatji Tshepiso891RSA 32w1 34b0 31w1 29b0 17w13190311,5
6Phale Kabelo852RSA 33b1 40w1 34b0 43w0 30b13110315,5
7Rendani Nevhungani814RSA -1 42w1 51b1 2w0 40b03200215
8Vos William800RSA 34w0 28b1 36w1 39b½ 46w13,590,5312,5
9Strydom Fourie755RSA 35b1 43w1 52b0 34w0 47b13100316,5
10Pilusa Masilo746RSA -0 29b0 27w1 31b1 18w02350211,5
11Harwood Colin737RSA 36w1 44b1 3w0 41b0 21w13170313,5
12Barry Zander0RSA 37b0 30w0 33b1 35w0 36b1237029
13Chauke Musa0RSA 39w1 51b0 41w0 36b1 44w½2,5240212
14Kasimbangwa Junior0RSA 40b0 33w1 42b1 51w1 43b03180313
15Khumalo Dzunisani0RSA -0 32b1 39w0 37w½ 35b12,5230212,5
16Lenjeng Keletso0RSA 43b0 35w1 40b0 42w1 51b13160314
17Lewele Tharollo0RSA 44w0 36b0 28w1 48b1 5b0236029,5
18Mabunda Xivono0RSA -0 38b1 44w1 40w0 10b13140315
19Maenetja Tshegofatso0RSA 45b0 47w0 35b0 28w½ 32b00,5510010
20Makoo Kgopotso0RSA 46w½ 1b0 45b½ 47w0 33b12380112
21Makwela Nsovo0RSA 48b1 45w1 2b0 4w0 11b02290216,5
22Malungana Lungi0RSA -0 39b0 32w½ 49b1 37w01,5420111
23Mandinyenya Praise0RSA 49w1 2w0 43b0 44b0 48w01450113,5
24Mashaba Lovely0RSA 50b½ 52w0 26b0 38w0 28b00,5500011,5
25Mashele Jack0RSA -0 41b0 38w½ 32b1 50w12,5260212
26Mathye Hlulani0RSA 51w0 49b½ 24w1 46b0 38b01,544018,5
27Matibe Victor0RSA 52b0 4w0 10b0 33w0 49w11470112,5
28Mkhabele Dzunisani0RSA 2b0 8w0 17b0 19b½ 24w11,5410111,5
29Mkhari Cecil0RSA -0 10w1 47b1 5w1 52b03150315
30Mmabatho Kgothatso0RSA -0 12b1 48w1 1b0 6w02300213
31Mohlala Abram0RSA 3w0 -1 5b0 10w0 42b01490014
32Mukhari Amukelani0RSA 5b0 15w0 22b½ 25w0 19w11,5400111,5
33Mushwana Nhlavutelo0RSA 6w0 14b0 12w0 27b1 20w01480111
34Ndlozi Rito0RSA 8b1 5w1 6w1 9b1 3w0430417,5
35Ngobeni Election0RSA 9w0 16b0 19w1 12b1 15w02340211,5
36Ngobeni Ripfumelo0RSA 11b0 17w1 8b0 13w0 12w01460113
37Ngobeni Rivoningo0RSA 12w1 3b0 1w0 15b½ 22b12,5210215,5
38Nkhwashu Nhlelo0RSA -0 18w0 25b½ 24b1 26w12,5270211,5
39Phofele Kabelo0RSA 13b0 22w1 15b1 8w½ 45b13,580,5313,5
40Putter Kai0RSA 14w1 6b0 16w1 18b1 7w1440415
41Ralepelle Frans0RSA 42b0 25w1 13b1 11w1 4b03120315
42Ramoshaba Mikhenso0RSA 41w1 7b0 14w0 16b0 31w12320212
43Rankweteke Monthati0RSA 16w1 9b0 23w1 6b1 14w1460413
44Rikhotso Leroy0RSA 17b1 11w0 18b0 23w1 13b½2,5250212
45Risinga Vennon0RSA 19w1 21b0 20w½ 50b1 39w02,528029,5
46Rowan Minnie0RSA 20b½ 50w1 4b0 26w1 8b02,5220213
47Rwizi Wadzanai0RSA -0 19b1 29w0 20b1 9w02330212
48Sekgotodi Mokgadi0RSA 21w0 -1 30b0 17w0 23b1239019
49Shipalana Cynthia0RSA 23b0 26w½ 50b0 22w0 27b00,552007
50Sithole Phumla0RSA 24w½ 46b0 49w1 45w0 25b01,543019
51Thlomo Yingisani0RSA 26b1 13w1 7w0 14b0 16w02310212,5
52Thule Mahlatse0RSA 27w1 24b1 9w1 3b0 29w1450413

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Greater number of victories/games variable
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)