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Bergvlam Tournament - U14

Last update 18.03.2020 17:35:53, Creator/Last Upload: South African Chess Fed. (Licence 72)

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Final Ranking crosstable after 5 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Ogunjiofor Onyinye1045RSA 37b1 11w1 17w1 5b1 3b-40416,5
2Cooper Nathan1019RSA 31w1 14b1 4w1 3w0 16b140416,5
3Dube Olwethu1046RSA 27w1 24b1 16w1 2b1 1w-40416
4Pauer Mieke1127RSA 25b1 18w1 2b0 9w1 22b140416
5Mahlangu Akani841RSA 39b1 30w1 6b1 1w0 12b+40415
6Ndlovu Sandile1109RSA 15w1 28b1 5w0 20b1 8w140415
7Reingruber Mieke849RSA 50w1 12b0 36b1 13w1 19w140412
8Pilani Gregory977RSA 29b1 23w1 9b½ 12w1 6b03,50316
9Onwusaka Lucky1157RSA 45w1 19b1 8w½ 4b0 14w13,50315
10Shabangu Nduduzo1071RSA 40b1 13w1 12b0 11w½ 24b13,50313,5
11Naude Annicka656RSA 43w1 1b0 27w1 10b½ 28w13,50313
12Baraganye Thotloetso585RSA 35b1 7w1 10w1 8b0 5w-30317
13Barnard Christo718RSA 26w1 10b0 15w1 7b0 34w130314,5
14Mathebula Nikita653RSA 46b1 2w0 35b1 18w1 9b030313,5
Ceko Philenhle Evidence521RSA 6b0 21w1 13b0 46w1 36b+30313,5
16Fankomo Gugulethu802RSA 48b1 36w1 3b0 30w1 2w030313,5
17Ndlovu Senzo500RSA 20b+ 22w1 1b0 24w0 30b130313,5
18Kotze Regardt789RSA 41w1 4b0 25w1 14b0 27w130312,5
19Ashara Prajeet761RSA 42b1 9w0 40b1 29w1 7b030312,5
20Simelane Andile712RSA 17w- 39w1 33b1 6w0 29b130312
21Mathabela Sakhile500RSA 24w- 15b0 37w1 45b1 32w130312
22Rasivhetshela Shandu816RSA 47w1 17b0 45w1 28b1 4w030311,5
23Shakwane Eddie599RSA 38w1 8b0 34w0 41b1 31w130310
24Nixon Neha669RSA 21b+ 3w0 38b½ 17b1 10w02,50214
25Macaulay Lyla528RSA 4w0 47b1 18b0 42w½ 39b12,50211,5
26Mostert IlanĂ©500RSA 13b0 40w0 39b½ 49w1 42b12,5028,5
27Botha Keagan500RSA 3b0 42w1 11b0 38w1 18b020214
28Nelson Zetani717RSA 33b1 6w0 41b1 22w0 11b020213
Clarke Cameron500RSA 8w0 34b1 43w1 19b0 20w020213
30Hajee Isaa556RSA 34w1 5b0 31w1 16b0 17w020213
31Chiloane Keletso500RSA 2b0 46w1 30b0 35w1 23b020212
32Gomo Sibulele527RSA -0 41b- 49b1 33w1 21b020211,5
Naidoo Tyler Jethro500RSA 28w0 44b1 20w0 32b0 45w+20211,5
34Venter Isabel500RSA 30b0 29w0 23b1 40w1 13b020211,5
35Van Rhyn Christiaan500RSA 12w0 50b1 14w0 31b0 48b120210
36Ntiwane Trevor484RSA -1 16b0 7w0 44b1 15w-20114
37Bulter Leylah500RSA 1w0 38b½ 21b0 48w½ 46b120111,5
38Van Der Merwe Dewal500RSA 23b0 37w½ 24w½ 27b0 47b+20110
39Kadampanalmana Saveri500RSA 5w0 20b0 26w½ 43b1 25w01,50113
40Bubb Milamber503RSA 10w0 26b1 19w0 34b0 41w½1,50112
41Macaulay Mia500RSA 18b0 32w+ 28w0 23w0 40b½1,50111
42Mathebula Wynn500RSA 19w0 27b0 50w1 25b½ 26w01,50110,5
43Phathisizwe Sonto500RSA 11b0 49w½ 29b0 39w0 50b+1,5018,5
44Brand Dylan500RSA -0 33w0 48b½ 36w0 49b11,5018,5
45Malekane Robinho536RSA 9b0 48w1 22b0 21w0 33b-10113
46Sibuye Lulama500RSA 14w0 31b0 47w1 15b0 37w010111
47Le Roux Leandri500RSA 22b0 25w0 46b0 50b1 38w-1019
48Maartens Leanri500RSA 16w0 45b0 44w½ 37b½ 35w010010,5
49Brand Ethan500RSA -0 43b½ 32w0 26b0 44w00,50011,5
50De Jager Deone500RSA 7b0 35w0 42b0 47w0 43w-00010

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Greater number of victories/games variable
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)