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2020 Metro Trials U13 Boys

Last update 15.03.2020 10:50:18, Creator/Last Upload: Andrew Talmarkes

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Starting rank

1Palmer ReeganRSA1651
2CMBaruch LiamRSA1550
3CMThakersee AkshayRSA1368
4Karsten JanRSA1368
5Dicks DrakeRSA1343
6Windvogel NeshereRSA1327
7De Wit MarnusRSA1296
8Goliath KianRSA1295
9Solomon DanielRSA1283
10Schnabel StephanRSA1274
11Lau CallumRSA1219
12Naidoo NikhilRSA1178
13Allie IshmaeelRSA1154
14Pillay PalinRSA1129
15Vigis Neo ZeeRSA1123
16Visser Johan George AbrahamRSA1094
17Kwon YulRSA1091
18Van Heerden Ethan JoelRSA1091
19Maruma KatlegoRSA1078
20Somai RuhanRSA1054
21Korobele LethaboRSA1048
22Lombard DuaneRSA1037
23Dirks TyriqueRSA1026
24Jonkers TristanRSA1021
25Eloff CalebRSA919
26Buys DavidRSA882
27Viljoen Wynand FrederickRSA879
28Van Zyl ErasmusRSA854
29Sterley BoazRSA847
30Crossley HoganRSA719
31Lee Muhammad JawaazRSA707
32Stagler VadonRSA685
33Siyo OwethuRSA608
34Lewis CalumRSA603
35Morris JasonRSA535
36Lavies DanielRSA532
37Beosumbar AryanRSA0
38Filies CalumRSA0
39Milani BonaniRSA0
40Moodley Liam AllenRSA0
41Mukthar Tabish ZaheerRSA0
42Mxabo AviweRSA0
43Rabela ThabisileRSA0
44Tyumse LiyemaRSA0
45Von Seidel VictorRSA0