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2020 Metro Trials U11 Boys

Last update 15.03.2020 12:24:47, Creator/Last Upload: Andrew Talmarkes

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Final Ranking crosstable after 5 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Spiller Caden1255RSA 26b1 11w1 13b1 5w1 9b1501513
2Bosman Petrus Daneel1321RSA 14b1 39w1 15b1 10w1 4b15014,513
3Spiller Arin915RSA 42b1 9w½ 29b1 15w1 10b14,501311,5
4Olkers Declan1312RSA 20w1 6b1 7w1 8b1 2w0402017
5Van Rhyn Aden1042RSA 24w1 12b1 19w1 1b0 13w1401613,5
6Solomon Izaiah984RSA 46b1 4w0 30b1 12w1 16b1401312
7Janse Van Rensburg Arden1007RSA 34w1 41b1 4b0 14w1 18b14012,512
8Potgieter Werne1066RSA 48b1 16w1 27b1 4w0 11b14012,512
9Van Schaik Charles Neil1090RSA 30w1 3b½ 31w1 17b1 1w03,5016,514,5
10Palmer Jesse1158RSA 44b1 18w1 28b1 2b0 3w03015,514,5
11Meyer Matthew Dillon982RSA 25w1 1b0 35w1 32b1 8w03015,513,5
12Rule Calem861RSA 29b1 5w0 21w1 6b0 31w1301513
13Roux Jarrod934RSA 49b+ 31b1 1w0 27w1 5b0301513
14Steininger Alexander891RSA 2w0 34b1 41w1 7b0 19w13014,514
15Bosman Louis Willem1019RSA 36w1 43b1 2w0 3b0 32w13014,513,5
16Tsabola Bright918RSA 33w1 8b0 43w1 22b1 6w0301413
17Degueldre Jean-Christian1145RSA 32w1 19b0 20w1 9w0 26b13013,511,5
18Ngudle Mandisi948RSA 35w1 10b0 25w1 33b1 7w03013,511,5
19Joubert Liam956RSA 47b1 17w1 5b0 28w1 14b03012,512
20Sonderup Calum Daniel880RSA 4b0 46w1 17b0 41w1 29b13010,510
21Chisholm-White Liam Aldan996RSA 45b1 28w0 12b0 24b1 33w13010,59,5
22Goliath Quinn1015RSA 27b0 45w1 26b1 16w0 28b130109
23Wilson James Paul1023RSA 28b0 27w0 45b1 42w1 30b1308,57,5
24Van Coller Liam756RSA 5b0 40w½ 44b1 21w0 27b12,5011,510,5
25Luyendyk Jude526RSA 11b0 44w1 18b0 39w½ 40b12,50109
26Van Niekerk Johannes Hendrik878RSA 1w0 37b1 22w0 35b1 17w0201513
27Strydom Matthys Jacobus718RSA 22w1 23b1 8w0 13b0 24w0201512,5
28Nabela Alutshitshi746RSA 23w1 21b1 10w0 19b0 22w0201512
29Berry Jordan1167RSA 12w0 36b1 3w0 37b1 20w02014,512,5
30Huesmann Ryan Jason764RSA 9b0 42w1 6w0 43b1 23w0201312
31Rabinowitz Benjamin1107RSA 38b1 13w0 9b0 36w1 12b02012,511
32Von Seidel Alexander798RSA 17b0 47w1 39b1 11w0 15b0201110,5
Nyamakazi Lwazi0RSA 16b0 48w1 40b1 18w0 21b0201110,5
34Jacobs Raidon689RSA 7b0 14w0 42b0 47w1 39b12010,510
35Bangani Ovayo0RSA 18b0 38w1 11b0 26w0 44b12010,59,5
36Cockin Ruan724RSA 15b0 29w0 47b1 31b0 43w1208,58
37Hashim Eesa664RSA 39b0 26w0 38b1 29w0 41b1207,57
38Bhixa Tadiwa773RSA 31w0 35b0 37w0 48w1 42b+207,57
39Chisholm-White Griffin988RSA 37w1 2b0 32w0 25b½ 34w01,5013,511,5
40Swartz Khyyaam0RSA 43w0 24b½ 33w0 46b1 25w01,5098
41Zibi Amila0RSA -1 7w0 14b0 20b0 37w0101412
42Qalana Mihlale0RSA 3w0 30b0 34w1 23b0 38w-1013,511,5
43Zembe Asemahle0RSA 40b1 15w0 16b0 30w0 36b01011,510
44Eygelaar Marthinus Jon799RSA 10w0 25b0 24w0 45b1 35w0101110
45Zibi Ayabonga684RSA 21w0 22b0 23w0 44w0 48b11010,510
46Horner Samuel638RSA 6w0 20b0 48b½ 40w0 47b½109,59
47Baeder Silas0RSA 19w0 32b0 36w0 34b0 46w½0,50109
48Owens Joshua761RSA 8w0 33b0 46w½ 38b0 45w00,509,58,5
49Mishra Parth0RSA 13w- -0 -0 -0 -000109

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)