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Saulkrasti rapid chess championship 2020

Posledná aktualizácia 12.07.2020 18:32:24, Creator/Last Upload: Riga Chess federation

Search for player Hladaj

Tabuľka podľa štartových čísiel

č.TMenoEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdBodyPor. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1GMShirov Alexei2629ESP 28b1 34w1 24b1 14w1 9w1 8b1 7w17,5138422687
2NMKretainis Kristaps2290LAT 47b1 27w1 15b½ 18w1 9b0 35w1 17b0 25w15,51235391932
3IMAntoms Guntars2195LAT 48w1 26b1 14w½ 22b1 8w½ 16b0 40w1 17w051738,542,51894
4MKBatashevs Arsens2128LAT 49b1 29w1 17b1 13w1 7b0 19w1 16b1 9w17240,5452186
5MKAgafonov Yuri Dr2122LAT 50w1 30b0 49w1 32b0 44w0 58b1 36w1 68b152530,533,51592
6FMKrustkalns Kristaps2084LAT 51b1 31w1 19b0 33w0 55b½ 37w0 61b1 53w14,53430,5341588
7FMDzjuba Vsevolod2074LAT 52w1 32b1 20w1 12b1 4w1 8b0 13w1 1b06542,546,52150
8MKGudovskis Konstantins2064LAT 53b1 33w1 25b1 19w1 3b½ 7w1 1w0 14b16,533942,52196
9WFMGorozhankina Julia1973LAT 54w1 34b½ 46w1 68b1 2w1 1b0 38w1 4b05,5938421945
10NMSkuja Aivars1961LAT 55b0 69w1 51b1 35w0 57b1 31w1 29b0 37w½4,53729,5321547
11NMVisockis Janis1947LAT 56w1 36b1 24w0 38b0 52w1 32b1 18w1 22b½5,51334371786
12MKSumskis Rimvydas1946LTU 57b1 35w1 39b1 7w0 30b½ 25w0 33b1 38w15,5143336,51818
13MKMikelsons Mikelis-Emils1942LAT 58w1 38b1 30w1 4b0 32w1 24b1 7b0 29w16638411944
14MKMelderis Uldis1933LAT 59b1 37w1 3b½ 15w1 1b0 41w1 25b1 8w05,51037,5422025
15WFMVidruska Renate1926LAT 60w1 40b1 2w½ 14b0 48w½ 34b1 24w0 35b152134361807
16MKPavlovs Sergejs1902LAT 61b1 39w0 53b1 37w1 31b1 3w1 4w0 23b1673336,51905
17ISpringis Jevgenijs1885LAT 62w1 42b1 4w0 36b1 38w½ 44b1 2w1 3b16,5434,538,52024
18MKBogorad Michail1866GER 63b1 41w½ 45b1 2b0 28w1 30w1 11b0 90b15,51532,5341764
19AIMMorkunas Gustas1856LTU 64w1 44b1 6w1 8b0 40w1 4b0 35w1 24b½5,51136391895
20MKGercans Visvaldis1840LAT 65b1 43w1 7b0 39w½ 41b0 53w1 44b1 30w½52630331670
21ILiepins Janis1817LAT 66w1 46b½ 68w0 42b1 34w½ 38b0 52w1 40b½4,53231341512
22MKBarinovs Vitalijs1800LAT 67b1 45w½ 41b1 3w0 39b1 48w½ 37b1 11w½5,51630,533,51775
23MKLelis Janis1784LAT 68w0 70b1 50w1 40b0 54w1 36b1 48b1 16w052430,5341575
24NMMaklakova Nellija1783LAT 69b1 55w1 11b1 1w0 33b1 13w0 15b1 19w½5,5838,5411960
25IMulevicius Andrius1781LTU 70w1 92b1 8w0 44b½ 68w1 12b1 14w0 2b04,5283537,51689
26IBazilius Augustinas1763LTU 71b1 3w0 55b1 43w1 35b0 33w0 90w0 56b145029321499
27NMRozlapa Vija1754LAT 72w1 2b0 54w0 64b1 58w1 40b0 46w1 34b044829,532,51523
28MKAfanasjevs Aleksandrs1711LAT 73b½ 1w0 85b1 45w1 18b0 55w0 65b½ 58w144730321516
29MKAlipovs Anatolijs1709LAT 74w1 4b0 56w1 48b0 60w1 66b1 10w1 13b052331331672
30IZass Kristaps1703LAT 75b1 5w1 13b0 47w1 12w½ 18b0 49w1 20b½51835,536,51821
31IAminovs Maksims1696LAT 76w1 6b0 58w1 54b1 16w0 10b0 66w1 42b½4,53630331619
32WMKDombrovska Stefanija1678LAT 77b1 7w0 57b1 5w1 13b0 11w0 43b1 55w151934371782
33IFilipovs Jevgenijs1677LAT 78w1 8b0 62w1 6b1 24w0 26b1 12w0 48b15203436,51786
34IJakobsons Andris1674LAT 79b1 9w½ 1b0 65w1 21b½ 15w0 67b1 27w152232,5351801
35IBurenkovs Artjoms1656LAT 80w1 12b0 64w1 10b1 26w1 2b0 19b0 15w04443334,51759
36IKuznecova Marija1634LAT 81b1 11w0 59b1 17w0 67b1 23w0 5b0 77w144333361560
37IIvanovskis Sergejs1598LAT 82w1 14b0 66w1 16b0 62w1 6b1 22w0 10b½4,5313335,51698
38ISinyavin Roman1595RUS 83b1 13w0 61b1 11w1 17b½ 21w1 9b0 12b04,5273739,51773
39ILahs Armands1570LAT 84w1 16b1 12w0 20b½ 22w0 90b0 62w0 66b13,55533,5351461
40IMilovs Daniels1558LAT 85b1 15w0 63b1 23w1 19b0 27w1 3b0 21w½4,5333132,51745
41ITabors Emils1552LAT 86w1 18b½ 22w0 46b1 20w1 14b0 68w0 51b14,52933,5361617
42ILahs Einars1540LAT 87b1 17w0 65b½ 21w0 81b1 61w1 55b½ 31w½4,53829,5321464
43IKarasevics Aleksandrs1533LAT 88w1 20b0 90w1 26b0 66w0 60b1 32w0 74b½3,56027,529,51334
44IStals Gunars1510LAT 89b1 19w0 73b1 25w½ 5b1 17w0 20w0 57b½44134351628
45IVitins Janis1497LAT 90w1 22b½ 18w0 28b0 86w1 49b0 69w1 59b03,5573133,51377
46IRogulis Uldis1493LAT 91b1 21w½ 9b0 41w0 65b½ 77w1 27b0 67w145327,5291463
47IBurenkovs Dmitrijs1488LAT 2w0 72b1 92w1 30b0 90w½ 68b0 70w1 62b½44630,5331362
48IJansone Melanija Luize1484LAT 3b0 71w1 77b1 29w1 15b½ 22b½ 23w0 33w044233,536,51677
49IHemmelis Viesturs1455LAT 4w0 74b1 5b0 63w1 77b½ 45w1 30b0 73w14,53530,5321571
50IJuskans Artis1435LAT 5b0 75w1 23b0 67w0 85b1 59w½ 73b0 79w13,56425,526,51316
51IRupais Gustavs1432LAT 6w0 76b1 10w0 66b0 88w1 62b½ 72w1 41w03,55927,5301389
52IBubnys Marius1431LTU 7b0 77w0 79b1 73w1 11b0 64w1 21b0 65w145128,5311466
53IMaklakova Naomi1416LAT 8w0 78b1 16w0 72b½ 70w1 20b0 86w1 6b03,55631,5341506
54IZubova Darja1399LAT 9b0 79w1 27b1 31w0 23b0 65w½ 77b½ 71w14522830,51482
55IVasiljeva Sofja1375LAT 10w1 24b0 26w0 74b1 6w½ 28b1 42w½ 32b04453235,51712
56IVarpins Kristians1370LAT 11b0 81w1 29b0 77w0 91b1 67w0 85b1 26w03732627,51267
57IMorkunas Linas1363LTU 12w0 80b1 32w0 76b1 10w0 86b½ 82w1 44w½45427,5291420
58INapins Vadims1335LAT 13b0 83w1 31b0 85w1 27b0 5w0 64b1 28b037129311476
59IJansons Edijs1327LAT 14w0 82b1 36w0 86b0 74w1 50b½ 76w1 45w14,5402628,51401
60IMorkunaite Adrijana1317LTU 15b0 85w0 80b1 91w1 29b0 43w0 71b0 92w028622,5241112
61IKrasilnikova Marija1306LAT 16w0 84b1 38w0 88b½ 72w1 42b0 6w0 82b13,5582829,51377
62ILele Emili1289LAT 17b0 87w1 33b0 92w1 37b0 51w½ 39b1 47w½44929,5321456
63IIDiners Jevgenijs1280LAT 18w0 86b1 40w0 49b0 76w½ 82b0 74w0 83b01,58726,5291032
64IMende Alise1247LAT 19b0 89w1 35b0 27w0 92b1 52b0 58w0 85w137425261293
65IIJansons Kristers Roberts1241LAT 20w0 88b1 42w½ 34b0 46w½ 54b½ 28w½ 52b036830,5331424
66IPlatonovs Nikolajs1237LAT 21b0 91w1 37b0 51w1 43b1 29w0 31b0 39w03722930,51457
67IIKuchina Polina1227LAT 22w0 90b0 82w1 50b1 36w0 56b1 34w0 46b037029,5321343
68IIkstena Sarlote1225LAT 23b1 73w½ 21b1 9w0 25b0 47w1 41b1 5w04,5303336,51755
69IIPukite Elza1201LAT 24w0 10b0 84w½ 90b0 78w1 88b1 45b0 81w02,57826,5281161
70IIJeronovics Toms1200LAT 25b0 23w0 81b½ 71w1 53b0 79w1 47b0 86w13,5622628,51305
71IIZubova Polina1187LAT 26w0 48b0 86w0 70b0 80w1 89b1 60w1 54b037621,522,51194
72IIDaineko Pjotrs1186LAT 27b0 47w0 83b1 53w½ 61b0 81w1 51b0 87w13,56524,5271265
73IIDabolins Davis1178LAT 28w½ 68b½ 44w0 52b0 82w½ 84b1 50w1 49b03,5612728,51309
74IIBabris Rihards1177LAT 29b0 49w0 87b1 55w0 59b0 91w1 63b1 43w½3,56325,5271292
75IIDiners Kirils1147LAT 30w0 50b0 88w0 82b0 87w0 78b0 80w0 89b11922021850
76IIMierina Lauma1147LAT 31b0 51w0 89b1 57w0 63b½ 87w1 59b0 88w13,56623241219
77IIOzolins Kristaps1140LAT 32w0 52b1 48w0 56b1 49w½ 46b0 54w½ 36b036929,532,51406
78IILahs Edvards1115LAT 33b0 53w0 91b0 83w½ 69b0 75w1 87b0 84w12,58419201044
79IIVidrusks Arturs1083LAT 34w0 54b0 52w0 87b½ 89w1 70b0 84w1 50b02,58024251128
80IIIGroma Marta1083LAT 35b0 57w0 60w0 89b0 71b0 83w0 75b1 91w½1,5901819961
81IIMerzlovs Timurs1044LAT 36w0 56b0 70w½ 84b1 42w0 72b0 89w1 69b13,56722,523,51225
82IILiepina Elza1037LAT 37b0 59w0 67b0 75w1 73b½ 63w1 57b0 61w02,57924,525,51162
83IIPurins Edvards1025LAT 38w0 58b0 72w0 78b½ 84w0 80b1 88w0 63w12,5831920,51060
84IIAzevs Aleksandrs1014LAT 39b0 61w0 69b½ 81w0 83b1 73w0 79b0 78b01,58821,524939
85IIISkreitule Undine1005LAT 40w0 60b1 28w0 58b0 50w0 92b1 56w0 64b028523,525,51179
86IILahs Ricards0LAT 41b0 63w0 71b1 59w1 45b0 57w½ 53b0 70b02,57726,5281212
87IIVidrusks Jekabs0LAT 42w0 62b0 74w0 79w½ 75b1 76b0 78w1 72b02,58124251070
88IIIGuminskaya Daria0LAT 43b0 65w0 75b1 61w½ 51b0 69w0 83b1 76b02,58222231113
89IIIMaklakova Dafne0LAT 44w0 64b0 76w0 80w1 79b0 71w0 81b0 75w01912122859
90IIIZegelis Harijs0LAT 45b0 67w1 43b0 69w1 47b½ 39w1 26b1 18w04,5392729,51561
91IVDaineko Jevgenija0LAT 46w0 66b0 78w1 60b0 56w0 74b0 92w0 80b½1,58920,522973
92IVFreibergs Darts0LAT -1 25w0 47b0 62b0 64w0 85w0 91b1 60b13752324,51146

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Tie Break3: Performance (variable with parameter)