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National Youth Blitz CC 2020 Under 10 Boys [2011 - 2010]

Last update 16.02.2020 12:22:08, Creator/Last Upload: srilankachess

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Weerasekara Dishal Nimsara1169SRI 47b1 42w1 16b1 20w1 7b1 2w1 5b½6,5027,530
2Thalgaswatta Y N0SRI 37w1 10b1 41w1 19b1 8w1 1b0 7b16029,532,5
3Induwara T H D Thisarindu1289SRI 22b1 12w1 5b0 55w1 15b1 9w1 11b16028,531
4Minsara S D Sadev1116SRI 26w1 23b0 30w1 48b1 6w½ 17b1 15w15,502730
5Bentharaarachchi B D Daksha Hansara1101SRI 65w1 57b1 3w1 8b0 12w1 20b1 1w½5,502728
6Ovitigala Chenitha Mithvidu1034SRI 52b1 39w1 40b1 7w0 4b½ 36w1 19b15,502426,5
7Hettigoda Dhanodya Budmina1214SRI 35w1 29b1 18w1 6b1 1w0 14b1 2w05031,535
8Dandeniya D D L N1216SRI 63b1 55w1 13b1 5w1 2b0 11w0 21b15027,529,5
9Wijewickrama Ayod Induwara1036SRI 53w1 17b0 26w1 23b1 38w1 3b0 28w1502628,5
10Wijesinghe W A H K1047SRI 43b1 2w0 47b1 16w1 21b0 24w1 22b15025,528,5
11Wickramasinghe V W A Vinuda Vidm1029SRI 56w0 51b1 45w1 39b1 18w1 8b1 3w05024,526,5
Gunasekara Aritha Chanthula Abes1023SRI 74w+ 3b0 56w1 40w1 5b0 26b1 20w15024,526,5
13Liyanage Deneth Dulanwin1052SRI 45w+ 46b1 8w0 44w1 14b0 30b1 29w1502427
14Samarathunga Jasith Pawan0SRI 31w1 38b0 28w1 43b1 13w1 7w0 33b1502426,5
15Haputhanthri Aayush1190SRI 67w1 32b1 23w1 17b½ 3w0 21w1 4b04,5028,529,5
16Rathnayaka R M Ranuka Sasmitha0SRI 61w1 25b1 1w0 10b0 35w1 27b1 18w½4,5027,529,5
17Thennakoon Akitha0SRI 68b1 9w1 33b1 15w½ 20b- 4w0 36b14,5027,528
18Thevnula B.D. Abeeth1083SRI 58b1 21w1 7b0 34w1 11b0 45w1 16b½4,5025,527,5
19Silva U K Dheera Thisath0SRI 51w½ 50b1 25w1 2w0 33b1 41b1 6w04,502528
20Galkotuwa K A R G W D R B G1231SRI 28w1 27b1 38w1 1b0 17w+ 5w0 12b04028,531
21Savithu R R Sihas0SRI 48w1 18b0 37w1 27b1 10w1 15b0 8w04026,529,5
22Dehigama D M G S Mihiran0SRI 3w0 53b1 46w1 38b0 23w1 25b1 10w0402527,5
23Ransutha Senula0SRI 54b1 4w1 15b0 9w0 22b0 55w1 38b14024,527
24Perera O Sithija Wasula0SRI 27w0 35b0 31w1 32b1 48w1 10b0 50w14023,526,5
25Hapuarachchi H A D S1100SRI 34b1 16w0 19b0 42w1 49b1 22w0 45b1402325,5
26Kumudaka M H Udula0SRI 4b0 54w1 9b0 59w1 55b1 12w0 40w1402325
27Meegamage Don Lisath Methsara1028SRI 24b1 20w0 49b1 21w0 34b1 16w0 42b14022,525
28Fernando G Naween Sithija0SRI 20b0 52w1 14b0 66w1 44b1 38w1 9b0402223
29Liyanage D L Vojitha Kalmira1020SRI 66b1 7w0 42b1 33w½ 36b½ 39w1 13b04021,522,5
30Karunarathne K G M R0SRI 33b0 59w1 4b0 64w1 40b1 13w0 41w1402122,5
31Abrar Seif Himayath0SRI 14b0 34w0 24b0 58w1 59b1 49w1 46b14020,522,5
32De Silva Anuk Senhas0SRI 59b1 15w0 44b0 24w0 64b1 52w1 39b1401920,5
33Nenuja D M Sihath1160SRI 30w1 56b1 17w0 29b½ 19w0 43b1 14w03,5025,527,5
34Manudisa W D Nethuka0SRI 25w0 31b1 60w1 18b0 27w0 48b1 35w½3,502324,5
35Gimhan M Hasindu0SRI 7b0 24w1 39b0 57w1 16b0 44w1 34b½3,5022,524
36Bandara W M Kenul Thisen0SRI 46w0 65b1 62w1 41b1 29w½ 6b0 17w03,5022,523,5
37Bulathgama Sasvidu Suhaswin0SRI 2b0 43w½ 21b0 53w1 51w1 40b0 61w13,5021,523,5
38Janukshan B1096SRI 73w+ 14w1 20b0 22w1 9b0 28b0 23w03025,528,5
39Wimalarathne M N R0SRI -1 6b0 35w1 11w0 54b1 29b0 32w0302528
40Fernando W K B Thumula Theekshan1194SRI 72b+ 60b1 6w0 12b0 30w0 37w1 26b03024,526
41Liyanage L K L1116SRI 49b1 44w1 2b0 36w0 47b1 19w0 30b0302427
42Madurawala M G D S Shanuka0SRI 69w+ 1b0 29w0 25b0 56w1 60b1 27w03023,525
43Nandasiri Omiru0SRI 10w0 37b½ 51w1 14w0 63b1 33w0 55b½3022,524,5
44Ranasinghe R A Chaniru Chanudika0SRI 50w1 41b0 32w1 13b0 28w0 35b0 60w1302223,5
45Nagahawatta Sachin Devinda0SRI 13b- 68w1 11b0 50b1 60w1 18b0 25w0302222,5
Sugathadasa Sasiru Hansana0SRI 36b1 13w0 22b0 49w0 68b1 54w1 31w0302222,5
47Jayasinghe Bonuka Minketh Si0SRI 1w0 64b1 10w0 62b1 41w0 50b0 56w13021,523
48Bandara Damketh 0SRI 21b0 58w1 66b1 4w0 24b0 34w0 57b13020,521,5
49Karunarathne Rusara Sanudaya Dias0SRI 41w0 61b1 27w0 46b1 25w0 31b0 62w1302022
50Pannila P L S D1008SRI 44b0 19w0 58b1 45w0 66b1 47w1 24b0302021
51Bandara P G N N0SRI 19b½ 11w0 43b0 68w1 37b0 66w1 53w½302020,5
52Pathirana W Dakshith Aditya0SRI 6w0 28b0 61w1 60b0 62w1 32b0 64b1301920,5
53Nenathunga N L Chamod Wishmitha0SRI 9b0 22w0 68b½ 37b0 65w1 57w1 51b½301818,5
54Jayamaha J H Sithum Pahasara1001SRI 23w0 26b0 65w1 56b1 39w0 46b0 58w13017,518,5
55Lakdinu Sahiru1008SRI 62w1 8b0 57w1 3b0 26w0 23b0 43w½2,502425,5
56Perera Lisara Senath0SRI 11b1 33w0 12b0 54w0 42b0 63w1 47b02021,523,5
57Samarage Navindu Devhan0SRI 70b+ 5w0 55b0 35b0 61w1 53b0 48w02020,522,5
58Munasinghe M M V L B0SRI 18w0 48b0 50w0 31b0 67b1 59w1 54b02019,520,5
59Wijesinghe Rishitha Dewmina0SRI 32w0 30b0 67w1 26b0 31w0 58b0 65w1201920
60Adikari A A T T0SRI 75w+ 40w0 34b0 52w1 45b0 42w0 44b02018,521
61Abeygunarathna Raveen0SRI 16b0 49w0 52b0 67w1 57b0 64w1 37b0201718
62Ranasinghe Dulmika Gihansith0SRI 55b0 63w1 36b0 47w0 52b0 68w1 49b0201717,5
63Fernando W M Shenushka Devsritha0SRI 8w0 62b0 64w0 65b1 43w0 56b0 66w12014,515,5
64Seneth H U Onitha0SRI 71b- 47w0 63b1 30b0 32w0 61b0 52w0102022
65Madurawala Madurawalage Don Sand0SRI 5b0 36w0 54b0 63w0 53b0 67w1 59b0101920
Rajapaksha Yukith Vindiw0SRI 29w0 67b1 48w0 28b0 50w0 51b0 63b0101920
67Hansana Vinuwara0SRI 15b0 66w0 59b0 61b0 58w0 65b0 68w11012,513
68Dasanayake Dewru Pabasara0SRI 17w0 45b0 53w½ 51b0 46w0 62b0 67b00,5019,520,5
69Godagampala G D Minuja Hansana1105SRI 42b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,5
Abeygunarathne Raveen0SRI 57w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,5
Bandara L R D B0SRI 64w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,5
Gunawardane K D Mindula Madew0SRI 40w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,5
Marasinghe M.M.B lesara0SRI 38b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,5
Perera W Binura Keshan0SRI 12b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,5
Sasvindu D G S G0SRI 60b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)