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Drzavno mladinsko prvenstvo - F10

Last update 21.02.2020 16:45:43, Creator/Last Upload: ljubljanachess

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.NameFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4  TB5 
1IIIKovačec TilenSLO 32b1 7w1 14w1 5b1 8w½ 2b½ 3b1 10w1 4w½7,504647,546
2Smirnov MaksimSLO 18b1 3w1 8w½ 11b1 5w1 1w½ 10b1 4b1 6w07047,551,546
3IIIDespotović PavleSLO 23w1 2b0 31w1 20b1 15w½ 17b1 1w0 7b1 8w16,50444846
4IIIHočevar NickSLO 13b1 21w½ 9b0 14w1 11w1 15b1 6b1 2w0 1b½604548,555
5IIIŽelj LanSLO 33b1 22w1 6b1 1w0 2b0 7w0 24w1 11b1 10b16043,54456
6Ašič NikSLO 29b1 16w1 5w0 7b1 10w0 24b1 4w0 15w1 2b1604244,546
7IIIMarkus DavidSLO 31w1 1b0 12w1 6w0 9b1 5b1 8w½ 3w0 16b15,51,546,550,545
8IIIŠtorman LukaSLO 19b1 15w1 2b½ 9w1 1b½ 10w0 7b½ 16w1 3b05,51,54650,554
9Levanič AnejSLO 27w1 11b½ 4w1 8b0 7w0 16b0 14b1 22w1 17b15,5039,54355
10Kukovec MihaelSLO 14b0 32w1 24b1 22w1 6b1 8b1 2w0 1b0 5w0504445,555
11Babarović FranSLO 12b1 9w½ 21b1 2w0 4b0 14w1 15b½ 5w0 23b15042,54654
12IVBahlen Dogbatsey Etsey TarasSLO 11w0 28b1 7b0 21w½ 26b1 30w1 16b0 18w1 15b½5034,53754
13IVPregelj TimotejSLO 4w0 30b0 19b1 24w0 25w0 28b1 29b1 27w1 22b1503133,555
14Srebrnič Kučera PatrikSLO 10w1 17w1 1b0 4b0 16w½ 11b0 9w0 28b1 25w14,50424544
15IIIPlevel Orel ŽigaSLO 30w1 8b0 25w1 23b1 3b½ 4w0 11w½ 6b0 12w½4,504244,543
16IVVaupot KajetanSLO 20w1 6b0 23w0 27b1 14b½ 9w1 12w1 8b0 7w04,5041,54544
17IVBavec JakobSLO 28w1 14b0 20w0 30b1 23w1 3w0 19b½ 21b1 9w04,503739,544
18Čepeljnik ŽigaSLO 2w0 23b0 32b1 19w1 22b0 26w1 21w½ 12b0 -14,503637,543
19IVTiran LovroSLO 8w0 27b1 13w0 18b0 28w1 25b1 17w½ 23b0 30b14,5033,53654
20IVTršelič Jaša SvitSLO 16b0 29w1 17b1 3w0 21b1 22w1 -0 -0 -04039,54234
21Šolmajer VitoSLO 25w1 4b½ 11w0 12b½ 20w0 31b+ 18b½ 17w0 26b½4038,54241
22IVPodržaj Ravnikar TilenSLO 24w1 5b0 30w1 10b0 18w1 20b0 23w1 9b0 13w04038,54144
23IVKeber AlenSLO 3b0 18w1 16b1 15w0 17b0 29w1 22b0 19w1 11w04037,54044
24Bogolin LanSLO 22b0 -1 10w0 13b1 31w1 6w0 5b0 25b0 33w14037,53843
25Gruškovnjak SamuelSLO 21b0 33w1 15b0 26w0 13b1 19w0 32b1 24w1 14b04031,53254
26Crnjakovič TomSLO -0 31b0 28w½ 25b1 12w0 18b0 33w1 32b1 21w½403030,543
27Štangelj Martin LevSLO 9b0 19w0 33b1 16w0 29b0 -1 30w1 13b0 32w14028,52943
28IVHribar MihaSLO 17b0 12w0 26b½ 33w1 19b0 13w0 -1 14w0 29b13,503333,542
29Klavžer MihaelSLO 6w0 20b0 -1 31b0 27w1 23b0 13w0 33b1 28w0303434,542
30Gerbajs VidSLO 15b0 13w1 22b0 17w0 32w1 12b0 27b0 -1 19w03033,53542
31IIIMižigoj AlexeySLO 7b0 26w1 3b0 29w1 24b0 21w- -0 -0 -0203537,532
32IVSefić BenjaminSLO 1w0 10b0 18w0 -1 30b0 33b1 25w0 26w0 27b02033,53441
33IVTrebižan JakaSLO 5w0 25b0 27w0 28b0 -1 32w0 26b0 29w0 24b0102930,540

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break4: Most black
Tie Break5: Greater number of victories/games variable