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Last update 20.02.2020 00:17:47, Creator/Last Upload: Greek Chess Federation

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Final Ranking crosstable after 6 Rounds

Rk.NameFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1DIDASKALOU ANTONIOSGRE 12w0 21b1 14w1 20w1 5b1 8b15018,0021,5
2BERVANAKIS GEORGIOSGRE 31b1 28w1 12b1 3b1 8w½ 4b½5016,2520,5
3ANDROUTSOS IASON EVANGELOSGRE 39b1 16w1 7b1 2w0 18b1 9w15015,0020
4BINIARIS PERSEASGRE 14b1 19w1 20b1 5w0 10b1 2w½4,5016,0023
5OTAKE AINEIASGRE 38w1 8b½ 17w1 4b1 1w0 12w14,5014,5021,5
6SOFOULIS THEMISTOKLISGRE 28b0 31w1 19b1 12w½ 13b1 16w14,5013,2517
7KARACHALIOS CHARALAMPOSGRE 30b1 10w1 3w0 11b1 9w0 21b14013,0022
8KLAPAFTIS GEORGIOSGRE 37b1 5w½ 24b1 13w1 2b½ 1w04011,7521,5
9MILIONIS SOTIRIOSGRE 18b0 33w1 35b1 22w1 7b1 3b04011,5019,5
10TACHMATZOPOULOS PANTELISGRE 32w1 7b0 29w1 23b1 4w0 20w14010,0018,5
11SPYROPOULOS ILIASGRE 16b0 39w1 28b1 7w0 36b1 18w1407,5015
12KOKOTSAKIS IOANNISGRE 1b1 17w1 2w0 6b½ 15w1 5b03,5014,2526
13PAPAGEORGIOU ILIAGRE 22b1 18w1 25w½ 8b0 6w0 27b13,509,7519,5
14LIANOS DIMITRIOS MGRE 4w0 32b1 1b0 24w1 17w½ 25b13,509,2520,5
15SPYROPOULOS DIMITRIOSGRE 27w1 25b0 23w1 16w½ 12b0 32b13,509,2517
16KLAPAFTI ELENIGRE 11w1 3b0 37w1 15b½ 25w1 6b03,508,7520
17BICHAKIS MICHAILGRE 34w1 12b0 5b0 28w1 14b½ 19w13,508,2518
18DAMALITIS STAVROSGRE 9w1 13b0 30w1 25b1 3w0 11b0308,5021
19NIKOLAIDIS KONSTANTINOS FILOTHGRE 23w1 4b0 6w0 27b1 29w1 17b0307,5020
20LOUKISIS GEORGIOSGRE 35b1 24w1 4w0 1b0 32w1 10b0307,0020,5
21SITOTIS PAVLOSGRE 36b1 1w0 22b0 33w1 35b1 7w0306,5018,5
22GIATROUDAKIS APOLLONASGRE 13w0 34b1 21w1 9b0 30w0 29b1306,5016
23DONOUPOGLOU CHRISTINAGRE 19b0 26w1 15b0 10w0 34b1 36w1305,5016
24KOLOUTSOU EVDOXIAGRE 29w1 20b0 8w0 14b0 38w1 30b1305,0015,5
25DAMALITIS IORDANISGRE 26b1 15w1 13b½ 18w0 16b0 14w02,507,2519
26MILIONIS SEVASTIANOSGRE 25w0 23b0 -1 32b0 27w½ 33w12,505,2514
27KERAMIOTIS STYLIANOSGRE 15b0 30w1 31b1 19w0 26b½ 13w02,504,5015,5
28LIAKOPOULOS ANDREAS TITOSGRE 6w1 2b0 11w0 17b0 31w0 38b1205,5019,5
29LIAKOPOULOU ANNAGRE 24b0 36w1 10b0 35w1 19b0 22w0204,0017
30PIERRIS VASILEIOSGRE 7w0 27b0 18b0 39w1 22b1 24w0203,5016
31LEKKAS KONSTANTINOSGRE 2w0 6b0 27w0 38b0 28b1 -1203,0016
32CHRISTOFILOPOULOS KONSTANTINOSGRE 10b0 14w0 39b1 26w1 20b0 15w0202,5016,5
33KATARAS ORFEASGRE -0 9b0 34w1 21b0 37w1 26b0202,0014,5
34LEKKAS STYLIANOSGRE 17b0 22w0 33b0 -1 23w0 39b1201,5013,5
35BITSAXIS PANAGIOTISGRE 20w0 38b1 9w0 29b0 21w0 37b1201,5013,5
KARACHALIOS FOTIOSGRE 21w0 29b0 38w1 37b1 11w0 23b0201,5013,5
37SYRRIS DIMITRIOSGRE 8w0 -1 16b0 36w0 33b0 35w0102,0016
38KOUTSONIKA ARTEMISGRE 5b0 35w0 36b0 31w1 24b0 28w0101,5015
39KOLOUTSOS SPYROSGRE 3w0 11b0 32w0 30b0 -1 34w0100,5015

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)