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Last update 16.02.2020 02:14:58, Creator/Last Upload: arbitros queretaro

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1FMGracia Alvarez Gerardo An2284MEX 28b+ 17b1 15w1 8b1 19w1 2b½5,510323
2Perez Vega Luis Gabriel1937MEX 29w+ 18w1 14b1 11b1 8w½ 1w½540221
3Del Cojo Miramontes Alejandro1702MEX 30b+ 19b0 22w1 30b1 15w0 14b½3,5150223,5
4Vazquez Dominguez Ricardo1690MEX 31w+ 22w½ 23b1 19b0 5w½ 16b14110220
5Garcia Escamilla Hector De Jes1676MEX 32b1 23w½ 24b1 13w0 4b½ 26w14120219
6Resendiz Alvarez Jesus Alberto1675MEX 33w+ 24w0 34b0 41w1 22b0 43w13310017
7Hernandez Feregrino Pedro Luis1673MEX 34b1 25w0 35b0 42w½ 27b0 51w12,5350117
8Garcia Villagomez Alan Daniel1669MEX 35w+ 27w1 25b1 1w0 2b½ 22w03,5190123,5
9Monter Ruiz Josue1661MEX 36b- 10w1 42b1 34w1 18b0 39b14140217
10Garcia Casas Oliver Alejandro1640MEX 37w½ 9b0 29w0 45w0 50b1 33b01,5420117
11Miranda Ugalde Jose Pablo1636MEX 38b1 47w1 48b1 2w0 24b0 35w03220219
12Rico Olvera Bernardo Alejandro1611MEX 39w0 36b1 32w0 37b1 40w0 46b13210313,5
13Lemus Ruiz Abraham1608MEX 40b+ 39b1 19w0 5b1 17w0 29b1480421
14Prado Ayala Jose Pablo1593MEX 41w1 43b1 2w0 32b1 25b0 3w½3,5170218,5
15Rincon Mendez Daniel1549MEX 42b1 53w1 1b0 35w1 3b1 24w1530222,5
16Landin Vega Hector1476MEX 43w0 40b0 50w1 47b+ 34b1 4w03250215,5
17Sanchez Betancourt Jorge Arturo1468MEX 44b+ 1w0 47b1 48w1 13b1 25w0490321
18Chavez Castillo Larry Luis1466MEX 45w1 2b0 51b1 53w+ 9w1 19b½4,560119
19Moreno Olvera Zidanne1458MEX 46b1 3w1 13b1 4w1 1b0 18w½4,550220,5
20Setien Villeda Sergio Adri1430MEX 47w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00500013,5
21Eguia Torresbaca Aitor1418MEX 48b0 38w1 53b0 46w1 35b0 34w13320015
22Loyola Romero Fernando1377MEX 49w1 4b½ 3b0 23w1 6w1 8b14,570116,5
23Davila Brondo Mario Eduard1279MEX 50b+ 5b½ 4w0 22b0 39w0 37b12,5330219
24Dominguez Lopez Rodrigo1229MEX 51w1 6b1 5w0 39b1 11w1 15b04130218
25Ramirez Ramos Luis Enrique1163MEX 52b+ 7b1 8w0 40b1 14w1 17b1520419
26Hernandez Solorio David Ar1135MEX 53w- 41b1 39w0 43b1 32w1 5b03240217
27Mixtega Cruz Juan Angel1051MEX 54b+ 8b0 40w0 52b½ 7w1 30b½3280118,5
28Magos Sanchez Jesus Isaac1000MEX 1w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00510013,5
29Sanchez Sanchez Sergio Sam1000MEX 2b- 42w0 10b1 51w1 45b1 13w03260214
30aguillon resendiz luis angel0MEX 3w- 45b1 43w1 3w0 48b½ 27w½3290116,5
31altamirano soria omar vladimir0MEX 4b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00520013,5
32alvarado villaverde jonathan0MEX 5w0 49b+ 12b1 14w0 26b0 45w13230218
33angeles rojas hector ariel0MEX 6b- 46w0 41b0 38w1 51b1 10w1330019,5
34corona mandujano emmanuel0MEX 7w0 50b1 6w1 9b0 16w0 21b02370117
35flores blas luis angel0MEX 8b- 52b1 7w1 15b0 21w1 11b14100220
36Garcia Aguado Jose Rodolfo0MEX 9w- 12w0 45b0 50w½ 43b0 41w00,5480014,5
37george valencia abraham0MEX 10b½ 48w0 46b1 12w0 42b0 23w01,5430114,5
38garcia ramirez angel alexis0MEX 11w0 21b0 52w0 33b0 -1 50w01470015
39Gutierrez Ramirez Christopher0MEX 12b1 13w0 26b1 24w0 23b1 9w03200320,5
40Julio Odilon Miguel0MEX 13w- 16w1 27b1 25w0 12b1 42w½3,5160219
41Mercado Cervera Daniel0MEX 14b0 26w0 33w1 6b0 52w0 36b12390117
42molina olvera christian0MEX 15w0 29b1 9w0 7b½ 37w1 40b½3270121
43olguin sanchez jose armando0MEX 16b1 14w0 30b0 26w0 36w1 6b02400116,5
44ortega ascencio emiliano0MEX 17w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00530013,5
45ortiz aguilar alan macoy0MEX 18b0 30w0 36w1 10b1 29w0 32b02410116
46perez rodriguez william0MEX 19w0 33b1 37w0 21b0 47w+ 12w02380117
47ramirez moreno juan alberto0MEX 20b+ 11b0 17w0 16w- 46b- -01450116,5
48resendiz delgadillo leonardo0MEX 21w1 37b1 11w0 17b0 30w½ 52b13,5180217,5
49rubio martinez miguel angel0MEX 22b0 32w- -0 -0 -0 -00490014,5
50Sanchez Galindo Mario Alberto0MEX 23w- 34w0 16b0 36b½ 10w0 38b11,5440111
51sanchez morales raul michell0MEX 24b0 -1 18w0 29b0 33w0 7b01460019,5
52Sotres Ignacio Angel0MEX 25w- 35w0 38b1 27w½ 41b1 48w02,5340216,5
53valerio morales david0MEX 26b+ 15b0 21w1 18b- -0 -02360121
54vega hernandez ulises0MEX 27w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00540013,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)