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Last update 16.02.2020 02:14:58, Creator/Last Upload: arbitros queretaro

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Final Ranking crosstable after 6 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1FMGracia Alvarez Gerardo An2284MEX 51b+ 9b1 3w1 19b1 5w1 4b½5,50323
2Ramirez Ramos Luis Enrique1163MEX 34b+ 35b1 19w0 16b1 17w1 9b150419
3Rincon Mendez Daniel1549MEX 27b1 36w1 1b0 10w1 15b1 13w150222,5
4Perez Vega Luis Gabriel1937MEX 26w+ 6w1 17b1 22b1 19w½ 1w½50221
5Moreno Olvera Zidanne1458MEX 38b1 15w1 8b1 11w1 1b0 6w½4,50220,5
6Chavez Castillo Larry Luis1466MEX 41w1 4b0 46b1 36w+ 14w1 5b½4,50119
7Loyola Romero Fernando1377MEX 49w1 11b½ 15b0 33w1 31w1 19b14,50116,5
8Lemus Ruiz Abraham1608MEX 16b+ 20b1 5w0 12b1 9w0 26b140421
9Sanchez Betancourt Jorge Arturo1468MEX 53b+ 1w0 45b1 18w1 8b1 2w040321
10flores blas luis angel0MEX 19b- 34b1 35w1 3b0 32w1 22b140220
11Vazquez Dominguez Ricardo1690MEX 52w+ 7w½ 33b1 5b0 12w½ 25b140220
12Garcia Escamilla Hector De Jes1676MEX 23b1 33w½ 13b1 8w0 11b½ 24w140219
13Dominguez Lopez Rodrigo1229MEX 46w1 31b1 12w0 20b1 22w1 3b040218
14Monter Ruiz Josue1661MEX 48b- 42w1 27b1 37w1 6b0 20b140217
15Del Cojo Miramontes Alejandro1702MEX 29b+ 5b0 7w1 29b1 3w0 17b½3,50223,5
16Julio Odilon Miguel0MEX 8w- 25w1 28b1 2w0 21b1 27w½3,50219
17Prado Ayala Jose Pablo1593MEX 39w1 40b1 4w0 23b1 2b0 15w½3,50218,5
18resendiz delgadillo leonardo0MEX 32w1 43b1 22w0 9b0 29w½ 34b13,50217,5
19Garcia Villagomez Alan Daniel1669MEX 10w+ 28w1 2b1 1w0 4b½ 7w03,50123,5
20Gutierrez Ramirez Christopher0MEX 21b1 8w0 24b1 13w0 33b1 14w030320,5
21Rico Olvera Bernardo Alejandro1611MEX 20w0 48b1 23w0 43b1 16w0 38b130313,5
22Miranda Ugalde Jose Pablo1636MEX 47b1 45w1 18b1 4w0 13b0 10w030219
23alvarado villaverde jonathan0MEX 12w0 49b+ 21b1 17w0 24b0 41w130218
24Hernandez Solorio David Ar1135MEX 36w- 39b1 20w0 40b1 23w1 12b030217
25Landin Vega Hector1476MEX 40w0 16b0 44w1 45b+ 37b1 11w030215,5
26Sanchez Sanchez Sergio Sam1000MEX 4b- 27w0 42b1 46w1 41b1 8w030214
27molina olvera christian0MEX 3w0 26b1 14w0 35b½ 43w1 16b½30121
28Mixtega Cruz Juan Angel1051MEX 54b+ 19b0 16w0 34b½ 35w1 29b½30118,5
29aguillon resendiz luis angel0MEX 15w- 41b1 40w1 15w0 18b½ 28w½30116,5
30angeles rojas hector ariel0MEX 31b- 38w0 39b0 47w1 46b1 42w13019,5
31Resendiz Alvarez Jesus Alberto1675MEX 30w+ 13w0 37b0 39w1 7b0 40w130017
32Eguia Torresbaca Aitor1418MEX 18b0 47w1 36b0 38w1 10b0 37w130015
33Davila Brondo Mario Eduard1279MEX 44b+ 12b½ 11w0 7b0 20w0 43b12,50219
34Sotres Ignacio Angel0MEX 2w- 10w0 47b1 28w½ 39b1 18w02,50216,5
35Hernandez Feregrino Pedro Luis1673MEX 37b1 2w0 10b0 27w½ 28b0 46w12,50117
36valerio morales david0MEX 24b+ 3b0 32w1 6b- -0 -020121
37corona mandujano emmanuel0MEX 35w0 44b1 31w1 14b0 25w0 32b020117
38perez rodriguez william0MEX 5w0 30b1 43w0 32b0 45w+ 21w020117
39Mercado Cervera Daniel0MEX 17b0 24w0 30w1 31b0 34w0 48b120117
40olguin sanchez jose armando0MEX 25b1 17w0 29b0 24w0 48w1 31b020116,5
41ortiz aguilar alan macoy0MEX 6b0 29w0 48w1 42b1 26w0 23b020116
42Garcia Casas Oliver Alejandro1640MEX 43w½ 14b0 26w0 41w0 44b1 30b01,50117
43george valencia abraham0MEX 42b½ 18w0 38b1 21w0 27b0 33w01,50114,5
44Sanchez Galindo Mario Alberto0MEX 33w- 37w0 25b0 48b½ 42w0 47b11,50111
45ramirez moreno juan alberto0MEX 50b+ 22b0 9w0 25w- 38b- -010116,5
46sanchez morales raul michell0MEX 13b0 -1 6w0 26b0 30w0 35b010019,5
47garcia ramirez angel alexis0MEX 22w0 32b0 34w0 30b0 -1 44w010015
48Garcia Aguado Jose Rodolfo0MEX 14w- 21w0 41b0 44w½ 40b0 39w00,50014,5
49rubio martinez miguel angel0MEX 7b0 23w- -0 -0 -0 -000014,5
50Setien Villeda Sergio Adri1430MEX 45w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -000013,5
Magos Sanchez Jesus Isaac1000MEX 1w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -000013,5
altamirano soria omar vladimir0MEX 11b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -000013,5
ortega ascencio emiliano0MEX 9w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -000013,5
vega hernandez ulises0MEX 28w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -000013,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)