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National Youth Rapid CC 2020 Under 16 Boys [2004 - 2005]

Last update 15.02.2020 14:44:45, Creator/Last Upload: srilankachess

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Dabarera G W D M1408SRI 12b1 10w1 13b1 4w1 7b1 3w1 2b½6,5028,531,5
2Piyumantha M Thisal Manjith1541SRI 22b1 11w1 8b½ 13w1 3b½ 4w1 1w½5,5028,531,5
3Akasha J P Vihanga1378SRI 19b1 17w1 9b1 7w½ 2w½ 1b0 12w15028,532
4Lansakara B M1388SRI 15w1 5b1 16w1 1b0 14w1 2b0 6w1502831,5
5Kavisekara Manula Heshan1193SRI 25b1 4w0 18b1 23w1 6w0 14b1 8b1502325
6Jayawardana Chenuka Nethvidu1293SRI 37b+ 9w1 7b0 8w1 5b1 11w½ 4b04,502831
7Kodithuwakku Lisara1504SRI 21w1 14b1 6w1 3b½ 1w0 9b0 16w14,502730,5
8Kithmal P M Kalindhu1358SRI 27w1 24b1 2w½ 6b0 17w1 10b1 5w04,5025,528
9CMSilva Kevin Ranidu1613SRI 20w1 6b0 3w0 27b1 15w1 7w1 11b½4,502527,5
10AIMTennakoon Lisara Samadhith1194SRI 33w1 1b0 15w1 16b½ 22w1 8w0 17b14,5024,526,5
11Dissanayake Praveen Manodya1308SRI 30w1 2b0 12w½ 25b1 16w1 6b½ 9w½4,5023,525
12Sethiya A Vinuga1132SRI 1w0 30b1 11b½ 26w½ 23b1 13w1 3b0412425,5
13Weerasinghe W Yasiru1327SRI 36b+ 31b+ 1w0 2b0 19w1 12b0 22w1402629
14De Silva L H L Manuja Lakshitha1230SRI 18b1 7w0 19b1 22w1 4b0 5w0 15b½3,502528
15Welege Imantha Lakshan1111SRI 4b0 32w1 10b0 18w1 9b0 24b1 14w½3,502424,5
16Gamage Liviru Hansana1159SRI 29b1 26w1 4b0 10w½ 11b0 28w1 7b03,502325
17Bentharaarachchi Vinuga Ometh1192SRI 23w1 3b0 25w½ 24b1 8b0 26w1 10w03,502224
18Malketh L Sanithu1040SRI 14w0 20b1 5w0 15b0 27w½ 25b1 26w13,5020,522,5
19Withana Vidun Manmitha1103SRI 3w0 33b1 14w0 29b1 13b0 27w1 20w½3,5019,521,5
20Udumullage Senuja Dilmith1156SRI 9b0 18w0 28w1 30b1 26b½ 21w½ 19b½3,5019,521
21Nimsara S A D Tharindu1139SRI 7b0 25w0 26b0 32w1 29b1 20b½ 28w13,5016,517
22De Silva D Senath Heshara1145SRI 2w0 28b1 29w1 14b0 10b0 23w1 13b0302123
23Thenuharshan G1023SRI 17b0 -1 24w1 5b0 12w0 22b0 30w1302122,5
24Alahakoon D Sonal1184SRI 32b1 8w0 23b0 17w0 30b1 15w0 29b13017,518
25Welikadaarachchi D. J. P.1024SRI 5w0 21b1 17b½ 11w0 28b0 18w0 -12,502223,5
26Senarathna S A D T1219SRI 28w½ 16b0 21w1 12b½ 20w½ 17b0 18b02,5021,523,5
27Edirisinghe Shanuka Dulnath1094SRI 8b0 29w0 33b1 9w0 18b½ 19b0 32w12,502020,5
28Amarakoon Isuru0SRI 26b½ 22w0 20b0 33w+ 25w1 16b0 21b02,501820
29Rajapaksha D Gayana Anupama0SRI 16w0 27b1 22b0 19w0 21w0 32b1 24w0201919,5
30Deshapriya A M M Nandula1083SRI 11b0 12w0 32b1 20w0 24w0 -1 23b0201919,5
31Weerasekara W M R Bimsara1044SRI 34b+ 13w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -01020,522,5
32Edirisinghe Hirushan B B1052SRI 24w0 15b0 30w0 21b0 -1 29w0 27b0101617
33Abrar Taariq Isham1028SRI 10b0 19w0 27w0 28b- -0 -0 -00016,517,5
34Morais Sanithu Leander Pamudith1280SRI 31w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,5
Bandara W M Nadil Dulshen1160SRI 38w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,5
Rangajeewa M G Sachithra Sandar1085SRI 13w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,5
Kumarasinghe K K A Wasath Kavin1058SRI 6w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,5
Nimsara K K Thavisha0SRI 35b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)