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National Youth Rapid CC 2020 Under 12 Boys [2008 - 2009]

Last update 15.02.2020 14:25:03, Creator/Last Upload: srilankachess

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Gunathilake M D Vinuda Shenal1400SRI 57b1 32w0 63b½ 96w1 49b1 26w½ 19b0435023,526,5
2Alwis B H A Rasidu1335SRI 59w0 83b1 67w1 39b1 24b1 14w1 16b163023,525,5
3Dissanayake D M S L1295SRI 60b1 33w1 16b1 20w1 19b1 30w0 15w16203032,5
4AFMBasnayake B M Thesandu Aken1263SRI 61w1 35b1 17w1 15b0 21w1 12b0 26w151202730,5
5Kulathilake S M M P1205SRI 62b1 38w1 20b0 34w1 22b1 16w0 40b½4,518026,529,5
6Herath H M J R1196SRI 63w1 37b½ 29w1 23b1 12w½ 15b0 28w043002831
7CMWickramarathne T D1189SRI 64b1 40w1 24b½ 14w½ 26b½ 48w1 18b½51302525,5
8Dhanushikan G1167SRI 65w1 39b1 19w0 43b0 58w½ 59b1 41w½43402426,5
9Weerasekara Dinul Vinsitha1161SRI 66b1 42w1 28b1 30w0 40b1 19w½ 62b15,5402932
10Samarakoon Vivash Ransara1148SRI 67w1 41b1 21w1 19b0 28w1 13b½ 61w15,57027,531,5
11Perera G Thinuka Geethula1147SRI 68b1 48w½108b1 24w0 52w1 43b1 13w15,58020,522
12Gamage A G R Ruwanmith1146SRI 69w1 43b½ 37w1 27b1 6b½ 4w1 30b05902932
13Wickramaarachchi Nayanaka Insara1144SRI 70b1 50w1 30b0 38w1 46b1 10w½ 11b04,51702932
14Wickramarathne D Jehan Randil1142SRI 71w1 47b1 23w½ 7b½ 29w1 2b0 33w1511027,530,5
15Wimalasiri Ransith Pabalu1142SRI 72b1 52w1 32b1 4w1 30b½ 6w1 3b05,5602829,5
16Atulugamage Saniru Lohan1133SRI 73w1 49b1 3w0 47b1 33w1 5b1 2w0510028,531,5
17Senarathna Chamithu Dewwin1128SRI 74b1 58w1 4b0 40w0 67b½ 57w½ 69b1439022,524
18Tennakoon T M Rithil Nethmitha1128SRI 75w1 55b½ 43w½ 52b½ 59w1 31b1 7w½51602224
19Pathirage Yukitha Kenula Perera1122SRI 76b1 82w1 8b1 10w1 3w0 9b½ 1w15,5502830
20Sathsara E P Daham1122SRI 77w1 59b1 5w1 3b0 43w½ 61b0 47w03,54802830,5
21Hettiarachchi Jeewantha Aloka1118SRI 78b1 88w1 10b0 42w1 4b0 39w1 50b0431026,529,5
22Kularathne K A Praveen1111SRI 79w½103b1 53w½ 55b1 5w0 73b1 37w½4,52802224,5
23Liyanage K P L1108SRI 80b1102w1 14b½ 6w0 56b½ 40w0 78b036702426
24AFMThennakoon Disara1105SRI 81w+ 91b1 7w½ 11b1 2w0 62w0 43b03,547028,531
25Nimsitha Tharuk1103SRI 82b0 76w1 68b1 46w0 70b1 50w0 88b1443019,521
26Jayasekara Buvidu Dilhan1100SRI 83w½113b1 55w½ 53b1 7w½ 1b½ 4b0437023,525,5
27Perera K C D1100SRI 84b1108w½ 48b1 12w0 62b0 58w1 49b14,52902224
28Weerathungalage W D Malisha Sasvidu1100SRI 85w1 93b1 9w0 58b1 10b0 46w1 6b151402426,5
29Ekanayake E M Sahiru Deeptha1099SRI 86b1111w1 6b0 50w1 14b0 56w½ 48b14,526023,524
30Liyanage Savinu Suhaswin1092SRI 87w1101b1 13w1 9b1 15w½ 3b1 12w16,5102931,5
31Heenatigala Nilusha Dewwan1089SRI 88b0 78w1 69b1 62w½ 63b1 18w0 56b14,524023,526,5
32Induwara M Irusha1089SRI 89w1 1b1 15w0 59b½ 61w0 67b½ 77w½3,550024,527
33Sumanathilake Yonal1084SRI 90b1 3b0 71w1 82w1 16b0 78w1 14b0432026,529
34Wijesinghe W A M C1082SRI 91w0 77b1 73w1 5b0 95w1 47b½107w14,52702224,5
35Fernando R Yasas Nethsara1080SRI 92b1 4w0 82b0112w1 78b0 80w½ 86b13,55402325,5
36Senitha H H Luthira1079SRI 93w0 80b1 79w½ 63w0 85b1 77b0 95w13,56101921,5
37Perera H A Lisanda Vinsith1073SRI 94b1 6w½ 12b0 70w½ 82b1 96w1 22b½4,52302427
38Herath Senith1067SRI 95w1 5b0 84w1 13b0 73w0108b1 67w037002123
39Suraweera Shanul Nethru1067SRI 96b1 8w0 88b1 2w0 84b1 21b0 73w1436023,526
40Insara S D Nadev1066SRI 97w1 7b0 91w1 17b1 9w0 23b1 5w½4,521024,527
41Vidharshana T H Oshid Warshaka1061SRI 98b1 10w0 96b0 85w½ 86b1 63w1 8b½441021,523,5
42Sandaruwan K E Dineth1060SRI 99w1 9b0 93w1 21b0 77w½107b0 80b½368022,524
43AFMWaduge Tathika1059SRI100b1 12w½ 18b½ 8w1 20b½ 11w0 24w14,51902627
44Thotagamuwa Janindu Udantha1059SRI101w0 84b0113w1 91b½ 79w½ 92b0 89b137801820,5
45Hiripitiya Nethil1050SRI102b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00109016,517,5
46Dinujaya P D Kavishka1049SRI103w0 85b1 94w1 25b1 13w0 28b0 79w½3,553023,526
47Wijerathna Mayon Thinoth1042SRI104b1 14w0102b1 16w0 88b1 34w½ 20b14,525023,525,5
48Manuwaruna Sethun Neththaru1041SRI105w1 11b½ 27w0 74b1108w1 7b0 29w03,55202425,5
49Jayaweera D A Thevindu Nimnal1035SRI106b1 16w0110b½ 86w1 1w0 93b1 27w03,556022,525
50Senevirathne D C B K1035SRI107w1 13b0 95w1 29b0103w1 25b1 21w151502325,5
51Nethdinu Ruben Hiruja1033SRI108b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00110016,517,5
52Wanasinghe Dinitha Sandul1027SRI109w+ 15b0101w1 18w½ 11b0 94w½ 96b½3,549026,529
53Piyarathna H Yuneth Damsiha1021SRI110b½ 56w1 22b½ 26w0 94b½112w½105b143802325,5
54Desurra G P Damsilu1017SRI111w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00111016,517,5
55Thenuk M A Nethvin1013SRI112b1 18w½ 26b½ 22w0 96b0 82w+ 92w036402527,5
56Silva K Tharushika1004SRI113w½ 53b0 83w1 79b1 23w½ 29b½ 31w03,558022,524,5
57Abeysekera Bises Oneja0SRI 1w0 86b½ 87w1108b0 91w1 17b½ 94b0374019,521,5
58Rashaad Z M A0SRI114b+ 17b0103w1 28w0 8b½ 27b0 93w13,55502325,5
59Bandara G P S S0SRI 2b1 20w0111b1 32w½ 18b0 8w0106b02,580025,526
60Bandara M M Jovindu J0SRI 3w0 87b½ 86w0 89b1 93w0 91b½103w½2,594018,521
61Basnayake D H B J Chinthana0SRI 4b0 90w1112b½110w1 32b1 20w1 10b04,520024,527
62Bhanuke A L Yashith0SRI 5w0 89b1105w1 31b½ 27w1 24b1 9w04,522024,527
63Chandrasiri L S D0SRI 6b0 92w1 1w½ 36b1 31w0 41b0 97w13,55102426,5
64Chanthil W G Thenul0SRI 7w0 94b0 85w0 98b0106w0 -1 76b0110701919,5
65Dakshina K G Oveen0SRI 8b0 96w0 90b1 88w0110b1 84w1112b037302022,5
66Dayarathna N M J K0SRI 9w0 95b0 89w½ 99b1102b½ 88w0 98b1379017,519
67Dehigaspitiya Senidu0SRI 10b0 98w1 2b0 92b1 17w½ 32w½ 38b143302628
68Dinhas G A A0SRI 11w0 97b1 25w0 93b½107b0 89w0 90b01,5101020,523
69Dissanayake K M S M0SRI 12b0100w1 31w0 95b0 98w1103b1 17w0372020,521,5
70Galappaththi Sethish Dhananjaya0SRI 13w0 99b½107w1 37b½ 25w0 95b½113w½36902223,5
71Galkotuwa K A R G W S N B I0SRI 14b0104w1 33b0 94w0100w1113b½108w13,560020,521,5
72Ganehiarachchi Disas G A A0SRI 15w0105b0 92w0100b0 76w1101b½ 85w01,510301920
73Ganeshkumar Sanjey0SRI 16b0106w1 34b0 97w1 38b1 22w0 39b0365024,527
74Gangabada Sonal0SRI 17w0107b½ 99w1 48w0112b0 97b0101w01,510202021,5
75Godallawaththa Matheesha0SRI 18b0112w0 98b1102w½113b½105w0110b0298019,521,5
76Gunasena W A P N0SRI 19w0 25b0 97w0104b0 72b0 99w1 64w1299017,518
77Gunaweera Geenuka Kavinu0SRI 20b0 34w0100b1111w1 42b½ 36w1 32b½44501919,5
78Gunawickrama Chenitha0SRI 21w0 31b0104w1101b1 35w1 33b0 23w1440021,524
79Guruge Lithum Sandeera0SRI 22b½110w½ 36b½ 56w0 44b½102w1 46b½3,55902123
80Herath Ashen0SRI 23w0 36w0106b1103b0101w1 35b½ 42w½37601921,5
81Jayathilaka H R R T0SRI 24b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00112016,517,5
82Jayathilake Dineth Induwara0SRI 25w1 19b0 35w1 33b0 37w0 55b- -029702528
83Jithsara M V A Pamith0SRI 26b½ 2w0 56b0107w0105w- -0 -00,5108021,523
84Kalhan S Vojitha0SRI 27w0 44w1 38b0105b1 39w0 65b0 91w½2,59002022,5
85Kamburugamuwa Thesandu0SRI 28b0 46w0 64b1 41b½ 36w0106w0 72b12,58602121,5
86Karunarathne B L D Y D0SRI 29w0 57w½ 60b1 49b0 41w0104b1 35w02,58402123,5
87Methan Sritharan0SRI 30b0 60w½ 57b0113w0 90b1110w½102b½2,588020,522,5
88Methmira W K Osanda0SRI 31w1 21b0 39w0 65b1 47w0 66b1 25w036602427
89Methsara M P Pashith Adeepa0SRI 32b0 62w0 66b½ 60w0 99b1 68b1 44w02,59501819,5
90Nirwan G L S P0SRI 33w0 61b0 65w0106b½ 87w0100b1 68w12,59201920
91Pathiraja P M C R0SRI 34b1 24w0 40b0 44w½ 57b0 60w½ 84b½2,587020,523
92Pathirana Dasula0SRI 35w0 63b0 72b1 67w0111b1 44w1 55b144601818,5
93Perera B A Vathmira Geesan0SRI 36b1 28w0 42b0 68w½ 60b1 49w0 58b02,589020,522
94Perera B Jayod Yasindu Rashmika0SRI 37w0 64w1 46b0 71b1 53w½ 52b½ 57w1442021,522
95Perera Linuka0SRI 38b0 66w1 50b0 69w1 34b0 70w½ 36b02,58202225
96Prabashwara M A Thisum Aloka0SRI 39w0 65b1 41w1 1b0 55w1 37b0 52w½3,557022,525
97Rajanayake Damsara Bandara0SRI 40b0 68w0 76b1 73b0104w½ 74w1 63b02,59601718,5
98Rankothge Shamal Bashitha0SRI 41w0 67b0 75w0 64w1 69b0111b1 66w02100016,517
99Rashmitha M K Kuvindu0SRI 42b0 70w½ 74b0 66w0 89w0 76b0111w11,510401515,5
100Sagar Shavik0SRI 43w0 69b0 77w0 72w1 71b0 90w0104b0110502021,5
101Samuel Joel0SRI 44b1 30w0 52b0 78w0 80b0 72w½ 74b12,58502122,5
102Semasinghe S B D Y0SRI 45w+ 23b0 47w0 75b½ 66w½ 79b0 87w½2,591019,521,5
103Senarathne Oshada Mewan0SRI 46b1 22w0 58b0 80w1 50b0 69w0 60b½2,58302224,5
104Shaluka A G Chanindu0SRI 47w0 71b0 78b0 76w1 97b½ 86w0100w12,59301920
105Somarathne Senuka Damsath0SRI 48b0 72w1 62b0 84w0 83b+ 75b1 53w0377018,520
106Tharul W Dulmeth0SRI 49w0 73b0 80w0 90w½ 64b1 85b1 59w13,56301717,5
107Thilakarathne S A H V0SRI 50b0 74w½ 70b0 83b1 68w1 42w1 34b03,56201920,5
108Thilakaratna B A Thevindu Kenula0SRI 51w+ 27b½ 11w0 57w1 48b0 38w0 71b02,58102326
109Thilakaratne Hm Sithuka Ranmaira0SRI 52b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00113016,517,5
110Weerasinghe Savija Pasandul0SRI 53w½ 79b½ 49w½ 61b0 65w0 87b½ 75w137102123
111Wijesinghe Sathsen Pulmitha0SRI 54b+ 29b0 59w0 77b0 92w0 98w0 99b0110602021,5
112Wijethunga P D Akain Jithsara0SRI 55w0 75b1 61w½ 35b0 74w1 53b½ 65w1444019,521
113Wilson J N Nakul0SRI 56b½ 26w0 44b0 87b1 75w½ 71w½ 70b½375019,521,5
114Yusuf M S M0SRI 58w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00114016,517,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)