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National Youth Rapid CC 2020 Under 10 Girls [2010 - 2011]

Last update 15.02.2020 14:24:35, Creator/Last Upload: srilankachess

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Imanya A L Thashmi1152SRI 26b1 25w0 31w1 33b1 35w1 13b0 18w15702527
2Alwis Jenuki1145SRI 27w1 31b½ 22w0 44b- -0 -0 -01,543023,526
3Abeyrathne M P Dulansa Dewmini0SRI 28b1 30w½ 36b0 43w0 40b0 46w0 -01,544021,522
4Amasha N W K Tanudi0SRI 29w+ 36w0 26b0 16b0 32w1 33b1 22w032902425
5Ariyasinghe A K Mihindi Savainya0SRI 30b0 44w1 42b0 21w1 45b1 50w1 26b041702526,5
6Ariyawansa Sanuji Risara0SRI 31w0 27b0 37w1 24b0 34w1 39b0 33w1332020,521,5
7Ayansa O M D Pahanmee Minthuli0SRI 32b1 38w½ 30b0 48w1 26b0 40w0 43b13,52502324
8Bandara Prathibha Nethsarani0SRI 33w1 35b1 39w1 20b1 9w1 38b1 36w17102729
9Beminiwatta A W R A0SRI 34b1 42w1 25b1 36w1 8b0 26w1 13b162028,529,5
10Dabarera W Michelle Bhagya0SRI 35w0 33b0 41w0 40w0 28b1 32b1 15w1334014,515
11Damsadi M G Senudi Akeesha0SRI 36b0 26w0 28b1 50w0 48b1 37w0 45b133002222,5
12De Alwis R A Oyuna Disangi0SRI 37w1 39b0 27w0 34b1 47w0 41b½ 48w13,52602021
13De Alwis Siheli Chanara0SRI 38b0 28w1 45b1 42w1 30b1 1w1 9w056026,527
14Dulansa K P Ranumi0SRI 39w0 37b1 33w0 41b1 24w1 31b0 35w0331020,522,5
15Edirisinghe E N N0SRI 50b0 32w1 46b0 45w0 37b0 34w1 10b0242017,518,5
16Epa Yehara Yethmini0SRI 40b½ 50w1 38b0 4w1 44b0 43w1 27w14,511024,526,5
17Fernando B Thishya Methsandi0SRI 41w1 43b1 47w½ 22b0 31w0 35b1 20w14,51402325
18Galagedara Gehansa Methusuwi0SRI 42b0 34w1 50b1 38w0 46b1 25w1 1b041802526
19Gamaarachchi G A Senaree M I0SRI 43w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0048016,517,5
20Gunasekara S Yureshi Yasasmi0SRI 44b½ 40w1 48b1 8w0 43b1 30w0 17b03,52302729
21Gunawardane Nethuli Laknara0SRI 45w1 47b0 35w0 5b0 41w- -0 -014502021,5
22Halangoda R R W W M H W Y E K0SRI 46b1 48w½ 2b1 17w1 38b0 36w0 4b14,51002527,5
23Herath H M D Rukshila0SRI 47w0 41b1 43w½ 31b0 50b0 48w0 28w12,538019,520
24Kinthushani S0SRI 48b0 46w0 32b1 6w1 14b0 45w1 50b033301819
25Kodithuwakku Methuli0SRI 49w+ 1b1 9w0 35b0 39w1 18b0 46w032702629
26Kothalawala Ganithya Lakmethmi0SRI 1w0 11b1 4w1 39b1 7w1 9b0 5w158024,527
27Madurapperuma M A O D0SRI 2b0 6w1 12b1 46w1 36b0 42w1 16b0419024,527,5
28Masinghe M A K I N0SRI 3w0 13b0 11w0 37b0 10w0 -1 23b0146019,520
29Meegamage Dona Lisara Methsarani0SRI 4b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0049016,517,5
30Mendis Imethra0SRI 5w1 3b½ 7w1 47b1 13w0 20b1 38w04,5902628
31Nallaperuma Chenuli L0SRI 6b1 2w½ 1b0 23w1 17b1 14w1 44b04,51202426,5
32Nawarathna Devmi0SRI 7w0 15b0 24w0 -1 4b0 10w0 34b-14701617,5
33Perera B Yenuthi Sahanlee0SRI 8b0 10w1 14b1 1w0 42b0 4w0 6b023902527,5
34Pirabaharan Krithika0SRI 9w0 18b0 -1 12w0 6b0 15b0 32w+240020,521,5
35Randeniya Senethma Dewmi0SRI 10b1 8w0 21b1 25w1 1b0 17w0 14b141502527,5
36Rathnayake R M Dulinma Hemalni0SRI 11w1 4b1 3w1 9b0 27w1 22b1 8b05502729
37Samarakkodi Damsisi Sathsarani0SRI 12b0 14w0 6b0 28w1 15w1 11b1 39w1422017,518
38Sanulya G H S0SRI 13w1 7b½ 16w1 18b1 22w1 8w0 30b15,53029,533
39Sarathchandra G W Gihansa Sasithmi0SRI 14b1 12w1 8b0 26w0 25b0 6w1 37b0328025,528
40Senara V A Chathuni0SRI 16w½ 20b0 44w0 10b1 3w1 7b1 47w03,52402426
41Seya W S Dewmi0SRI 17b0 23w0 10b1 14w0 21b+ 12w½ 42b02,537020,522,5
42Seyansa J D Buthmi0SRI 18w1 9b0 5w1 13b0 33w1 27b0 41w141602527
43Siriwardana Nithini Denesha De Z0SRI 19b+ 17w0 23b½ 3b1 20w0 16b0 7w02,535021,523,5
44Somarathne L H M G S0SRI 20w½ 5b0 40b1 2w+ 16w1 47b1 31w15,54024,527,5
45Sutharsan Kirishiga0SRI 21b0 -1 13w0 15b1 5w0 24b0 11w024102022
46Thavindya K A Biseni0SRI 22w0 24b1 15w1 27b0 18w0 3b1 25b142102022
47Thrinethsaree R P Hansali Hirushm0SRI 23b1 21w1 17b½ 30w0 12b1 44w0 40b14,513023,526
48Vidanapathirana P V A U0SRI 24w1 22b½ 20w0 7b0 11w0 23b1 12b02,53602123,5
49Vihanga K A Yenuli0SRI 25b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0050016,517,5
50Yehansa R A Piyaji0SRI 15w1 16b0 18w0 11b1 23w1 5b0 24w142002123

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)