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ACC February Blitz

Last update 11.02.2020 04:16:25, Creator/Last Upload: Canada Chess Federation (Licence 23)

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Shabanaj Saimir2133CAN 20b1 4w1 9b½ 7w½ 13b1 3w1 2w1 5b1 6b½7,5065
2Vinuya Ruth Joy1986PHI 8b1 13w1 14b1 3b- 12w1 4w1 1b0 3w1 7b17174
3Humphreys Michael2325CAN 17b1 19w1 7b1 2w+ 5w1 1b0 9w1 2b0 11w17164
4Schneider Terra Arthur1698CAN 28w1 1b0 23w1 26b1 14w1 2b0 5w0 12b1 13w16064
5Campbell Brett2194CAN 24w½ 25b1 26b1 9w1 3b0 7w½ 4b1 1w0 14w16054
Sobrevilla Ruben2045USA 25w½ 24b1 10w0 8b1 9w0 28w1 14b1 17b1 1w½6054
Malmsten Erik1957CAN 21w1 23b1 3w0 1b½ 24w1 5b½ 13w1 9b1 2w06054
8Mair Mike1480CAN 2w0 30b1 15b1 6w0 18b1 17b½ 10w1 11b0 16w15,5055
9Chen Sihao1658CAN 30w1 10b1 1w½ 5b0 6b1 12w1 3b0 7w0 17w15,5054
10Stein Jacob1910CAN 16b1 9w0 6b1 13w0 22b1 14w0 8b0 20w1 23b15055
McSherry Peter1776CAN 22b1 26w0 13b0 27w0 25w1 19b1 20b1 8w1 3b05055
Ugodnikov Arkadiy1766CAN 29b1 14w0 20b1 22w1 2b0 9b0 23w1 4w0 28b15055
Belanger Colton1673CAN 31b1 2b0 11w1 10b1 1w0 20w1 7b0 18w1 4b05055
Belcadi Salim1592CAN 32b1 12b1 2w0 18w1 4b0 10b1 6w0 22w1 5b05055
15Ab-Barin Hooshang1757CAN 26w0 27b1 8w0 24b0 31w1 23b0 25w1 21w1 22b15054
16Furrow Matthew1782CAN 10w0 22b0 25w1 21w1 28b½ 24b1 17w0 26b1 8b04,5045
Ali Shafkat1647CAN 3w0 28b1 18b0 32w1 27b1 8w½ 16b1 6w0 9b04,5045
18Vinuya Reign Joshua1770PHI 23w0 29b1 17w1 14b0 8w0 26b½ 19w1 13b0 24w14,5044
19Helwig Frank1715CAN 27b1 3b0 22w0 28w0 32b1 11w0 18b0 31w1 29b14045
20Liahut Valles Ingrid Yusseip1505MEX 1w0 31b1 12w0 23b1 26w1 13b0 11w0 10b0 30w14044
Lambert Peter1471CAN 7b0 32w0 31w1 16b0 23w0 25b1 30w1 15b0 26w14044
Moiseev Alex1256CAN 11w0 16w1 19b1 12b0 10w0 27b1 24w1 14b0 15w04044
Guo Richard1249CAN 18b1 7w0 4b0 20w0 21b1 15w1 12b0 29w1 10w04044
24Costales Dan1571CAN 5b½ 6w0 32b1 15w1 7b0 16w0 22b0 27w1 18b03,5035
D'Souza Carina1502CAN 6b½ 5w0 16b0 29w1 11b0 21w0 15b0 32w1 31b13,5035
Lau Joshua1081CAN 15b1 11b1 5w0 4w0 20b0 18w½ 28b1 16w0 21b03,5035
27Lillico Margarita1036CAN 19w0 15w0 30b1 11b1 17w0 22w0 29b½ 24b0 32w13,5034
Westcott Todd997CAN 4b0 17w0 29w1 19b1 16w½ 6b0 26w0 30b1 12w03,5034
29Donegan Lawrence1110CAN 12w0 18w0 28b0 25b0 30w1 31b1 27w½ 23b0 19w02,5024
30Maynard Andrew0CAN 9b0 8w0 27w0 31b1 29b0 32w1 21b0 28w0 20b02025
31Souchko Larissa826CAN 13w0 20w0 21b0 30w0 15b0 29w0 32b1 19b0 25w01114
32Harvey Paul749CAN 14w0 21b1 24w0 17b0 19w0 30b0 31w0 25b0 27b01015

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: Most black