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Onder Weskus Prestige U11 Boys

Last update 22.02.2020 21:14:46, Creator/Last Upload: Kaden Muller

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Starting rank

1Schroeder LiamRSA1156
2Ocks KeanoRSA922
3Visagie ChristopherRSA918
4Lu Daniel Ting XuRSA906
5Arendse QuinwinRSA878
6Brooks LehaneRSA856
7Mcquire MikaelRSA774
8De Klerk JasonRSA766
9Solomons JavianRSA744
10Duiker PhillipRSA726
11Williams Clarance-JohnRSA584
12Witbooi RaphaelRSA549
13Adams UzairRSA500
14Davids ClevertonRSA500
15Smith ArnoldRSA500
16Van Staden JaredRSA500
17Choga DenzilRSA0
18du Toit Jordan-LeeRSA0
19Heckor CairoRSA0
20Heyns ColeRSA0
21Holt IsiahRSA0
22January AddisonRSA0
23Matomela UvileRSA0
24Mgugu ZusimanyeRSA0
25Murray MattRSA0
26Naidoo JoshuaRSA0
27Ramaoka SiyandaRSA0
28Sbulela NkosiRSA0
29Taylor GershanRSA0
30Japies DioganRSA0
31West MichaelRSA0
32Cloete SkylarRSA0
33Jannetjies ZionRSA500
34Burger JalemRSA0
35Mukapira HappinessRSA0