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Onder Weskus Prestige 2020 U13 Boys

Last update 22.02.2020 21:15:34, Creator/Last Upload: Kaden Muller

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Lewaks Shaundre1271RSA 33w1 18b1 10w1 6b1 67w1 2b0530525
2Titus Dominique1254RSA 34b1 19w1 9b1 5w1 3b½ 1w15,510,5525
3Opperman Matthew1221RSA 35w1 26b1 14w1 8b1 2w½ 6b15,520,5521,5
4Paulse Jayron929RSA 36b0 15w0 56b1 40w0 -0 -01470114,5
5Knoesen Zichri907RSA 37w1 28b1 16w1 2b0 47w1 25b1540522,5
6Mcquire Craig898RSA 38b1 21w1 13b1 1w0 18b1 3w0490423,5
7Therion Wihan874RSA 39w1 30b1 67w0 47b0 33w½ 26b02,5280221
8Du Plessis Stefan867RSA 40b1 23w1 52b1 3w0 25b0 15w1480424
9Basson Zanco844RSA 41w1 32b1 2w0 26b1 20w1 52b1550521
10Maarman Christiano834RSA 42b1 25w1 1b0 23w½ 15b0 40w13,5170322
11Kearns Ray791RSA 43w0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00600012,5
12Moodley Kershan790RSA 44b1 52w0 15b0 48w- -0 -01430117,5
13Abrahams Christo754RSA 45w1 59b1 6w0 28b1 39w1 67b04140419
14Theron Martin701RSA 46b1 54w1 3b0 25w0 23b0 29w13220319,5
15Isaacs Kallum700RSA 47w½ 4b1 12w1 67b0 10w1 8b03,5180320
16Conzalves Damian686RSA 48b1 65w1 5b0 29w1 52b0 22w14160418
17Mabaso Sicelo650RSA 49w1 67b0 47w0 45b- -0 -01420118
18Bester Q-Whine648RSA 50b1 1w0 34b1 30w1 6w0 28b14110421
19Joubert Daylin631RSA 51w+ 2b0 35w1 39b0 38w1 50b03230319
20Fielies Jaden605RSA 52b0 46w1 38b1 68w1 9b0 39w14120419
21Blaauw M Jay591RSA 53w1 6b0 39w0 50b0 32w1 64b½2,5300217
22West Tristan541RSA 54b0 48w1 40b1 52w0 30b1 16b03250318
23Maarman Royaldhino529RSA 55w1 8b0 50w1 10b½ 14w1 47b14,570420,5
24Dirks Frank500RSA 56b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00650011,5
25Domingo Cowan500RSA 57w1 10b0 59w1 14b1 8w1 5w04150418
26Esau Jeathon500RSA 58b1 3w0 54b1 9w0 68b½ 7w13,5200319,5
27Kalan Caden500RSA 59w0 47b0 53w1 63b0 35w½ 38b½2380112,5
28Karolus Jade500RSA 60b1 5w0 65b1 13w0 54b1 18w03240318,5
29Karolus Juwayden500RSA 61w0 53b1 64w1 16b0 50w0 14b02370217
30Martins Matthew500RSA 62b1 7w0 60b1 18b0 22w0 54w13270316
31Roos Zandre500RSA 63w0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00660011,5
32Tremble Kurt500RSA 64b1 9w0 68b0 62w½ 21b0 35w12,5320216,5
33Tromp Logan500RSA 1b0 50w0 43w1 59b1 7b½ 68w13,5210319
34Williams Ivan500RSA 2w0 57b1 18w0 64b0 -0 -01440116,5
35Adonis Deacon0RSA 3b0 56w1 19b0 54w0 27b½ 32b01,5390116
36Aluta Masa0RSA 4w0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00630012
37Andrews Leano0RSA 5b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00540015
38Armino Shilo0RSA 6w0 63b1 20w0 65b1 19b0 27w½2,5330215,5
39Baumeester Clement0RSA 7b0 58w1 21b1 19w1 13b0 20b03260317
40de Bruin Helecum0RSA 8w0 66b1 22w0 4b½ 43w1 10b02,5310217
41de Kock Delarey0RSA 9b0 60w0 62b0 56w- -0 -00560014
42de Vries Isiah0RSA 10w0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00570013,5
43De Witt Basson0RSA 11b0 62w½ 33b0 46w1 40b0 57w12,5340213
44Engelbrecht Dian0RSA 12w0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00610012,5
45Harmse Jimmy-dee0RSA 13b0 68w0 58b1 17w- -0 -01460116
46Kammies Dante0RSA 14w0 20b0 57w½ 43b0 -0 -00,5530,5013,5
47Klaase Pharell0RSA 15b½ 27w1 17b1 7w1 5b0 23w03,5190320
48Koopman Jeromeo0RSA 16w0 22b0 66w1 12b- -0 -01450116,5
49Langeveldt Gerheihn0RSA 17b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00620012,5
50Linnert Marshall0RSA 18w0 33b1 23b0 21w1 29b1 19w14130419
51Lulwana Endinako0RSA 19b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00580013,5
52Maroem Daron0RSA 20w1 12b1 8w0 22b1 16w1 9w04100422,5
53Mshweshwe Asakhe0RSA 21b0 29w0 27b0 58w- -0 -00670011
54Nel Brian0RSA 22w1 14b0 26w0 35b1 28w0 30b02360217
55Rhodes Xion0RSA 23b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00550014,5
56Roberts Vincent0RSA 24w0 35b0 4w0 41b- -0 -00680010,5
57Smith Lorenzeano0RSA 25b0 34w0 46b½ 60w0 64w0 43b00,5520,5014
58Solomons Hezron0RSA 26w0 39b0 45w0 53b- -0 -00590013,5
59Swartz Neswin0RSA 27b1 13w0 25b0 33w0 -0 -01410118
60Thys Michael0RSA 28w0 41b1 30w0 57b0 -0 -01480112,5
61Valentyn Cameron0RSA 29b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00640012
62van der Westhuizen Wayden0RSA 30w0 43b½ 41w1 32b0 -0 -01,5400115
63Van Rensburg Corne Janse0RSA 31b0 38w0 -1 27w0 -0 -01510013
64Voster Waldo0RSA 32w0 -1 29b0 34w0 57b1 21w½2,5350111,5
65van Rooyen Fransco0RSA -1 16b0 28w0 38w0 -0 -01490016,5
66Mlenze Lukhanyo917RSA -0 40w0 48b0 -1 -0 -01500014
67Mitchells Chris-Zane500RSA -1 17w1 7b1 15w1 1b0 13w1560420
68Rossouw Joa500RSA -0 45b1 32w1 20b0 26w½ 33b02,5290219,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)