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Turnirin təfərrüatlarını göstər

Camaguey 506 (Sub-12 M)

Son yeniləmə08.02.2020 03:48:04, Müəllif/Son yükləmə: Cultura Tlajo

Oyunçu üçün axtarın Axtar

7 turdan sonra turnir cədvəlində yekun sıralama

Rk.AdRtgFED1.Tur2.Tur3.Tur4.Tur5.Tur6.Tur7.TurPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Gonzalez Quiala Diego1502CUB 29b1 3b½ 10w1 2w1 8b1 6b1 4w½603029
2Almaguel Mendez Adrian Jesus1829CUB 12w1 10b½ 8w1 1b0 9w1 11b1 3w15,5032,528,5
3Acosta Guerrero Yadel Alejandro1598CUB 28b1 1w½ 11b1 7w1 6w1 4b½ 2b0503129,5
4Mac Farlane Patrick Randy1541CUB 23b½ 9w½ 28b1 18w1 19b1 3w½ 1b½5025,524
5Madruga Natcher Denis Daniel1465CUB 13w0 18b0 24w1 26b1 27w1 14b1 7b1502018,5
6Hernandez Elias Yurislandy1691CUB 16b1 21w1 19b1 13w1 3b0 1w0 8b½4,5028,525,5
7Neira Garcia Llirbel Anei1597CUB 22w1 14b1 13w½ 3b0 12w1 10b1 5w04,502825,5
8Rodriguez Martinez Dionys Mario1595CUB 20b1 27w1 2b0 15w1 1w0 18b1 6w½4,5026,525
9Guerra Turok Lucas1612CUB 14w0 4b½ 17b1 25w1 2b0 19w1 13w14,5026,524
10Portales Oliva Yohan Roman1587CUB 24b1 2w½ 1b0 29w1 13b1 7w0 21b14,5025,524,5
11Blanco Fuentes Marlon De Jesus1594CUB 18w1 13b0 3w0 20b1 16w1 2w0 19b14026,523,5
12Hechavarria Puga Lenier1498CUB 2b0 20w1 23b1 19w0 7b0 27w1 18w1402321,5
13Gonzalez Hernandez Derek Alejandro1700CUB 5b1 11w1 7b½ 6b0 10w0 23w1 9b03,5029,527
14Ruano Alvarez Sherley1423CUB 9b1 7w0 25b½ 16w½ 15b1 5w0 20b½3,502623,5
15Horrutiner Fonseca Samuel1461CUB 17b½ 23w½ 27b1 8b0 14w0 21b½ -13,502119,5
16Quesada Fuste Ignacio1436CUB 6w0 24b1 29w½ 14b½ 11b0 20w½ 25b13,5020,519,5
17Cardoza Diaz Aaron1699CUB 15w½ 19b0 9w0 22b1 18b0 24w1 23b13,5020,518,5
18Fumero Nicolas Miguel Angel0CUB 11b0 5w1 21b1 4b0 17w1 8w0 12b0302926
19Lorenzo Licourt Alejandro1453CUB 25b1 17w1 6w0 12b1 4w0 9b0 11w0302825,5
20Callol Rey Jean Daniel0CUB 8w0 12b0 22w1 11w0 28b1 16b½ 14w½3023,522
21Hernandez Arana Alejandro Jack1517CUB 26w1 6b0 18w0 23b½ 29b1 15w½ 10w03020,519,5
22Vega Izquierdo Daniel Antonio1243CUB 7b0 25w0 20b0 17w0 -1 29b1 28w1301716
23Perez Rivero Barbaro Ramon1234CUB 4w½ 15b½ 12w0 21w½ 25b1 13b0 17w02,5024,522
24Herrera Valencia Hector Enrique0CUB 10w0 16w0 5b0 -1 26w½ 17b0 27b12,5021,520
25Adela Campos Addiel1549CUB 19w0 22b1 14w½ 9b0 23w0 26b1 16w02,5021,519,5
26Roman Baso Dorian Sadek0CUB 21b0 28w0 -1 5w0 24b½ 25w0 29w12,501716
27Tapanes Barroso Brayan0CUB -1 8b0 15w0 28w1 5b0 12b0 24w0212321,5
28Leyte-Vidal Infante David1283CUB 3w0 26b1 4w0 27b0 20w0 -1 22b02020,519
29Rosales Perez Leroy0CUB 1w0 -1 16b½ 10b0 21w0 22w0 26b01,502422

Tay-brek1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tay-brek2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tay-brek3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)