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XVIII Campeonato de Málaga de Ajedrez Relampago (245519)

Última actualización22.02.2020 19:39:38, Propietario/Última carga: Spanish Chess Federation (Licence 332)

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Cuadro cruzado por ranking inicial

No.NombreEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1Matamoros Franco Carlos S.2553MA 22b1 14w1 10b1 4w1 9b1 3w1 11w17129,507
2Cordon Gutierrez Juan Pedro2311MA 23w1 13b1 11w1 3b0 21w0 14b1 9w15526,515
3Marquinez Capillas Francisco Jose2196MA 24b1 16w1 18b1 2w1 4b1 1b0 10w½5,5230,505
4Garrido Diaz Jose Antonio2135MA 25w1 15b1 21w1 1b0 3w0 16b1 13w15427,505
5Cobo Montejo Miguel Angel2127MA 26b1 18w0 7w½ 30b1 27w1 11b0 14w14,5132304
6Gutierrez Castillo Paloma2089MA 27w0 30b0 36w1 33b1 25w1 18b1 21w15819,505
7Lopez Guerrero Jose Miguel2014MA 29b1 20w½ 5b½ 16w1 11b½ 10w0 27b14,51126,503
8Garcia Del Campo Efren2005MA 30w½ 27b0 31w1 23b1 12b1 20w½ 22b15723,504
9Garrido Diaz Ernesto1982MA 31b1 39w1 27b1 20w1 1w0 21b1 2b05626,505
10Bressers Rene1980MA 32w1 19b1 1w0 18b1 13w1 7b1 3b½5,532805
11Gutierrez Curras Daniel1963MA 33w1 44w1 2b0 19b1 7w½ 5w1 1b04,5926,504
12Broekman Willem1921MA 34w1 21b0 25w1 43b1 8w0 42b1 20w½4,5122404
13Hidalgo Martin Daniel1912MA 35b1 2w0 26b1 22w1 10b0 37w1 4b041625,504
14Robles Sanchez Antonio Jose1900MA 36w1 1b0 28w1 21b0 41w1 2w0 5b03252603
15Maldonado Mena German1876MA 37b1 4w0 29b1 27w½ 20b0 22w0 23b02,53423,502
16Moreno Alberti Manuel Maria1864MA 38w1 3b0 32w1 7b0 28w1 4w0 37b14182404
17Martinez Gonzalez Francisco Javier1817MA 39b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -004416,500
18Rodriguez Galvez Pedro1780MA 40w1 5b1 3w0 10w0 24b1 6w0 41b14172504
19Gutierrez Lupion Nuria1756MA 41b1 10w0 39b1 11w0 37b0 35w0 44b02352202
20Garcia Fernandez Victor1718MA 42w1 7b½ 30w1 9b0 15w1 8b½ 12b½4,51026,503
21Perea Fruet Lorenzo1701MA 43b1 12w1 4b0 14w1 2b1 9w0 6b04142804
22Garzon Rodriguez Jose Manuel1660MA 1w0 34b1 42w1 13b0 43w1 15b1 8w041526,504
23Perea Sardon Francisco Javier1631MA 2b0 33w1 44b½ 8w0 42w0 36b1 15w13,52321,503
24Peña Rodriguez Victor1592MA 3w0 36b1 43w0 40b1 18w0 34b0 28w02362102
25Sanchez Quiles Jose Antonio1579MA 4b0 35w1 12b0 44w1 6b0 39w1 43b032624,503
26Casado Torres Daniel1562MA 5w0 38b1 13w0 41b0 40w0 33b1 32w023817,502
27Gomez Salva Roberto1550MA 6b1 8w1 9w0 15b½ 5b0 30w1 7w03,52127,503
28Lozano Aguilar Juan Francisco1515MA 44b0 37w1 14b0 39w1 16b0 41w0 24b133018,503
29Millan Ortiz Francisco Pablo1500MA 7w0 40b1 15w0 42b0 34w0 38b0 -124017,501
30Peña Rodriguez Alvaro1484MA 8b½ 6w1 20b0 5w0 44b1 27b0 34w13,5222603
31Henderson Franklin Matthew1471MA 9w0 42b0 8b0 35w0 39b0 -1 38w12372101
32Garcia Balderas Francisco Jose1468MA 10b0 41w1 16b0 37w0 38b1 43w0 26b132720,503
33Pommier Laurent1463MA 11b0 23b0 38w1 6w0 35b0 26w0 36b014319,501
34Valencia Moreno Marina1455MA 12b0 22w0 37b0 36w1 29b1 24w1 30b032918,503
35Molina Souponitskaia Alexander1450MA 13w0 25b0 40w0 31b1 33w1 19b1 42w033316,503
36Vidal Gamez Alfredo1444MA 14b0 24w0 6b0 34b0 -1 23w0 33w123917,501
37Gutierrez Romero Pablo1438MA 15w0 28b0 34w1 32b1 19w1 13b0 16w032819,503
38Mercado Martinez Alejandro1424MA 16b0 26w0 33b0 -1 32w0 29w1 31b024213,501
39Gutierrez Morales Antonio1349MA 17w+ 9b0 19w0 28b0 31w1 25b0 40w13311802
40Dominguez Lopez Antonio1297MA 18b0 29w0 35b1 24w0 26b1 44w0 39b02411702
41Ortiz Valero Salvador1276MA 19w0 32b0 -1 26w1 14b0 28b1 18w03321702
42Sanchez Morales Samuel1198MA 20b0 31w1 22b0 29w1 23b1 12w0 35b14192104
43Romero Soler Saul1180MA 21w0 -1 24b1 12w0 22b0 32b1 25w14202103
44Perea Fruet Federico1177MA 28w1 11b0 23w½ 25b0 30w0 40b1 19w13,52419,503

Desempate 1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 2: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Desempate 3: The greater number of victories (variable)