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WESVALIA 2020 SECTION C Rating 700-999

Posledná aktualizácia 15.02.2020 17:09:06, Creator: Jacobus Fouche,Last Upload: Martha Laas

Search for player Hladaj

Konečná tabuľka po 5 kolách

Por.TMenoEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdBody TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Mazinyo Mpumelelo901RSA 58w1 34b1 8w1 29b1 6w150514,5
2Baloyi Bokamoso963RSA 43w1 14b1 35w1 11b½ 12w14,50414,5
3Pretorius Martin904RSA 49w1 42b1 4w1 26b1 11w½4,50414
4Fouche Heinrich1039RSA 37b1 7w1 3b0 27w1 16b140416,5
5Boitshepo Shole639RSA 24w1 9b1 6w0 22b1 30w140416,5
6Fernandes Alanzo953RSA 40b1 51w1 5b1 12w1 1b040415
7Boipelo Kobua883RSA 17w1 4b0 37w1 15b1 20b140415
8Mputela Jean-Luc999RSA 38b1 19w1 1b0 39w1 18b140415
9Van Der Merwe Devan895RSA 41b1 5w0 36b1 34w1 13b140413
10Goede Kari890RSA 56w1 15b0 14w1 17b1 26w140412
11Lloyd Markus814RSA 30w1 16b1 13b1 2w½ 3b½40317,5
12Mostert Christiaan1015RSA 23w1 39b1 22w1 6b0 2b030316,5
13Moeng Lesedi994RSA 44w1 31b1 11w0 19b1 9w030315,5
14Majoang Ofentse763RSA 18b1 2w0 10b0 46w1 39b130315,5
15Devenish Tara-Jane576RSA 27b0 10w1 46b1 7w0 38b130315
16Van Der Westhuizen Annemarie936RSA 52b1 11w0 38b1 21b1 4w030313,5
17Thebe Boitshepo531RSA 7b0 50w1 47b1 10w0 40b130313,5
18Nel Zelmari926RSA 14w0 53b1 31w1 35b1 8w030313
19Booysen Heuwin858RSA 33b1 8b0 42w1 13w0 37b130313
20Simelane Nhlanhla942RSA 36w0 49b1 44w1 23b1 7w030312,5
21Matlala Unathi774RSA 60w1 28b1 26b0 16w0 34b130312,5
22Janse Van Rensburg Nian922RSA 51b1 40w1 12b0 5w0 36b130312
Krugel Lian843RSA 12b0 62w1 25b1 20w0 41b130312
24Meyer Jared852RSA 5b0 41w1 34b0 45w1 35b130312
25Oosthuizen Ockert946RSA 48w1 35b0 23w0 52b1 29w13039,5
26Fouche Nathan980RSA -1 36b1 21w1 3w0 10b030215,5
27Cordier Tristian844RSA 15w1 59b1 29w½ 4b0 28w½30212,5
28Van Lill Johan904RSA 45b1 21w0 48b½ 32w1 27b½30212
29Howard Hugo997RSA 62b1 32w1 27b½ 1w0 25b02,50214,5
30Ward Ashton992RSA 11b0 52w1 32b½ 48w1 5b02,50212,5
31Koorsen Marnus789RSA 47b1 13w0 18b0 33w½ 48b12,50211,5
32De Bruyn Chanique849RSA 57b1 29b0 30w½ 28b0 49w12,50210
33Labase Busisiwe612RSA 19w0 38w0 -1 31b½ 50b12,50110
34Maneli Khanyisile598RSA 46b1 1w0 24w1 9b0 21w020217
35Setai Selebalo712RSA 50b1 25w1 2b0 18w0 24w020215
36Handford Cassidy773RSA 20b1 26w0 9w0 43b1 22w020215
37Erasmus Jandre732RSA 4w0 55w1 7b0 44b1 19w020213,5
38Jooste Johannes839RSA 8w0 33b1 16w0 54b1 15w020213,5
39Goldschagg Mia879RSA 59b1 12w0 45b1 8b0 14w020212
Jooste Jayden779RSA 6w0 22b0 59w1 42b1 17w020212
41Venter Johannes722RSA 9w0 24b0 53w1 56b1 23w020212
42Clarke Willie647RSA 55b1 3w0 19b0 40w0 53w120211,5
43Terblanchr Marco0RSA 2b0 -0 51w1 36w0 59b120210
44Carney Alexander824RSA 13b0 57w1 20b0 37w0 54w120210
Wessels Jaco736RSA 28w0 54b1 39w0 24b0 55w120210
46Botha Zak849RSA 34w0 56b1 15w0 14b0 57w12029
47Nel Johanco973RSA 31w0 48b0 17w0 51b1 52w12028,5
48Fernandes Aleandro775RSA 25b0 47w1 28w½ 30b0 31w01,50113
49Makale Tlotliso736RSA 3b0 20w0 55b1 50w½ 32b01,50112
50Kaelo Chibysi793RSA 35w0 17b0 56w1 49b½ 33w01,5019
51Havenga Shaylee746RSA 22w0 6b0 43b0 47w0 62b110112,5
52Wessels Hanu767RSA 16w0 30b0 62w+ 25w0 47b010111,5
53Saunderson Ane895RSA -0 18w0 41b0 59w1 42b010110
54Saliwe Xolisiwe756RSA -0 45w0 57b1 38w0 44b01019,5
55Weyer Mieke872RSA 42w0 37b0 49w0 62b+ 45b01018
56Van Wyk Mia721RSA 10b0 46w0 50b0 41w0 -11009,5
57Fernandes Alischke585RSA 32w0 44b0 54w0 -1 46b01008,5
58Gweshe Mazvita734RSA 1b0 -0 -0 -0 -000012
59Motepe Itumeleng657RSA 39w0 27w0 40b0 53b0 43w000011
60Mostert Dawid Erich942RSA 21b0 -0 -0 -0 -000010
Setai Kananelo930RSA -0 -0 -0 -0 -000010
Grobbelaar Hannes627RSA 29w0 23b0 52b- 55w- 51w000010

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)