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Fase Prèvia C. Catalunya edats 2020, Camp de Tarragona SUB-12

Darrera actualització07.03.2020 20:12:26, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Ruben Morales Medel

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Taula creuada pel rànquing inicial

Núm.NomElo1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts.Ordre Des1  Des2  Des3 
1Domene Mulyukov Alexander2053 30w1 36b1 28w1 9b1 4w1 2w1612222,50
2Ferre Cebrian Guifre1828 31b1 35w1 47b1 5w1 45w1 1b05421,524,50
3De La Torre Regadera Pol1739 32w1 40b1 45w0 36b1 35w1 34b15517,5200
4Tabuenca Munuera Gerard1643 33b1 39w1 49b1 10w1 1b0 41w15222260
5Bergaretxe Gavalda Unai1534 34w1 43b1 48w1 2b0 44w1 45b½4,5620230
6Sole Robert Roger1502 -0 -0 20b1 37w1 31b+ 44b032815,5170
7Portal Salvat Roger1500 35b0 31w0 37b0 57w1 55b1 58w02421314,50
8Nolla Castro Ivan1492 36w0 30b1 38w+ 45b0 48w0 28b023916,5170
9Domene Mulyukova Catarina1490 37b1 41w1 53b1 1w0 47b1 10w1532224,50
10Sero Angles Nil1485 38w1 44b1 54w1 4b0 43w1 9b04820,5230
11Navarro Bullo Santiago1476 39b0 33w0 51b- -0 14w- -005514150
12Gallego Torre Iker1468 40w0 32b0 52w0 30b1 38w- -01531313,50
13Fernandez Pombal Roberto1464 41b0 37w1 39b0 42w½ 25b1 22w13,52015,5170
14Navarro Gallardo Sara1464 42w- 34b- -0 15w½ 11b+ 40b½24313140
15Aguado Fonts Kevin1460 43b- 38b0 21w0 14b½ 58w0 -11,5471414,50
16Sabate Benito Gerard1460 44w0 46b0 25w- -0 -0 -005712130
17Estebanell Aguilo Albert1456 45b- 50b0 30w1 54b0 40w0 55w015013,5140
18Baget Florido Leire1448 46w1 45b0 36w0 40b1 50w0 52b½2,53416,518,50
19Ramos Ramon Gerard1448 47b0 51w1 41b0 55w1 33b0 37w023816,518,50
20Torres Marzal Anaïs1440 48w0 52b0 6w0 -1 42b- -014914150
21Fidalgo Galofré Marc1436 49b0 55w0 15b1 56w0 57b- -01521314,50
22Arbo Olmos Guifre1435 50w1 48b0 40w1 43b0 52w½ 13b02,5351618,50
23Verge Balada Sergi1432 51b1 47w0 42b1 39w1 41b0 49w141218,520,51
24Baquedano Padilla Bruno1428 52w1 54b0 43w0 46b1 36w0 29b024016180
25Baquedano Padilla Sofia1428 53b0 57w0 16b+ 50b0 13w0 30b124113,5140
26Garcia Baules Joan1428 54w- 56b- -0 -0 -0 -005612,513,50
27Pulido Pedrosa Eric1428 55b1 49w0 56b1 41w0 39b0 57w132416,5180
28Van Der Linde Cas1428 56w1 58b1 1b0 47w0 53b0 8w13231920,50
29Rodriguez Antequera Biel1424 57b1 53w0 55b1 49w0 56b0 24w133014,5160
30Aloy Rayo Neus1420 1b0 8w0 17b0 12w0 51b+ 25w015412,5130
31Ferrer Fuster Adriàn1420 2w0 7b1 44w0 58b1 6w- -023718200
32Ibarz Guasch Jan1419 3b0 12w1 57b1 53w1 49b0 47w03221920,50
33Ariste Rodriguez Biel1414 4w0 11b1 46w1 44b0 19w1 48b141916180
34Saldaña Portella Eric1412 5b0 14w+ 50w1 48b1 54w1 3w041518200
35Del Hallazgo Grau Arnau1411 7w1 2b0 58w1 52b1 3b0 53w032119,521,50
36Mestre Carcelle Marti1407 8b1 1w0 18b1 3w0 24b1 54w14161819,50
37Mora Foix Marc1407 9w0 13b0 7w1 6b0 46w+ 19b13261617,50
38Buqueras Sanjurjo Leo1388 10b0 15w1 8b- -0 12b- -01481516,50
39Merino Gallardo David1374 11w1 4b0 13w1 23b0 27w1 50b141318,520,50
40Milla Domenech Laia1372 12b1 3w0 22b0 18w0 17b1 14w½2,5361516,50
41Espinosa Carbó David1369 13w1 9b0 19w1 27b1 23w1 4b04920,522,50
42Marti Matas Jan1369 14b+ -0 23w0 13b½ 20w- -01,5461719,50
43Salvat Gimenez Ferran1366 15w+ 5w0 24b1 22w1 10b0 56w141816180
44Moya Serra Arnau1358 16b1 10w0 31b1 33w1 5b0 6w141119210
45Lara Fernandez Guillem1354 17w+ 18w1 3b1 8w1 2b0 5w½4,5719,5210
46Pallares Sole Pau1354 18b0 16w1 33b0 24w0 37b- -015113150
47Vallve Fortuny Lluc1350 19w1 23b1 2w0 28b1 9w0 32b141020220
48Sanchez Sedo Jana1349 20b1 22w1 5b0 34w0 8b1 33w03271617,50
49Armora Daura Anna1344 21w1 27b1 4w0 29b1 32w1 23b041418200
50Martí Martinez Marc1334 22b0 17w1 34b0 25w1 18b1 39w03311415,50
51Besora Ciupe Xavier1308 23w0 19b0 11w- -0 30w- -005812130
52Garcia Barrio Álex1305 24b0 20w1 12b1 35w0 22b½ 18w½3331213,50
53Norberto González Marc1304 25w1 29b1 9w0 32b0 28w1 35b14171718,50
54Ferrer Fuster Àlex1302 26b+ 24w1 10b0 17w1 34b0 36b03251617,50
55González Ceresuela Guifré1292 27w0 21b1 29w0 19b0 7w0 17b12451213,50
56Saber-Pacha Sah Ismael1275 28b0 26w+ 27w0 21b1 29w1 43b032914,516,50
57Guimera Sales Arnau1270 29w0 25b1 32w0 7b0 21w+ 27b024412,5140
58Ferrete Estudillo Nil1256 -1 28w0 35b0 31w0 15b1 7b133213,5150

Desempat1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempat2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempat3: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)